"Texas will require aborted fetuses to be buried or cremated"


Yep, so much for that.

But you want the fetus baptized in the name of your particular deity. What gives you the right to do that?

And does Texas require a burial or cremation of the remains of a miscarriage that might happen at home? If not, why not?


But you want the fetus baptized in the name of your particular deity.
There's only one kind of baptism; Christian baptism. And no other religion even practices any kind of ritual or rite that'd be legitimately valid if performed on a fetus; only the Church. There's no "opportunity cost" to baptizing the doomed baby; no other religion loses out here. It's between Christian baptism and atheistic non-baptism; why does atheism automatically win this one? The baby's going in the trash can after it's all done anyway; what's the big deal.
What gives you the right to do that?
Who cares? Who cares if a bunch of superstitious people want the abortionist to perform a little voodoo on the fetus before dismembering, vacuuming it out and throwing the thing in the garbage? Is it really too much of an inconvenience? Is it going to raise the cycle-time for an abortion too much to be financially viable? What's the real complaint? The freedom of religion for the mother remains intact since as I said her baby is going in the biohazard garbage bag later on anyway. She doesn't have to be baptized. We just want the baby baptized before slicing her into pieces and disposing of her body. To resist this desire is to channel the type of psychopathic mentality that prevailed during the darkest times in history.

The Horn

It has NEVER been the norm anywhere to treat aborted fetuses as if they were born people, as far as I know. Or miscarried fetuses.


Well-known member
It has NEVER been the norm anywhere to treat aborted fetuses as if they were born people, as far as I know. Or miscarried fetuses.

They should demand the same treatment for miscarried babies. It doesn't make sense for Texas to try and do this only for aborted babies, and no others.

But even if they do require burial or cremation of babies that die before birth - I don't see how it's a violation of religious freedom.


An unborn child that is ripped to shreds in the womb ——is already baptized. It's body was Martyred by butchers. And when you are innocent like the unborn, who cannot reach up to God————then they are baptized, saved, whatever, but loved by Christ and that's enough.

So you believe that there are a hundred million unborn children in Heaven :plain:

I believe that many things were not considered on the matter- rather, the Church had simply declared the unborn living souls on straight arbitrary conviction and Christianity has since then tried to rationalize it.


A hundred million, tw0 hundred million 5 hundred schmillion————-what's the number got to do with it, a human being butchered in the womb. If an unborn child, a neglected baby, a retarded child, a poor left-out teenager etc. , is left on their own and then dies, murdered, killed whatever—————-a person who never had the chance to hear God's word and ponder it for a short time——-is off some where—??????

God loves those who never had a chance to hear His Word.

It's a stupid argument, lavished in an appeal to pity, for an imagined notion that a fetus should have eternal life in having been murdered.

You all will damn the actual living to perpetuate that- the entire presidential election hinged, for many, on who will try and fail to get rid of abortion.

Get a grip, seriously. Don't leave everything else to the birds to try and destroy a boulder with a toothpick, it's not going to go away because you all's own moral conundrum of 'female autonomy' will not allow it.

The Horn

Fe3tuses are not "ripped to shred " in abortions. The vast majority happen early in a pregnancy ,
and at this point, the fetus has no brain, the nervous system has not formed to the point where it has consciousness and can feel pain .
"Ripped to shreds" is an emotion laden and misleading term . Unfortunately, many conservatives in America haven't developed a brain either by the time they're born .


So John's baptisms were valid Christian baptisms?
John's baptisms were one of a kind and only for a time, as the Apostle Paul explained and then demonstrated in Acts 19:4-5 (KJV).
Did he baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit?
When the Lord was baptized by John, the voice of the Father and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove were also there with Him. Matthew 3:16-17 (KJV)