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It appears as though "Rusha" my fellow Poster, has bought into EVERY negative position on our beloved President and Commander-in-Chief. She truly has ingested way too many gallons of Leftist Kool-Aid.

Is it possible that the truth about Trump lies somewhere in the middle? Maybe between those who have complete contempt and those like yourself who refuse to criticize any thing at all?

There's plenty of kool-aid to go around and both sides are chugging it.

Grosnick Marowbe

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I realize our country is divided into different parts. We have the Conservative Trump voters/supporters and the Far-left-wing Democrats. In between these two, there are the Independents, the fence sitters, and the non-voters. I also must include the all out Communists, and Anarchists. These last two groups are dedicated to the end of our Nation and desire to create a so-called, "Socialist Utopia." In other words, a Dictatorship like China, Russia, and North Korea. I call Communism a dictatorship because Communism always begets dictatorship/Totalitarianism.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Is it possible that the truth about Trump lies somewhere in the middle? Maybe between those who have complete contempt and those like yourself who refuse to criticize any thing at all?

There's plenty of kool-aid to go around and both sides are chugging it.

I disagree with the President on a few things. However, I see the BIG picture and concentrate on that. I believe the President needs to place some more focus on taking care of the Antifa situation. If I were able to give him a piece of advice, it would be the following; Place Sheriff David Clarke in charge of disbanding the Antifa "Terrorist/Violent Revolutionists" group of thugs that are wreaking havoc around our Nation.

Grosnick Marowbe

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President Trump is being interfered with by Democrat/Republican obstructionists who thwart him at every turn, making it nearly impossible to get anything done. Of course, that is their goal. The "Obstructionists," in their efforts to stop Trump, have a willingness to turn our Nation into "Collateral Damage." As I've stated before, they suffer from "SORELOSERITIS." They cannot and will not accept the election results.

They will continue to fight the President "Tooth and Nail" during the remainder of his term in office.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Obama had it easy. He was quite the "Smooth Talker" and didn't have the "Obstructionism" to contend with. President Trump is considered to be an "Outsider" and not a "Polished Politician." There's a vast amount of envy/jealousy regarding his Presidency. Both sides suffer from this ailment.


New member
I disagree with the President on a few things.

Such as? I'm sure it's not a long or otherwise significant list.

However, I see the BIG picture and concentrate on that.

What's the BIG picture that you are concentrating on?

I believe the President needs to place some more focus on taking care of the Antifa situation. If I were able to give him a piece of advice, it would be the following; Place Sheriff David Clarke in charge of disbanding the Antifa "Terrorist/Violent Revolutionists" group of thugs that are wreaking havoc around our Nation.

But you see no reason the disband the neo-Nazis or other white supremacist groups? How would this 'disbanding' take place?

Yup, you're content with kool-aid as long as it's your favorite brand.

Just more blind political tribalism. :sigh:

Grosnick Marowbe

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Like I've stated before; if Hillary had won the election, there wouldn't have been the Antifa reaction, the media blitz, the obstructionism, and the Hollywood uprising. Conservative minded people, as a whole, are not that vindictive, angry, violent and willing to cause riots and property damage. Conservatives are not known to block streets/Freeways, gang up on one individual and beat them to a pulp, start fires, fight with the Police, scream obscenities over P.A horns, throw water balloons full of Urine at unsuspecting citizens, etc, etc.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Such as? I'm sure it's not a long or otherwise significant list.

What's the BIG picture that you are concentrating on?

But you see no reason the disband the neo-Nazis or other white supremacist groups? How would this 'disbanding' take place?

Yup, you're content with kool-aid as long as it's your favorite brand.

Just more blind political tribalism. :sigh:

There are very few true Neo-Nazis and KKK members compared to the massive amount of Antifa Thugs/terrorists that have Carte Blanch to run through our streets wreaking havoc. In many cases, the Police are ordered to "Stand Down" or walk away by their Superiors. Therefore, giving Antifa the advantage. When the Police do make arrests, they only make "Token Arrests." Even the "Fake News" is being forced to discuss the Antifa Terrorism.

I believe the only reason the Media and Democrat leadership is speaking out against Antifa at this late date is, their incoming funds are dwindling and they will continue to lose elections if they don't come out against Antifa and don't move towards the Center, temporarily anyway.

Grosnick Marowbe

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President Trump is donating one million dollars of his own money to the Hurricane relief fund. Sarah Huckabee was asked how much Trump was donating by one of the reporters at a Press conference so, she told the reporter, one million dollars. I suppose the "Fake News" will say it's NOT enough. However, I wonder how much they donated?

Grosnick Marowbe

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Chris Cuomo is extremely concerned about Trump doing something monetarily right away. He's wondering if Trump will wait to build the "Wall" first? This is the same guy who announced on live Cable that, it's NOT right that a twelve-year-old Girl should be offended by seeing a grown Man without his clothes on. He's disgusting.


Hall of Fame
Is it possible that the truth about Trump lies somewhere in the middle? Maybe between those who have complete contempt and those like yourself who refuse to criticize any thing at all?

There's plenty of kool-aid to go around and both sides are chugging it.

I have felt since the moment Trump announced his candidacy it was done for the sole purpose of revenge against Obama for what he perceived as a slight towards him. He didn't like being embarrassed at The 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner. His initial lies stemmed from racism, and his continued lies and aggressive attacks stemmed from the anger of being embarrassed by a man who is more intelligent, respected/respectable, educated, family oriented and QUALIFIED as POTUS than he could ever hope to be.

He (Trump) has done absolutely nothing to unite our country because he prefers watching the divisiveness.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Some Posters on TOL show signs of being Brainwashed by CNN and MSNBC. When you listen to the wrong News programs there's a tendency to be locked into an "Orwellian Mindset" and that can be devastating so far as your logical reasoning is concerned. A mind that's corrupted by that particular ailment tends to attract bizarre and abstract ideas and conclusions. Much like a magnet attracts iron filings.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
This may end up being one of the longest running threads on TOL.

One painters artistic expression of the difference between Obama and Trump.



[FONT=&quot]Painter Jon McNaughton[/FONT]
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patrick jane

Some Posters on TOL show signs of being Brainwashed by CNN and MSNBC. When you listen to the wrong News programs there's a tendency to be locked into an "Orwellian Mindset" and that can be devastating so far as your logical reasoning is concerned. A mind that's corrupted by that particular ailment tends to attract bizarre and abstract ideas and conclusions. Much like a magnet attracts iron filings.
It's nearly impossible to get them back to reality and to the important things in life and this country. We are all Americans and we should support our duly elected President and elected officials to Make America Great Again
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