That's Wall, Folks...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If I had a say on how the "Wall" was built," I would have suggested it be made out of some form of metal/steel be about four to six feet thick and one hundred feet tall. To keep the "Intruders" out we'd, check for tunnels underneath the Wall. That would make for a GREAT Wall.

i'd just put up a series of laser beacons with armed killer robots to respond whenever the beam was broken

unfortunately, we'd have to invent Skynet first, and we all know how that turns out :noid:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
whole bunch of folks came to visit it?


I always liked this one.



That's Wall, Folks...

This should go down as the most dysfunction White House and Congress in American history!

The Republicans campaigned for the last 6 years on the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, while Trump's signature promise was to erect a border wall - with Mexico paying for it.

Only the conservatives could turn the control of the White House and majorities in both Houses of Congress into a "liability!"


maybe we could make the mexicans pay for our healthcare

The Mexicans and/or Canadians could probably run a better system at a fraction of the cost!

America is already paying for the "Cadillac" of all healthcare systems - but has allowed the healthcare and insurance industries to "highjack" it in broad daylight!
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
delusional: characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump promises border wall still coming at NRA summit

JUST IN: "We'll build the wall. Don't even think about it. That's an easy one." ~ President Trump to NRA.
— The Vice President (@MikePenceVP) April 28, 2017

President Trump on Friday reaffirmed his commitment to building a massive border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, touting his early success in stymying illegal border crossings.

"We will build the wall, no matter how low this number gets or how high. Don’t even think about it," Trump said at the National Rifle Association's Leadership Summit in Atlanta. "They are trying to use this number against us. We have done so unbelievably at the borders already, they are trying to use it against us."

"But you need that wall to start the human trafficking, to stop the drugs, to stop the wrong people. We’ve already seen a 73 percent decrease of illegal immigration on the southern border since my election."

Poor Danoh, seems your source (which is the one i just linked to) has been forced to state the truth.


Well-known member
But but but, I thought that the tough guy in the Oval Office was going to make Me-he-co pay for it?

It looks like Donald Trump isn't fulfilling any of his campaign promises (nominating pro life/pro traditional marriage SCOTUS Judges, repealing Obamacare, building a wall, etc.).

I'm glad that I wasn't fooled by this pathological liar.

It looks like you're refusing to see. Don't worry, you'll be eating all your words before it's over.


With majorities in the Senate and the House, Trump and the Republicans should have already repealed and replaced Obamacare, started construction on the wall and well on their way to be passing tax reform.

What we have instead is the same gridlock that characterized the Obama/Boehner period - except now there are no Democrats to blame for the failure to pass legislation to support their conservative agenda.


New member
Hall of Fame
With majorities in the Senate and the House, Trump and the Republicans should have already repealed and replaced Obamacare, started construction on the wall and well on their way to be passing tax reform.

What we have instead is the same gridlock that characterized the Obama/Boehner period - except now there are no Democrats to blame for the failure to pass legislation to support their conservative agenda.

Establishment republicans, are causing the same gridlock dems are. Hopefully at midterms since its clear they didnt hear their rejection when Trump was elected, will feel their backside kicked out of office.


Establishment republicans, are causing the same gridlock dems are. Hopefully at midterms since its clear they didnt hear their rejection when Trump was elected, will feel their backside kicked out of office.
It was the Freedom Caucus, not the "Establishment Republicans," that caused the repeal/replace Obamacare initiative to collapse.

They want to repeal, but not replace Obamacare, a position that represents the aspirations of only a small minority of the electorate.

Trump would be far better served if he stopped pandering to the extreme right and attempted to reach out and replace them with moderate Democrats.


New member
Hall of Fame
Trump would be far better served if he stopped pandering to the extreme right and attempted to reach out and replace them with moderate Democrats.

Trump isnt pandering to anyone, hes trying to do exactly as he promised, a democrat is the last thing people want, hence trump.


New member
Trump promises border wall still coming at NRA summit

Poor Danoh, seems your source (which is the one i just linked to) has been forced to state the truth.

Not at all. I figured out the illegal alien issue long ago.

And the Wall is not it.

Just goes to show Trump is a very poor business man (unless a life-long history of financial and political corruption, together with endless cover ups of his many massive failures, counts).

The solution is so simple, too.

It has worked on a massive scale all other times it has ever been used; stopping what ever it has been applied against -'...tracks.

Further, the illegal alien issue does not negatively impact me and mine, at all.

Not in the least.

Then again, it never really negatively impacted Trump either - til he put his foot in his mouth again - this time because he realized it would sway your ever clueless kind to vote for him :chuckle: