Thanks Bob

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Row v wade was not new law. It just enforced existing law. No statute can overturn the constitution. The only remedy is a constitutional amendment that gives the same rights to the unborn as those of the born.
That is patently false.

Roe v Wade did not enforce any existing law... and if it did, please cite that law here. You cannot because it does not exist. And Roe v Wade was not based on anything found in the constitution, but on the personal opinions of a court that wanted to legislate from the bench.

A constitutional amendment is not the only remedy... in fact, it is no remedy at all. As the last forty years have taught even the most thick headed amongst us, illegally federalizing issues that are to be dealt with at the state level merely succeeds in killing more babies. One wonders if Christians really care.


New member
Roe v Wade was properly decided
Then it should be quite easy to show me the text within constitutional law that specifies the right to an abortion. Please post it here.
it cannot be overturned by the court. It takes a constitutional amendment.
That is false. The Supreme Court can and has reversed its own decisions many times, including Lawrence vs Texas and Plessy vs Ferguson. It does not take a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion or overturn Roe v Wade. The Supreme Court can do it at any time.

Once the issue is back at the state level where it belongs, the state courts can also do it at any time... and many of them are waiting, right at this instant, to do so. The only thing stopping them are the Christians on this forum.
The Overturning of Roe v Wade by the court is a myth.
So is the fantasy of getting 75% of the states to agree to a politically-incorrect constitutional amendment outlawing abortion. You've had forty years to do it and what do you have to show for your efforts? Twenty million dead babies.

If anyone here is serious about stopping abortion - which I'm beginning to doubt - then stop playing games and pontificating. Get off your can and go vote for the one and only man in either party who will send the issue to the state level where six states will outlaw it overnight, saving tens of thousands of lives within weeks.


New member
Greetings. A dear friend of mine has pestered me to get one here for a long time. I've read many things here before but never posted.

I confess. I'm the dear friend. Welcome to TOL Stephen! Glad to see you participating! :up:

Adam is also a dear friend of mine as well so you know. :)


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I don't think so because it would still leave the states with the option of aborting babies for starters and the life that the child would have under the act would sell have to yield to the rights of the mother constitutionally. It does nothing to change the fundamental law.

Ok, let's take it from worst case, since hypothetical situations seem to be what this thing defaults to... right now abortion is legal nation wide, if the worst case occurred according to your logic, it would be better than what we have. This thinking is flawed to the core. No it would not be right for any state to legalize abortion but right now it IS LEGAL in EVERY STATE. If it were illegal in one state this would be improvement.

The fact is, the Supreme Court's current ruling (fiat legal abortion law) must be negated. A constitutional amendment would work but there has been no will to do this when we had the chance. You are waiting on what? Total control by the "conservatives" of all three branches? Oh we already had that, no amendment, no overturn, no repeal. There is a serious disconnect in the idea that the solution will happen as you are hoping.

The Supreme Court's ruling has to be negated. Period.
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I think Sopwith21 needs a good introduction: He's an author, a sportscaster, and a man who is well known. He is also my friend, having been my neighbor for years. He's a fellow brother in Christ, and a homeschooler. All of these things we have in common and a common love for God.

I am very glad to say he's my friend and he's here on TOL. That being said, we've often had complete differences of opinion on political issues, but we've always maintained a strong friendship in Christ.

Ok good luck Stephen, and be ready to be challenged! :)


New member
That is patently false.

Roe v Wade did not enforce any existing law... and if it did, please cite that law here. You cannot because it does not exist. And Roe v Wade was not based on anything found in the constitution, but on the personal opinions of a court that wanted to legislate from the bench.

A constitutional amendment is not the only remedy... in fact, it is no remedy at all. As the last forty years have taught even the most thick headed amongst us, illegally federalizing issues that are to be dealt with at the state level merely succeeds in killing more babies. One wonders if Christians really care.
I am not going to argue with you. You believe the lies that we all have been told. Read the first paragraph of the 14th amendment again. You are already defeated. As lone as we stay divided then we ourselves sancttion the murder of the innocent babies.. Have it your way. There is a reason for the ruling to stand for 44 years and counting.


New member
sopwith21 is absolutely correct.

It is ridiculous to argue that the federal government can or will outlaw abortion when it did the absolute opposite, legalized it when it was already illegal, and has done everything it can to keep it legal and regulate the killing, regardless of which party has controlled any branch.

There is no excuse for that and to keep thinking that is where abortion will be outlawed is to stick one's head in the sand.

At least at the state level, we the people have a little influence over the legislatures where we could truly make it difficult in our states for the minority to legalize it. The Sanctity of Life Act directly authorizes the states to "protect the lives of unborn children residing in the jurisdiction of that state".

Although I do not place as much faith in Judges Roberts' and Alito's stance against abortion as the National Prolife Alliance, they effectively make the point about this...
Ending Pro-Abortion Judicial Tyranny

There is no question that the largest obstacle in the fight to enact pro-life legislation to protect the unborn is the federal court system. Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, the courts have repeatedly thwarted efforts to enact even the most modest pro-life reforms.

To quote pro-life Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the federal court system itself has degenerated into nothing more than an "ad hoc nullification machine" for all cases involving legal protection for the unborn.

Even the most modest pro-life reforms such as parental involvement legislation and women's right to know (informed consent) laws have been repeatedly struck down by judges.

