The call me Fearless...


Well-known member
I enjoy a good challenge.

If you are referring to the thread I posted, please direct your question there. Not that I am afraid of answering your charges, I just don't want to debate the points on two different threads.

Thank you. :)

Sorry, you've posted so many threads in so short a time about milk I must have gotten mixed up. I probably won't be able to find my way back through the maze, but I'm sure you'll have an opportunity down the road to address my question.
Welcome to TOL, Fearless. :)

Thank you. :)

Sorry, you've posted so many threads in so short a time about milk I must have gotten mixed up. I probably won't be able to find my way back through the maze, but I'm sure you'll have an opportunity down the road to address my question.

You've miss-attributed. I only have two threads, this one, and This one you refer to (click me to address your question to the appropriate thread).

I saw the threads about milk but haven't bothered with them. Why you would think those are mine I haven't the foggiest since they obviously are not.


Well-known member
Thank you. :)

You've miss-attributed. I only have two threads, this one, and This one you refer to (click me to address your question to the appropriate thread).

I saw the threads about milk but haven't bothered with them. Why you would think those are mine I haven't the foggiest since they obviously are not.

Oh, dumb me. I never have claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm kinda used to someone coming on and posting a whole bunch of threads under similar headings. I'll try to remember to clean my glasses before I open my mouth next time. I'm a :loser: tonight, that's for sure. I apologize and will just have to re-welcome you to the forum.
are you a Squeaky-sock? :noway:

I don't engage in sockpuppetry.

Oh, dumb me. I never have claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm kinda used to someone coming on and posting a whole bunch of threads under similar headings. I'll try to remember to clean my glasses before I open my mouth next time. I'm a :loser: tonight, that's for sure. I apologize and will just have to re-welcome you to the forum.

Thank you for your self correction and your welcome. :)

Now don't be blaming him for my mistake, resurrected. And don't start any rumours on my account, either. In fact, just forget I said anything, and we'll both be better off. ;)

aww shucks :(



Well-known member
While you are making bold assumption of me without much actual knowledge of my own personal struggle I will only point out one fact of myself that you may not realize.

I want to believe. I want there to be a god of love and justice who will pay evil for evil and good for good. I want there to be a heaven, and want absolute justice to be served. It's a comforting way to think of things, but in practical terms there is no way of knowing for certain. Not at the moment at an rate.
One more thing about me then, I've been a pastor. I've had this discussion many many times and Solomon was right: There is nothing new under the sun. I'm not diminishing your individuality and I did say I only know you insomuch as the human condition is repeatable and patterned. I absolutely concede this point. I do believe your faith in God can and will be restored.

You cannot and do not know how I struggled to justify and rationalize my faith against the facts of the world unfolding around me. To assert otherwise is an exercise in arrogance.
Time will tell but I believe we are an all too predictable species. It isn't mind-reading and far from it.
Keep up the good fight (bootcamp of faith is really really hard on some of us).
One more thing about me then, I've been a pastor. I've had this discussion many many times and Solomon was right: There is nothing new under the sun. I'm not diminishing your individuality and I did say I only know you insomuch as the human condition is repeatable and patterned. I absolutely concede this point. I do believe your faith in God can and will be restored.

Perhaps so, but even if I don't think it will prove to validate the Abrahmic faiths in any way.

Time will tell but I believe we are an all too predictable species. It isn't mind-reading and far from it.
Keep up the good fight (bootcamp of faith is really really hard on some of us).

Eh, there was some cognitive dissonance I had to deal with, but all in all my journey has been positive and uplifting. I'm a happy atheist in most respects. :)


Well-known member
I want to believe. I want there to be a god of love and justice who will pay evil for evil and good for good. I want there to be a heaven, and want absolute justice to be served. It's a comforting way to think of things.

I'm having a hard time wading between these two, to respond in a way that will be meaningful. Care to help?
(Try to keep them both intact for me but distinguish between them for me?)

Eh, there was some cognitive dissonance I had to deal with, but all in all my journey has been positive and uplifting. I'm a happy atheist in most respects. :)
I'm having a hard time wading between these two, to respond in a way that will be meaningful. Care to help?
(Try to keep them both intact for me but distinguish between them for me?)

Well, as I said I was brought up to believe, but stacking reality against what I believe caused doubts.

I would rather believe the ugly truth than absorb myself with comforting lies. That being said, while it is nice to think, "Hey, when I die I get to go to heaven and be surrounded with awesome," the reality is that this may not be the case.

Even when I was a devout believer my biggest fear of death wasn't hellfire, but the great big nothing. Non-existence terrified me more than threats of hell.

But the fact is that we don't know, and cannot know, what comes after this life... and it very well may be nothing. As I've pondered on all these possibilities it occurred to me that I didn't exist for billions of years and it never bothered me. I suppose if nothing is what comes next, it won't bother me anymore than what came before.


Well-known member
Well, as I said I was brought up to believe, but stacking reality against what I believe caused doubts.

I would rather believe the ugly truth than absorb myself with comforting lies. That being said, while it is nice to think, "Hey, when I die I get to go to heaven and be surrounded with awesome," the reality is that this may not be the case.

Even when I was a devout believer my biggest fear of death wasn't hellfire, but the great big nothing. Non-existence terrified me more than threats of hell.

But the fact is that we don't know, and cannot know, what comes after this life... and it very well may be nothing. As I've pondered on all these possibilities it occurred to me that I didn't exist for billions of years and it never bothered me. I suppose if nothing is what comes next, it won't bother me anymore than what came before.

That's actually not true. When the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you.....after you have been fully persuaded, there is no denying it and there is no more "not knowing." He is an ever present source of comfort and strength, and when so many prayers are answered that you can no longer call them a coincidence, you'll be able to testify about the power of God to others. There is nothing so convincing as having a blind man say, "I don't know how it happened, but now I can see."
That's actually not true. When the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you.....after you have been fully persuaded, there is no denying it and there is no more "not knowing." He is an ever present source of comfort and strength, and when so many prayers are answered that you can no longer call them a coincidence, you'll be able to testify about the power of God to others. There is nothing so convincing as having a blind man say, "I don't know how it happened, but now I can see."

People can fully persuade themselves to believe in anything, that doesn't make it true. And frankly claims of the holy spirit I think are nothing more than a figment of human imagination. Prayers being answered or not is not a much a matter of coincidence as it is a matter of confirmation bias. We tend to accept as evidence that which confirms our preconceived notions and either ignore or rationalize that which debunks them. Not only that, but time and again science has demonstrated that while prayer may have some beneficent effects on psychology, it has no tangible effect on outcome, and furthermore meditation without the invocation of a supernatural being has the same effect as prayer.

Was the blind man the recipient of eye surgery? If not, how many documented cases of this can you provide (that aren't the result of a charlatan faith healing preacher)?