the church


Well-known member
GT accuses you of not having the Holy Spirit, and then says you're the accuser, because you ask if GT sins ever.

Good luck with this one.
I'm new here, I don't know you all. And I don't judge anyone even though I may not agree with their religion or denomination, I'm just flesh, the word of God judges. Someone here judged me the other day, without even realising. They were talking to someone else, but I knew it was for me. And I took it to myself.

I have enough wrong with me. But I'm a sinner, I'm not perfect and it's only by the grace of God that I'm blessed with his spirit and he's saving me daily.

I don't agree with those who sat were saved and going to heaven regardless of what we do. Even wilful sinning. I don't believe that's right. I believe that when we realise we've done wrong, we go to God and say sorry, and if we can, we put it right

I've never heard anyone say they are completely sinless though. Only Jesus was sin free.

Eagles Wings

New member
By the way, I don't believe that we are eternally saved, but saved daily from Satan by the spirit. He cleans out our hearts and he's turning is from sin

I believe me must endure till the end of our lives and keep our faith and obey God to be eternally saved
If you have no Blessed Assurance that you will endure unto Glory, it seems you believe that your works, are the final factor.

I rest in the Godhead to complete the work They started in me.

Of course, there is human responsibility to study Scripture, pray, attend church, live a holy life, with God's grace, and yet even this, is accomplished only with the Spirit's abiding in the believer.

Right Divider

Body part
You better just answer my question instead of all this trickery. Are you, or are you not a trespasser? Do you, or do you not pray the following:?

"Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses."

Just yes or no, and then we can continue. Right now you're being passive aggressive with me and I'm not here to find out why, I'm just here saying to stop it.
Why are YOU unable to ACCURATELY quote the WORD OF GOD?

Matt 6:9-13 (AKJV/PCE)
(6:9) After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. (6:10) Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven. (6:11) Give us this day our daily bread. (6:12) And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (6:13) And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

You put a PERIOD where there is NO END of the SENTENCE.

Very shameful of you.


Why are YOU unable to ACCURATELY quote the WORD OF GOD?
Matt 6:9-13 (AKJV/PCE)
(6:9) After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. (6:10) Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven. (6:11) Give us this day our daily bread. (6:12) And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (6:13) And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

You put a PERIOD where there is NO END of the SENTENCE.

Very shameful of you.
Get bent.


Well-known member
If you have no Blessed Assurance that you will endure unto Glory, it seems you believe that your works, are the final factor.

I rest in the Godhead to complete the work They started in me.

Of course, there is human responsibility to study Scripture, pray, attend church, live a holy life, with God's grace, and yet even this, is accomplished only with the Spirit's abiding in the believer.
Jesus said clearly that those who endure to the end the same shall be saved. We're saved from our past sins when we repent, then saved daily by the spirit. I believe that we must obey God and listen to our conscience

We ask in our daily prayer for God to forgive us our sins. So it's not a one off forgiveness of once saved always saved.

And no, there's nothing that I do that's saving me, it's all God and only through Christ Jesus. Without Gods spirit in my heart I'd be dead in my sins.

I think it's wrong to say that once we're saved were always saved. I was talking to someone regarding this and they truly believed that they could wilfully sin and they were going to heaven no problem. I'm afraid that isn't the way God, and it's certainly not what Jesus taught!

Eagles Wings

New member
Jesus said clearly that those who endure to the end the same shall be saved. We're saved from our past sins when we repent, then saved daily by the spirit. I believe that we must obey God and listen to our conscience

We ask in our daily prayer for God to forgive us our sins. So it's not a one off forgiveness of once saved always saved.

And no, there's nothing that I do that's saving me, it's all God and only through Christ Jesus. Without Gods spirit in my heart I'd be dead in my sins.

I think it's wrong to say that once we're saved were always saved. I was talking to someone regarding this and they truly believed that they could wilfully sin and they were going to heaven no problem. I'm afraid that isn't the way God, and it's certainly not what Jesus taught!
Romans 8:38-39 is all the assurance the believer needs. By Christ we are secured.

Eagles Wings

New member
Do you believe that you can wilfully sin before God and be ok?
Believers are not preserved from falling, but from falling away.

Believers are tempted, but are not destroyed by it.

Believers sin, but not unto death.

Psalm 37:24 is another assurance from our Savior. David knew well what this meant as he rejoiced in the Lord's restoration.

God's Truth

New member
Why can't you answer my question? It's simple enough!

I have already told you and then we were speaking about that scripture you did not understand.

Since you do not want to talk according to the scripture, think about why you only want to accuse.

God's Truth

New member
I'm new here, I don't know you all. And I don't judge anyone even though I may not agree with their religion or denomination, I'm just flesh, the word of God judges. Someone here judged me the other day, without even realising. They were talking to someone else, but I knew it was for me. And I took it to myself.

I have enough wrong with me. But I'm a sinner, I'm not perfect and it's only by the grace of God that I'm blessed with his spirit and he's saving me daily.

I don't agree with those who sat were saved and going to heaven regardless of what we do. Even wilful sinning. I don't believe that's right. I believe that when we realise we've done wrong, we go to God and say sorry, and if we can, we put it right

I've never heard anyone say they are completely sinless though. Only Jesus was sin free.

He is not telling the truth about me. Where have I said you did not have the Holy Spirit?

God's Truth

New member
By the way, I don't believe that we are eternally saved, but saved daily from Satan by the spirit. He cleans out our hearts and he's turning is from sin

I believe me must endure till the end of our lives and keep our faith and obey God to be eternally saved

I am sure that I am eternally saved. That does not mean I don't believe people can lose their salvation.

However, what does that have to do with the scripture that we are talking about? That scripture is about NEVER being saved in the first place.

God's Truth

New member
Verse 13 of Phil. 2, says, "FOR, it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

It matters very much that we live lives of obedience and hate sin.

That scripture says God works in us to make us WANT to obey Him.

God is our Helper.

It does not mean people cannot sin and fall away.