The federal ban on partial-birth abortion -- a procedure in which late-term, healthy and viable babies are delivered almost entirely only to have abortionists stab a suction device into the base of their skulls to "evacuate" their brain matter -- was even struck down by six federal courts before finally being upheld in a narrow 5-4 Supreme Court decision.

With such a hostile court system resigned to blocking all meaningful progress, pro-lifers are now turning to the Constitution to end this pro-abortion judicial tyranny.

NPLA Members Not Idly Waiting for Supreme Court to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Understanding the importance of elevating judges that are dedicated to upholding the Constitution, National Pro-Life Alliance members played an important role in helping to secure the nomination of Chief Justice John Roberts. They also were in the front lines of the successful fight to defeat the pro-abortion filibuster against Judge Samuel Alito.

However, even if both Justice Roberts and Justice Alito would rule to overturn Roe v. Wade as hoped, the Court still remains in control of pro-abortion forces.

National Pro-Life Alliance members are not waiting around for a pro-life majority on the Supreme Court to demand an end to abortion-on-demand.

In addition to leading the fight to protect the Constitutional right to life of unborn babies from conception by passing a Life at Conception Act, National Pro-Life Alliance members are mobilizing grass-roots support for an additional measure to remove jurisdiction over abortion from the federal courts.

Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to limit jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts.

And this new legislation in Congress would do just that.

By removing all authority from the courts to rule on cases involving abortion, the Sanctity of Life Act of 2007 [H.R. 2597] would restore the authority of popularly elected officials to pass laws to limit or ban abortion without interference from unelected, activist pro-abortion judges.

Sadly, this judicial tyranny has caused many pro-life organizations to limit themselves to pressing for limited laws to slightly control abortion in the more outrageous cases, hoping not to offend the courts.

But by passing the Sanctity of Life Act, Congress can finally put an end to this judicial tyranny once and for all.

U.S. Constitution Explicitly Grants Congress the Authority to Strip Courts of Jurisdiction

Specifically, Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states:

"The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make."

By creating such an exception for the issue of abortion, Congress can finally end judicial tyranny and abortion-on-demand. And simply by building grass-roots support to limit judicial overreaching, the Sanctity of Life Act will pressure activist judges to watch their step.

Members of the National Pro-Life Alliance are putting heat on politicians to bring an end to pro-abortion judicial tyranny by passing the Sanctity of Life Act.

Pro-lifers are urged to call (202) 224-3121 and insist that their Congressman cosponsor Representative Ron Paul's Sanctity of Life Act of 2007 [H.R. 2597] today. of life act.html

With such a hostile court system resigned to blocking all meaningful progress, pro-lifers are now turning to the Constitution to end this pro-abortion judicial tyranny.
what an admission, but they are correct.
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New member
Alean Keys has no chance at the nomination.

Everyone has a chance if people quir sayung they don't have a chance and just vote for the person they really want to win. Why vote defensively, no matter who you support? Vote for the man or woman you trust and really want. Why should people assume "so and so" (Keyes, Richardson, Huckaby, whoever...) is unelectable. They are all electable if the people who want them stop complaining and vote their conscience and not what pollsters and pundits are feeding them for breakfast. Voters let the media tell them who to vote for.


New member
Everyone has a chance if people quir sayung they don't have a chance and just vote for the person they really want to win. Why vote defensively, no matter who you support? Vote for the man or woman you trust and really want. Why should people assume "so and so" (Keyes, Richardson, Huckaby, whoever...) is unelectable. They are all electable if the people who want them stop complaining and vote their conscience and not what pollsters and pundits are feeding them for breakfast. Voters let the media tell them who to vote for.
That is what i do every primary but my guy never wins.


New member
Sopwith21 said:
Once the issue is back at the state level where it belongs, the state courts can also do it at any time... and many of them are waiting, right at this instant, to do so.

Stephen my friend, the states don't have the right or the authority to decide whether "Do not murder" is right or wrong. No government or subdivision of government has that right. The federal government should do everything within its power to stop the killing of unborn children. The states are a subdivision of the government, and have no right to decide this issue. It should be overturned and decided as a national law all at once.

I agree that the Christian pro-life strategy has been severely lacking over the years. We have been misled by our pro-life leaders and our pro-life churches. We have been led to believe that this issue could be solved by passing things such as the supposed "PBA ban" which actually didn't ban anything, but rather was an instruction guide for HOW TO perform a partial birth abortion.

My question to you is: IF a state decides NOT to ban abortion and continues to allow abortion to occur, WHAT do you think should happen? Does the federal government THEN have the right to stop it from killing unborn children within its borders?

Also, a follow up question to get you thinking along this line: IF a state passes a law that says it is ok to rape women or own black people, would you say that it is within its right to do this, and that the federal government should NOT interfere with what that state wants to do?

sopwith21 said:
The only thing stopping them are the Christians on this forum.

I think that would depend WHAT Christians you are talking about my friend.

There are Christians on this forum who are activists who risk arrest, and public contempt to stand outside abortion clinics and reach young ladies with the Gospel. They attend Pastor Bob's church among others. Would you say those Christians are among those you mention above? Trust me, I know plenty of STAUNCH pro-lifers here.

God bless ya buddy, glad to see you on TOL finally!


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Elected4Ever said:
I supported him 8 years ago. Where were you then?

Unfortunately I was buying the lies of George W. Bush. Sopwith21 was my friend back then as well and warned me about Bush. I should have listened.


New member
If Bush passed himself off as a pro-life Christian so well, isn't possible Ron Paul is doing the same? :think:

I think it's not only possible, but actual.
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