The Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy


yeah, after seven years of ignoring the middle east bammy's finding out it didn't go away or solve itself

After 7 years our citizens still don’t know that Obama had to carry out the prior agreements between Bush and Alahwi regardless of his personal opinion.

Now we are involved in a struggle between conservatives and liberals who can only view conflict through the lens of doing nothing or fighting back.

I assume you are one of those who strokes revenge fantasies and rage so that you can feel good about giving your opponents “what’s good for ‘em.”

My view is close to what Jesus preached: on some level, we NEED our opponent.

:mock:bammy, the sad sack

ok doser, the immature name-caller and mocker.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
ISIS did not emerge from the war, they emerged from Islam. They were allowed to gather and take power by our lack of presence.

Ding ding ding. We have a winner. The US leaving caused the problem. Not the US removing a secular muslim dictator that paid money for acts of violence to be committed against Israel and the US.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
After 7 years our citizens still don’t know that Obama had to carry out the prior agreements between Bush and Alahwi regardless of his personal opinion.

aww - so poor poor bammy inherited a mess?

tell me how good a job bill (clean up those stains) clinton did?



imminent stupid statement warning!

you are one of those who strokes revenge fantasies and rage so that you can feel good about giving your opponents “what’s good for ‘em.”

and aikey doesn't disappoint! :darwinsm:

My view is close to what Jesus preached: on some level, we NEED our opponent.

i musta missed that scripture :chuckle:


I never picture ok doser as upset. I picture him as laughing . . . all the time . . . yes, like a lunatic.

people in the library look at me funny

and edge away


New member
Hall of Fame
Ding ding ding. We have a winner. The US leaving caused the problem. Not the US removing a secular muslim dictator that paid money for acts of violence to be committed against Israel and the US.

What acts of terrorism against the U.S. was Saddam sponsoring?


aww - so poor poor bammy inherited a mess?

tell me how good a job bill (clean up those stains) clinton did?
Clinton gave America its first balanced budget in decades and he also went specifically hunting for bin Laden long before anyone else.



imminent stupid statement warning!

If I don’t know for certain, I can always assume. Truth is always preferable to me than arrogant certitude.

and aikey doesn't disappoint! :darwinsm:
That’s always good to hear!

i musta missed that scripture :chuckle:


Try missing THIS:

The Father makes his sun to shine on both the evil AND the good and sends his rain to fall on the just and the unjust ALIKE.
Matthew 5:45


But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...
Matthew 5:44

people in the library look at me funny

and edge away
Maybe because it looks like you are visiting a library before you know how to learn!


Well-known member
  1. The US blundered in going into Iraq. They removed Iran's natural enemy.
  2. The US blundered in how it handled Iraq after it was conquered, and left it nearly ungovernable.
  3. Western Imperialism, on teh other hand, is not responsible for all of the ills of the Middle East. Before Western Imperialism there was...Islamic Imperialism.


New member
Ding ding ding. We have a winner. The US leaving caused the problem. Not the US removing a secular muslim dictator that paid money for acts of violence to be committed against Israel and the US.

It wasn't the removal of the leader that was the problem, it was the American insistence on removing all Ba'ath party members from positions of responsibility in civil society, leaving no working civil service and plenty of skilled people out of work and disgruntled.

After WWII, there was no purging of Nazi party members, since, as in Iraq, you pretty much had to join the party to be promoted. And the previously militaristic Germany recovered quickly and peaceably.


New member
It also takes very little time to reload if you are trained.

I wish all the armchair heroes here would shut up and go back to their beers and TV.

...and the several gunmen were unlikely to be reloading at the same time, unless they were medal winning synchronised shooters.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
It wasn't the removal of the leader that was the problem, it was the American insistence on removing all Ba'ath party members from positions of responsibility in civil society, leaving no working civil service and plenty of skilled people out of work and disgruntled.

After WWII, there was no purging of Nazi party members, since, as in Iraq, you pretty much had to join the party to be promoted. And the previously militaristic Germany recovered quickly and peaceably.

I agree...We shot ourselves in the foot with that maneuver. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What acts of terrorism against the U.S. was Saddam sponsoring?

Saddam was play footsie with UN inspectors wrt missles (defined by the UN as WMDs) that could reach Israel

Do you think he should have been allowed to develop the ability to deliver WMDs to Israel?


New member
Hall of Fame
It wasn't the removal of the leader that was the problem, it was the American insistence on removing all Ba'ath party members from positions of responsibility in civil society, leaving no working civil service and plenty of skilled people out of work and disgruntled.

After WWII, there was no purging of Nazi party members, since, as in Iraq, you pretty much had to join the party to be promoted. And the previously militaristic Germany recovered quickly and peaceably.

There was also the problem of many American leaders (especially in the intelligence and business worlds) sympathizing with the Nazis--a problem we didn't see in Iraq.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I haven’t had time to engage in 2 threads at the same time lately, but I’d like to get back to this one. Especially in light of the attacks in Paris.

I’m sure all the victims in Paris would have been thankful for at least 1 person who could have returned fire even if all their training consisted of learning how the gun worked at the gun shop counter when they bought the gun, and even if the person had Aspergers.

That being said, it’s a good idea to go back to an overall look at what CM is proposing. He’s proposing licensing that includes training and a psych eval if anyone wants to carry a gun outside of their own home to somewhere other people might be. In his view, this is not disallowing someone to defend themselves because they can pass the training and psych eval to carry in public, and they have no restrictions if they don’t carry in public.

This is a bad idea on many levels. The devil is in the details. The details being exactly how much training and what kind of psych eval would insure that no-one would mishandle their gun in public.

The only way to determine how much training and what the psych eval should evaluate is by how bad it is relative to not licensing. The good news is that we have a lot of data on people being able to get guns without these requirements. And what we see from the data is that there simply isn’t a problem with people mishandling their gun because they lacked the training or because they didn’t have the right psychological make-up. Sure there are instances of people that thought they knew what they were doing with a gun and ended up making things worse, but these instances are far outweighed by people protecting themselves because they could easily obtain a gun without more training than what they were comfortable with, and without the state deciding if they had the correct psychological make-up.

But one may counter that training is good and keeping the guns out of the hands of people that cannot handle a gun psychologically is good. And we’d all agree in theory. But there are a few problems that negates this argument. An obvious problem is that if some training is good, then more training is better and if some psychological stability is good, then more stability is better based on the same argument. And this will always be true since there will always be shootings, and as long as there are shootings, there will always be a proposal for more training and more rigorous psych eval. It will never end. This is especially troublesome for the psychological argument since, as CM has pointed out, the evaluation is a black box that only a few humans-as-gods can understand. And thus we must, according to human nature, end up with a training and psych eval that is so restrictive that almost no one can have a gun in public.

Another problem is that just like the Jews in Germany, Hitler did not remove their guns, their ability to defend themselves by laws he made, but by using the laws that were already on the books, many of which are identical to the laws CM is proposing. Giving the state this blank check to restrict guns from any political enemy they see fit isn’t just a proposal in bad form, but knowing history would be downright irresponsible.

Another problem is that guns in private situations, in the home, won’t require such training or psych eval. But that won’t do, as making guns available unrestricted if one promised to keep them out of public would always end up in public somewhere. Everyone will simply say the gun is for in-home use and buy without restriction, and if they use the gun in public it would simply have to be used properly; for instance a thug tries to rob a store at gunpoint and a customer that has his in-home gun on him used it to remove the thug either by chasing him away or actually shooting him. That person would, even without training or psych eval, be exonerated because the defense of human life would take precedence over licensing… or would it? That’s the madness of the proposal. The person would not be exonerated because the state will always prefer protecting its own rules over the protection of human life. What would really result is the training and psych eval be applied to guns even if they carry the promise not to be carried in public.

Then there are mass shootings. Despite these shootings actually not being a real threat mathematically at the present time, they are used as clubs to ram restrictions down the throats of people that would use a gun ethically. And since the data, again, shows that unrestricted gun access does not result in the kinds of problems listed above (it is the antidote to these problems obviously), appealing to mass shootings is counter-productive. And beyond that, just ask any of the people in the Paris shootings if they would have preferred someone with a gun, sans license, to be available to shoot back at the terrorists. And the good thing is that more people that might have a gun, the better this scenario plays out, relative to licensing where more invites more death if taken to its logical conclusion of attempting to make the nation a gun free zone.
You still refuse to address the central point of my position.
Point 1 - Have you ever been in a shoot out? Have you ever tried to put a round on target while that target is trying to put a round on you? If not, how do you know how you will react? Would training in an active shooting setting make you better able to respond appropriately if you ever end up in a real world shooting?

Point 2 - Do you really want somebody who is not trained firing a gun in your general direction? Put yourself and your wife in that Paris theater. A gunman comes in the back and starts shooting. Somebody with a gun in the front who is scared to death pulls their gun and wildly starts shooting. Do you really want to be in the middle of that? Wouldn't you want somebody with some appropriate trading shooting past you?


New member
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I don't consider a society armed to the teeth, bristling and looking for a fight, to be particularly safe or civilized. When you gotta hammer...