ECT The Answer to the Problem of Unanswered Prayer


Well-known member
my goal is for you to be enlighted. that is why a made those retorics question to which i know very well the answers.

Your goal is Enlightenment in Christ? This tell me that your perception is that you are not yet enlightened in Christ. Is my assessment correct?

The KJV N.T. tells of (reveals) the path to enlightenment in Christ.

Enlightenment in Christ is a state of being. It is to be like Jesus.

Enlightenment is Christ is not linked to the KJV N.T. other than the KJV N.T. contains the instruction or information about enlightenment in Christ and the path to enlightenment in Christ.

With respect to enlightenment in Christ, the KJV N.T. is a record, according to Jesus, of the skills or actualization one must acquire. Then Jesus makes further physically written revelations to those who have acquired the required skill or actualization. Jesus confirms to them, to who and where they must go in order get All Truth. All Truth is the basis of Enlightenment in Christ.

Enlightenment in Christ relies on and draws from, something much more profound and not at all physical. It relies on and draws directly from Jesus who is currently alive and living in heaven and clad only in His Spirit body (like an angel in heaven).

A first step to enlightenment in Christ requires one to detect and discern Jesus in His Spirit body, as Paul did. This is an intuitive/spiritual actualization. This is the first capability that one must have.

When Jesus was a man on earth he had a physical human body and everyone was able to detect him.

Now Jesus has only His Spirit body. He is harder to detect. Now humans must look to things that are not seen (i.e. not physical) in order to detect Jesus. In this presentation Jesus is referred to as the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth. Spiritual things (like the Spirit of Jesus) must be detected and discerned spiritually (i.e. through the intuitive faculties our own individual spirits).

Enlightenment in Christ had nothing to do with Jesus the man on earth or physically written books (like the KJV N.T.) or physically spoken words (like the things which Jesus delivered in physically spoken words). It has every thing to do with intuitively discerning things privately, individually and directly from the Spirit of Jesus, through one own heart or spirit.

Enlightenment in Christ relies on one one's own intuitive/spiritual actualization which in turn enable one to get All Truth from the Spirit of Truth which is Jesus in His Spirit body. All Truth is the basis of enlightenment in Christ.

Intuitions are the faculties of one's spirit body or inward man. You should know that each person has a physical body, (also called a natural man) and a spirit body (also called an inward man). You are familiar with the faculties of our physical body. Our spirit body also have faculties. These are intuitions.

This gives rise to the next important question, which is, where are you in the scheme of things. This will decide where you must start. This will decide at which point you will enter the journey to enlightenment in Christ.

Are you intuitively/spiritually aware/actualized? In the KJV N.T. this is described as being 'born again'.

Or do you need and want the path (as prescribed in the KJV N.T.) through which you can become intuitively/spiritually aware/actualized?

If you cannot intuit things then we must address you as one who is not yet intuitively/spiritually actualized. We must go even further back, in the KJV N.T. to the prescribed techniques for becoming intuitively/spiritually actualized. This a also well laid out in the KJV N.T.
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New member

Your goal is Enlightenment in Christ? This tell me that your perception is that you are not yet enlightened in Christ. Is my assessment correct?

No. Is not correct. I never say that I seek enlightment. I dont need enlightment. Not from you or KJV at least.

The point is:
Nobody have share a single example of an aswered pray. except for those broght back to life by Livelystone and company.


New member
yeah yeah, you pray and dead people come back alive. sure.

Put your money where your mouth is or your nothing more than a keyboard wannabe to afraid to back up anything because the more they say the more the whole world know what a sissy they are.

Meanwhile, should you decide to prove me wrong you need to put up the escrow to cover the first interview that I will match funds for after your attorney contacts my Publisher saying you want to prove me to be a liar and a fake.

The reason why the church as a whole fails to witness miracles is they have to many CINO persons like you (Christian in name only) both in the pews and preaching from the pulpit always pointing fingers at others but never willing to confront the ones pointing back at them.

Back on the home front I have no problem with backing up what I say is true........... as if dealing with wannabes is anywhere near as critical as being held accountable to an all knowing God for everything I say and do

You need to find yourself a life

patrick jane

yes, the answer is: keep praying. check your motives. humble yourself. talk to God like your best friend. patience. do that and look back on your life as you begin to see God working in your life and in others. look for it. or do what alot of do and rely on your own understanding. not

patrick jane



Your goal is Enlightenment in Christ? This tell me that your perception is that you are not yet enlightened in Christ. Is my assessment correct?

The KJV N.T. tells of (reveals) the path to enlightenment in Christ. i tend to agree with you livelystoner, i think it's hard to explain to someone in oscar's frame of mind. he does want to understand and is heading that direction, i never got the nkjv as a youngster, strayed from Jesus for decades and someone gave me a NIV study Bible, i entered an intense Bible study program and then went back to the NKJV and Paul's letters. i read now with awe and understanding. i like your writing

Enlightenment in Christ is a state of being. It is to be like Jesus.

Enlightenment is Christ is not linked to the KJV N.T. other than the KJV N.T. contains the instruction or information about enlightenment in Christ and the path to enlightenment in Christ.

With respect to enlightenment in Christ, the KJV N.T. is a record, according to Jesus, of the skills or actualization one must acquire. Then Jesus makes further physically written revelations to those who have acquired the required skill or actualization. Jesus confirms to them, to who and where they must go in order get All Truth. All Truth is the basis of Enlightenment in Christ.

Enlightenment in Christ relies on and draws from, something much more profound and not at all physical. It relies on and draws directly from Jesus who is currently alive and living in heaven and clad only in His Spirit body (like an angel in heaven).

A first step to enlightenment in Christ requires one to detect and discern Jesus in His Spirit body, as Paul did. This is an intuitive/spiritual actualization. This is the first capability that one must have.

When Jesus was a man on earth he had a physical human body and everyone was able to detect him.

Now Jesus has only His Spirit body. He is harder to detect. Now humans must look to things that are not seen (i.e. not physical) in order to detect Jesus. In this presentation Jesus is referred to as the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth. Spiritual things (like the Spirit of Jesus) must be detected and discerned spiritually (i.e. through the intuitive faculties our own individual spirits).

Enlightenment in Christ had nothing to do with Jesus the man on earth or physically written books (like the KJV N.T.) or physically spoken words (like the things which Jesus delivered in physically spoken words). It has every thing to do with intuitively discerning things privately, individually and directly from the Spirit of Jesus, through one own heart or spirit.

Enlightenment in Christ relies on one one's own intuitive/spiritual actualization which in turn enable one to get All Truth from the Spirit of Truth which is Jesus in His Spirit body. All Truth is the basis of enlightenment in Christ.

Intuitions are the faculties of one's spirit body or inward man. You should know that each person has a physical body, (also called a natural man) and a spirit body (also called an inward man). You are familiar with the faculties of our physical body. Our spirit body also have faculties. These are intuitions.

This gives rise to the next important question, which is, where are you in the scheme of things. This will decide where you must start. This will decide at which point you will enter the journey to enlightenment in Christ.

Are you intuitively/spiritually aware/actualized? In the KJV N.T. this is described as being 'born again'.

Or do you need and want the path (as prescribed in the KJV N.T.) through which you can become intuitively/spiritually aware/actualized?

If you cannot intuit things then we must address you as one who is not yet intuitively/spiritually actualized. We must go even further back, in the KJV N.T. to the prescribed techniques for becoming intuitively/spiritually actualized. This a also well laid out in the KJV N.T.

patrick jane

maybe it's gurucom's writing i like. i'm still trying to figure out getting around on tol. i don't know what i'm doing

patrick jane



oscar, prayers are answered every second of everyday. pray with faith, what little we have, talk to God like a friend, pray for spiritual wisdom, spiritual understanding. pray for unselfish things and believe it. some prayers are answered over time, not overnight. i had trouble praying for a long time and felt unheard. if you look for that you will find that too. that's what the enemy wants. keep talking about it and meditate on it and watch for it

patrick jane


You asked:

1.) How can you distinguish who is recieving bread from God or from Satan?

2.) Who is giving me my meals? Satan?

3.) Where do I get my daily bread?

4.) Do I have any pray (other than daily bread) answered?

The answers to your questions are found within the written KJV N.T.

The KJV N.T. is misrepresented almost everywhere.

