Originally posted by MichaelEden
Any thing that contains evil, the knowledge of evil, or the demonstration of evil...
the bible is contaminated by the knowledge of evil.
it is unclean.
Do not touch. Do not taste. Do not partake of it.
It is not good for wisdom... it is a trick.
Jesus = the tree of life
With Love,
A 'knowledge' of evil comes in TWO ways.
Taking for example a bottle of poison.
The KNOWLEDGE of what it contains is in itself not evil but KEEPS you from the EVIL that would come from drinking it.
By drinking it.You have not only the knowledge of it as it is but also a 'knowledge' of the very evil of it and die.
God not wishing ".....that ANY SHOULD PERISH.........." gave them the KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH that it was EVIL to eat "thereof"
That in it selF was NOT evil to do but GOOD seeign that by THAT knwledge and the keepign of it they LIVED!
But when they rejected the knowldege of God as top waht was GOOD and waht was EVIL and chose that which was 'good' in their own eyes they by eating it came into BONDAGE because God gave them NO LIBERTY to eat it and became SUBJECT to DEATH because that is the PENALTY for doing evil.
So when they ate of that tree; they by so doing, found it TRUE what God had said and WAS evil TO EAT THEREOF but THAT knowldge now brought them DEATH.
and the WORD which was rejected which gave them LIFE was LOST.
and so GOD "so loved the World that He gave His only begotten SON(THE WORD) that who soever believeth on HIM should NOT PERISH but have everlasting LIFE!
God HAS NOT CHANGED and He is the SAME yesterday today and forever.
What he was He is and what He is HE SHALL EVER BE.
"HIS WAY'S" never change either.
and those who STILL do that which is right ion thier own eyes(as with CAINE) and seek to establish thier own rightousness.
and would have God after THIER image perish even as they did.
But God is not willing that ANy should ;perish buit that all should come to a knowledge of the truth"
For Jesus said "the devil has come to steal to kill and to destroy but I have come that you might have LIFE and LIFE more abundantly"
Therefore they who listen to the 'serpents' words and believe the WRONG MESSAGE will do that which is right in thier own eyes even as they did in thiers.
But if they who receive My words Jesus said receive Him who sent Me"
God then STILL gives us if we would receive it the "knowledge of good and evil" by Him who is the WORD "that procedeth out of His mouth"
But if we reject His WORD AND the SPIRIT by which it comes then we will NOT be able to discern TRULY truth from ERROR.
For it is HE who LEADS US into all truth and when we know the truth the truth will make us free.
Where once we were bound .
Therefore to sugest that we throw away the scriptures because it gives a knowledge of good and evil SO THAT WE MIGHT RECOGNISE IT is folly.
For was it not God who told then to WRITE down all these things that i have spoken unto you that you might teach your children?
and what did the LORD do when faced with the SAME DECEIVER as the FIRST Adam who with the SAME subtle use of the WORD sought to decive Him also?
Refer him to that which was WRITTEN and SPOKEN of by GOD.
IF we do NOT have that which is WRITTEN or would foolishely THROW AWAY that which God has given(WAKE UP UK!) then we have NO SOUND FOUNDATION FOR OUR knowledge of GOD and all that which is GOOD not for that matter of the DEVIL and all that which is EVIL.
AND WHERE AS as in the beginning we need the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD so that we might WALK with Him in the "cool of the evening"
By the SAME knolwedge of scripture we may recognise THAT which is NOT of God and therefore EVIL and avoid or overcome IT WITH THAT WHICH IS GOOD.
Even as GOD so willed even in the beginning.