the church


the church teaches:


“Those churches that openly deny, vigorously oppose, and even blaspheme the doctrines of grace- the five points of Calvinism- while teaching with equal vigor, conditional election, universal atonement, the goodness and spiritual ability of the unregenerated sinner, conversion dependent upon the free will of the sinner, resistible grace, and the falling away of the saints are also false churches… They are false churches as much as is Rome.

The Canons of Dordt express the authoritative judgment of the Reformed churches upon the Arminian heresy when they damn the Arminian doctrines of conditional, resistible grace, specifically the Arminian doctrine of universal atonement, as “the Pelagian error out of hell.”

No believer may be a member of these churches. Every believer who finds himself or herself in one of these churches is duty-bound to leave it. Now!

And where a believer finds himself of herself in a congregation and denomination that is beginning to take on the marks of the false church in a very definite way, he or she must fight that beginning with all the determination of the urgency of the threat of the false church and the calling to be a member of the true church. Either the church repents, or the believer is cast out, or he or she, having protested and prayed, must leave for a faithful, true church”.

[ Prof. David J. Engelsma]


once again tulipbee relies on the word of man
-tulip is man made
-you are not totally depraved
-you might be saved

"Are we then so corrupt that we are wholly incapable of doing any good, and inclined to all wickedness? INDEED WE ARE; except we are regenerated by the Spirit of God." - Heidelberg Catechism


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who can you trust?
-you can trust the church Jesus gave us
-it is built on a rock
-the gates of hell shall not prevail against it