The Breath Of Life


New member
Amen......This kind of seeing. When you perceive through the Spirit who and what the Son is, that was standing there speaking, then you have seen the Father. The Father is Spirit, and as all seeds bear fruit after their own kind, so is His Son. This perception is what Peter received via the Father when he replied, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living G-d." And so, THIS perception, is the rock that He first builds upon. Peace


New member
Exactly what kind of "seeing" do you suppose is meant in that passage?

Normal vision. They could see Jesus even with one eye closed.

Jesus represents the Father in image and likeness the same as the rest of us.


New member
If the flesh and blood standing in front of them was all they needed to see, then the Father wouldn't have had to reveal Him to Peter. Peace


Well-known member
Normal vision. They could see Jesus even with one eye closed.

Jesus represents the Father in image and likeness the same as the rest of us.

I suppose that leaves you out then unless you yourself have seen Yeshua in the physical realm with normal vision? I guess since even Paul also says that knowing Messiah after the flesh is over and done then you will never see the Father either because you will never see Messiah after the flesh or "normally"? Unless by normal you mean plucking out your right eye and seeing in the supernal Way? Is that what you mean by normal vision? For some that is indeed normal vision but somehow I do not think that is what you meant by "one eye closed". Get to plucking: for every eye shall "see" him. :chuckle: