The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?


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The angels are literal.
Probably so.
But none of us know everything an "angel" is literally composed of, or what they all literally look like, or what they all literally do all day long.

The wind is literal.
OK, how do you arrive at the conclusion that when Revelation uses the word "wind", it is always literal wind?

The land is literal.
So the beast rises out of a literal sea?
Cool! Like a Titan.

The sea is literal.
So the other beast rises out of literal land?
Cool! Like a Titan.

The trees are literal.
The OT uses "trees" often to symbolize kings/kingdoms.
John uses a whole whole whole lot of OT symbolism.


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That's funny coming from the person that cannot even determine what sound reasoning is.

Your posts are unreasonable.

Arial is a wildcat that can dish it out too!
She'll fit right in with the crowd that likes to be snitty to someone who is not on the same level as they are with logic, reasoning, common sense, understanding, bible knowledge, etc etc etc ........

It's very popular.

But just so you know, let me inform you ..........

No one else here is more advanced in understanding the Bible than I am.
No one else here has more common sense than me.
No one else here can beat me in logical thinking.
I'm brilliant! And good looking too!
So there!
With love,


Well-known member
Good common sense? Really? So who makes the determination of good, of common, of sense? Don't you really mean, whatever you reason out is sound reason? And anything opposed to that is not sound reason?

I am sick of you people. All I hear in this thread, for the most part, Tam accepted, is a bunch of bluster and insult and pride and arrogance aimed at those who disagree with you all. And such contempt for others!! None of that has a place in the household of God. I have not seen a trace of focus on God, but only on the head knowledge that can be spewed. Not an ounce of any sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit going on. Not one iota of the fruit that salvation should be producing. Not even the primary indication that one is saved----love for the brethren. I do see hate for the brethren.

Hate: feel intense or passionate dislike for someone. Which on this joke of a forum is anyone who does not agree with MAD. 1John 3:15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
1 John 2:9 Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.
(Oh. John wrote that. It doesn't apply to you but only to the Jews.)

God corrects and disciplines His children so surely, if the MAD triangle in this thread are His children, He is correcting you, but not only will you not listen to Him, or don't hear Him, or---but you refuse to repent. In fact, as you have said before, "I have done nothing to repent of, I have done nothing wrong." you all will tell yourselves that same lie and carry on. You bring absolutely no praise or glory to His name but only seek it for yourselves. It is as though God, in your "Christianity", is peripheral and the center is how smart you think you sound. Very very sad, and a sad evidence of the condition of Christ's church. Plus none of you sound very smart. The reasoning displayed is so flawed it shouldn't even be call reasoning.

So you can have the thread and you can have the stinkin' joke of a forum. Theology? Christian? What a joke.
Seriously, you are very annoying ....grilling people like you're the school principal.
You aren't.

You simply aren't the teacher you fancy yourself to be, and you aren't a bit nice either.
Ye gads.....get over yourself.

You're just one of the pupils in this class. A rather uppity one to boot.


Well-known member
The angels are literal.
The wind is literal.
The land is literal.
The sea is literal.
The trees are literal.


Sound reason is based on the laws of logic which are a reflection of the nature of the Creator.

The laws of logic are not that difficult, except for someone like you.
Uh oh, the school principal caught you after school.

The Beast, however, is a man.

Right Divider

Body part
Probably so.
But none of us know everything an "angel" is literally composed of, or what they all literally look like, or what they all literally do all day long.
We don't need to know any of those things to know that the angels are literally angels.
OK, how do you arrive at the conclusion that when Revelation uses the word "wind", it is always literal wind?
A) I never said that Revelation ALWAYS uses literal wind.
B) Do you have any reason to believe, from the text, that it's not literal wind?
So the beast rises out of a literal sea?
Cool! Like a Titan.
Again, is there anything in the text of Rev 7 that indicates a non-literal sea?
So the other beast rises out of literal land?
Cool! Like a Titan.
Again, is there anything in the text of Rev 7 that indicates a non-literal earth?
The OT uses "trees" often to symbolize kings/kingdoms.
Irrelevant to individual instances. Again, any reason to believe that Rev 7 is talking about non-literal trees?
John uses a whole whole whole lot of OT symbolism.
Indeed, so what? That does not means that everything is symbolic.


Well-known member
We don't need to know any of those things to know that the angels are literally angels.

A) I never said that Revelation ALWAYS uses literal wind.
B) Do you have any reason to believe, from the text, that it's not literal wind?

Again, is there anything in the text of Rev 7 that indicates a non-literal sea?

Again, is there anything in the text of Rev 7 that indicates a non-literal earth?

Irrelevant to individual instances. Again, any reason to believe that Rev 7 is talking about non-literal trees?

Indeed, so what? That does not means that everything is symbolic.
Instead of grilling people on these details, why don't we pick out one thing and look through the Bible and see if we can find any insights. Not just guesses but scripture will always support itself if we look hard enough.


Well-known member

Arial is a wildcat that can dish it out too!
She'll fit right in with the crowd that likes to be snitty to someone who is not on the same level as they are with logic, reasoning, common sense, understanding, bible knowledge, etc etc etc ........

It's very popular.

But just so you know, let me inform you ..........

No one else here is more advanced in understanding the Bible than I am.
No one else here has more common sense than me.
No one else here can beat me in logical thinking.
I'm brilliant! And good looking too!
So there!
With love,
You have proven yourself.....for years. I'm sure we all know what you're capable of when you're not busy defending someone. ;)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There is one other reference in the Bible to the number 666 and it relates to Solomon.
There are two 666 references in the Bible that concern Solomon /Jedidiah. There's also another 666 that refers to how many people are in a family or clan or something like that. So all told there are four 666's in the Bible. If you are not aware.
If you are not aware, Solomon is both a type of Christ (during his early faithful ministry) and the anti-Christ (during his later apostate period).
That's an interpretation. Solomon is a king /monarch. And the 666 refers to Solomon's gold. Nero was an emperor /autocrat. Nero's gold says his name right on it.


Well-known member
There are two 666 references in the Bible that concern Solomon /Jedidiah. There's also another 666 that refers to how many people are in a family or clan or something like that. So all told there are four 666's in the Bible. If you are not aware.

That's an interpretation. Solomon is a king /monarch. And the 666 refers to Solomon's gold. Nero was an emperor /autocrat. Nero's gold says his name right on it.
Well, since Nero is not alive anymore, there must be someone else who has a lot of gold. The Pope?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's an interesting theory I know of as well.

But does Solomon's name equal 666?

Revelation 13:17 ESV
(17) so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

And who would have the worse crime, Solomon or Dan?

It's no so plain.
If Nero is Mr. 666 then "the name of the beast" is literally on the coins made for him.

Logic check: If Nero is Mr. 666 and his name is printed on a coin, is it true that that coin has upon it "the name of the beast or the number of its name"? Even if there are zero coins with '666'? If you have to deal in coins with Nero's image and name if you need to "buy or sell", then what does Revelation 13:17 say? Basically that conducting business /commerce involves currency. Right?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Well, since Nero is not alive anymore, there must be someone else who has a lot of gold. The Pope?
The gold just confirms but doesn't prove it's Nero.

What substantiates the claim that it's Nero is the gematria, number one; and the ancient tradition that it's Nero, that was written about by members of the Church; much closer in time to when Revelation was first written, than we are now.


Well-known member
The gold just confirms but doesn't prove it's Nero.

What substantiates the claim that it's Nero is the gematria, number one; and the ancient tradition that it's Nero, that was written about by members of the Church; much closer in time to when Revelation was first written, than we are now.
Hmmm....well, it still doesn't make sense that it's Nero. Perhaps he was the first antichrist of note.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The angels are literal.
The wind is literal.
The land is literal.
The sea is literal.
The trees are literal.


Sound reason is based on the laws of logic which are a reflection of the nature of the Creator.

The laws of logic are not that difficult, except for someone like you.
So chapter 12's " woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown" is literally Mary then? Mary is all throughout that chapter.