Therefore an accurate answer to your question can be had only by having an accurate discernment of the KJV N.T.

Before using the KJV N.T. one has to discern what one is seeking from the KJV N.T. The KJV N.T. offers different things to different seekers.

What are you seeking from the KJV N.T.?

This is not an evasive answer. Your answer can be the starting point of a very enlightening journey through the KJV N.T. A journey which we can take together.

hello gurucam, i like your writings, how can i follow your posts or whatever ?


New member
oscar, prayers are answered every second of everyday. pray with faith, what little we have, talk to God like a friend, pray for spiritual wisdom, spiritual understanding. pray for unselfish things and believe it. some prayers are answered over time, not overnight. i had trouble praying for a long time and felt unheard. if you look for that you will find that too. that's what the enemy wants. keep talking about it and meditate on it and watch for it
Really? If prayes are answered every second of every day... then it would be very easy to share at least one example of real life. Can you do that? or is it that prayes are not being answered at all?


Well-known member
my goal is for you to be enlighted. that is why a made those retorics question to which i know very well the answers.

You can speak only of your goals.

When you hold a goal for me you are denying and blaspheming the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth and the Holy Ghost.

You are posturing and playing Jesus and God.

Where in the KJV N.T. does it say that one human (like your self) can hold a goal for another human?

Your behavior 'smells' of an ego trip that is an affront to humility.

In Romans: 8 KJV N.T. Jesus through Paul confirmed very clearly that:

26. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

27. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

In the above quote from the KJV N.T., Jesus confirms that humans have infirmities which prevent them from knowing what to pray for and do. Jesus also confirmed that only the Spirit of Jesus (His Spirit) guide us into what we should pray for and do. And He does this through His Own Spirit by making intercession with the Holy Ghost, according to the things which are the fabric of our own individual hearts or spirits.

Jesus also confirmed that each person who searches his own heart or spirit comes to know what the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth has in mind for him or her to know, pray for say and do.

It is sad that you choose to deny the Spirit of Jesus its God appointed mission and usurp it for your self. Only the Spirit of Jesus can guide any one to what he or she must know, pray for say and do.

There is no goodness about your statement, "my goal is for you to be enlighted".

Seems to be that few people on earth are given to be enlightened at this time. Only the Spirit of Jesus in His Spirit (i.e. the Son of God), is aware of what each person must know, pray for say and do. Therefore only Jesus in His Spirit (i.e. the Son of God), can know enough to say to one "my goal is for you to be enlighten".

It is a very serious sin to endorse to have a wish of someone that is no in line with what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for one to know pray for say and do.

Fact like all other humans, your infirmities does not allow you to know what you should pray for or wish for your self or say or do. And it it not at all possible for you to know what to wish for anyone else.

Be humble seek to find out from the Spirit of Jesus, precisely what you should know, pray for, say and do and act according only on those things. Indeed 'bat in your own crease"

You only advise to others must be to tell them to seek communion with Jesus in His Spirit so that each of them can know directly and intuitively from the Spirit of Jesus, precisely what each of them should know, pray for, say and do. Then seek to pray for, express and materialize only these things at this time.

It is personally, privately and individually delivered information. You cannot know this for another human.

The above revelation (Romans: 8 verse: 26 & 27) also confirms that one cannot simply pray for any thing that one wants or decides. The Spirit of Jesus must tell humans for what they should pray.

The instruction in the Lord pray comes directly from Jesus (the son of man). It is the only other instruction on pray that was given by Jesus. There Jesus instructed and sanctioned that: one can pray only for one's daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance so that one does not sin. . . . nothing else. The next instruction on pray is given in the above revelation.
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New member

26. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

27. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

In the above quote from the KJV N.T., Jesus confirms that humans have infirmities which prevent them from knowing what to pray for and do. Jesus also confirmed that only the Spirit of Jesus (His Spirit) guide us into what we should pray for and do. And He does this through His Own Spirit by making intercession with the Holy Ghost, according to the things which are the fabric of our own individual hearts or spirits.

blah blah blah

and that is the reason/excuse why NOBODY have answered prays.
because untill now NOBODY, nor you have presented a case of an answered pray


New member

Your goal is Enlightenment in Christ? This tell me that your perception is that you are not yet enlightened in Christ. Is my assessment correct?

The KJV N.T. tells of (reveals) the path to enlightenment in Christ.

Enlightenment in Christ is a state of being. It is to be like Jesus.

Enlightenment is Christ blah blah blah.

You can speak only of your goals. When you hold a goal for me you are denying and blaspheming the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth and the Holy Ghost.
You are posturing and playing Jesus and God. Where in the KJV N.T. does it say that one human (like your self) can hold a goal for another human?

Your behavior 'smells' of an ego trip that is an affront to humility.


Well-known member
and that is the reason/excuse why NOBODY have answered prays.
because untill now NOBODY, nor you have presented a case of an answered pray

You are assuming that no one has prays that are answered by God. You are also boldly and deliberately projecting and promoting that no one has prays that are answered by God. You are therefore denying that God answers prays. You are also blaspheming the Lord's pray and also blaspheming Jesus and the Father which art in heaven.

There are righteous people who pray exactly as Jesus prescribed in the Lord's pray. They do get their pray answered by God, the Father, for Jesus and God are not mocked. These people who pray exactly as prescribed by Jesus must and do get their daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance to avoid temptations. Do not blaspheme Jesus and God.

People who pray for things other than their daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance to avoid temptations would not and do not get these other things from God. If they do get these things they get them from Satan, have no doubt.

Everyone is destine, by Jesus and God, to have an absolutely simple beggar's life until they come onto spiritual awareness. These people are called 'the dead' (i.e. the spiritually dead). These people are not even dentine to be married and have children. Their destiny will change only when they become spiritually aware (awakened to their own spirits). Then they can and must be precisely, individually, personally and intuitively guided by the Spirit of Jesus into exactly what each of them must prays for, say and do. This is the passage to heaven on earth and heaven in the spirit realm.

You have gone where angels fear to thread. You do not have a clue about the revelations in the KJV N.T. You are misleading your self and all who take you seriously. Clearly you are not given to interpret and/or deliver scriptures.

You are a false prophet who came in Jesus' name.

The reason/excuse why some people have prays that are unanswered by God is because they pray for things other than their daily bread, forgiveness of trespasses and guidance away for temptations.

I urge you to not condemn righteous people who pray exactly as Jesus prescribed in the Lord's pray and therefore must and do get their daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance to avoid temptations.

Do not be a Satan operative.
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New member
You are assuming that no one has prays that are answered by God. You are also boldly and deliberately projecting and promoting that no one has prays that are answered by God. You are therefore denying that God answers prays. You are also blaspheming the Lord's pray and also blaspheming Jesus and the Father which art in heaven.

There are righteous people who pray exactly as Jesus prescribed in the Lord's pray. They do get their pray answered by God, the Father, for Jesus and God are not mocked. These people who pray exactly as prescribed by Jesus blah blah blah [/COLOR]

You are confirming that nobody has his prais answered. That the only pray that it is answered is the pray for forgiviness and for bread.
According to you, every other pray, except for forgiviness and bread, will never be answered.

You and me do agree on that no pray (except that for forgiveness and bread) are being answered. God does not answer any other pray and it is a futil effort to try to found answered prays.

does not matter how much we pray, we will get nothig
but bread and forgiviness.


New member
There are still some miracles being done here and there, just not within what can be considered denominational or mainstream Christianity.

I have looked for witnesses to some claims by Pastors of, "significant" Charismatic Christian Churches, but could not find any despite the magnitude of these Pastoral claims that by itself suggests there should be a witness somewhere???.......... but not a single one anywhere I looked........ bummer!

BTW, I did give those claims their due diligence based on the reputations of these "men of God" including members of their church's "intercessory prayer teams".

People who pray for things other than their daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance to avoid temptations would not and do not get these other things from God. If they do get these things they get them from Satan, have no doubt.


New member
As for an example of an answered prayer... have a look at my avatar... the little boy in the chair is in that picture thanks to answered prayer. (to God be Glory and Honour! For ever an ever ! Amen!)

People who pray for things other than their daily bread, forgiveness of sin and guidance to avoid temptations would not and do not get these other things from God. If they do get these things they get them from Satan, have no doubt.