The 7 churches in the book of Revelation represent the church in different periods of


(Suicide by Son of Man was an indication that God would produce an "Open Vision" a sign, such as in the Events of Revelation ... today this takes the form of Global Terrorism and Suicide by Cop which only parallels the Census Bureau's Reports at the Global Level, of specific race and Genetic Groups of Rape and Murder and accelerated rates of Rape and Murder, not just for their countries, but for all countries in which they occupy ... God calls for the Euthanasia of Genetic Dan a few times in the Gospel, typically this has been in all instances of an "Open Vision", such as the Sign of Divorce's Relative Geographic Area in all such instances, but Genetic Dan must ultimately be killed in all nations Globally to solicit mercy)

Suicide by Son of Man (No Legal Right to Live for Genetic Dan in the presence of an "Open Vision"), Church Question about the Lord's Body/Sign of Divorce?

Old Testament - Before Jesus Christ Satisfied the Prophecy of Daniel
1. Hezekiah before King David eliminated Genetic Dan from Jerusalem (2Chronicles/Jehoiachin) (Isiah 37:67)
2. Micah when God prohibited the Babylonians from Occupying Jerusalem after Solomon Died (Ezekiel)(Jeremiah 26:18-19)

New Testament - Before Jesus acted as a Representative of Joseph (Luke 3:23)
1. Zacharias/Zechariah eliminated all Genetic Dan with support from King Herod (Parallels Esther) (Zechariah to the Wise Men...Esther 5:14)
2. John the Baptist eliminated all Genetic Dan with support from Jesus Casting Swine into the Sea (Parallels Ruth) (Pharaoh to David, Measurement...Ruth 4:17-22)

Revelations - Before the Sign of Divorce and After the Sign of Divorce
1. Manchild eliminates Genetic Dan, with Support from the Nations
2. Sign of Divorce eliminates Genetic Dan, with Support from the Nations

Four Genetic Lines of Genetic Dan and Skin Color (Geographic is a lesser argument but it is present) .......................... don't have notable reputations for mass suicide with the Sons of Man, until we approach near the Arrival of Jesus Christ as the Head of Joseph, and as a Representative of Joseph. Suicide by Antichrist does not present itself with mankind by severity of Genetic Dan, until we come close to the Sign of Divorce or Lord's Body for the Events of Revelations. Global Terrorism and Mass Suicide, involving Specific Races of Genetic Dan, is given in Revelation 11 as a result of the Manchild's expression of Joseph only...........Euthanasia of Genetic Dan, is also given in Revelations 12, as a result of the Sign of Divorce/Lord's Body. (As I've stated, about 2 weeks about when we approached near 9/11/2016, the ethics were using a good level of lethal force against me and then as the necessity of euthanasia reached a high peak in the Global Area, as you've seen in the news, the ethnics stopped using a good level of lethal force against me, but this varies from time to time.

SEVEN STARS, SEVEN CHURCHES? ................. We are not in the Events of Revelations when God brings the Sign of Divorce to the Earth, the arguments there simply do not apply at this level, only Suicide by Antichrist. (Electrical, with verichips or vibrations, chemical with cocaine or lethal viruses injections, or direct with knives weapons or vehicles, it doesn't matter what you do to me, your lives are unimportant according to the gospels law, so you will see suicide, you will see these people die, and then you will see them flee and kill themselves and mostly their own, nothing to be afraid of, right now the level of force is down, so try to do better) (The Antichrist is at the Center of Global Terrorism and Suicide by Cop, based on euthanasia God uses with these races, they simply choose more appealing targets with lower changes of euthanasia, It was my ideal to begin a Lives don't matter campaign, to facilitate suicide by cop, that was my goal in 2013/2014 in contacting, the authorities over several months, with detailed accounts of euthanasia, with many witnesses, as I've stated).