Take Down the Bird Feeder!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... you could at least have that same government pony up money to support the resulting children, or pay for adoption etc.

i raised two children to adulthood (much of it as a single parent, and much of that time without a job)

are you suggesting that the government should have supported me?


Well-known member
i raised two children to adulthood (much of it as a single parent, and much of that time without a job)

are you suggesting that the government should have supported me?
The government did support you, with roads, police, firefighters, Public schools (probably).

If you didn't have a job, how did you have money?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The government did support you, with roads, police, firefighters, Public schools (probably).

well, not any more than it would have normally

and I still paid taxes (property taxes) to fund all that stuff

and income taxes when I did work

ala said:
If you didn't have a job, how did you have money?

lot of the time i didn't :idunno:


Well-known member
Didn't change it just felt obliged to show the hypocrisy in your post...mission accomplished.
No hypocrisy in my post. I didn't say anything about abortion one way or another in my OP. You felt the need to bring it up because people like you think abortion is the only moral issue that matters.

The Bible is vague and equivocal about abortion at best. See Exodus 21.

Care for who? should we as a society support for a lifetime people that refuse to work? I can show you verses where a sluggard should not be supported. We supply for the needs of the old, infirmed, widowed, homeless via social security, medicare, medicaid, welfare, foodstamps, subsidized housing, et al. what more do you require?
These benefits have been cut and will likely continue to be cut in the future. Many people are struggling even though they work hard. The OP is about cutting these government benefits off completely. I guess you don't agree with the OP then?

jesus also said "the poor would always be amongst you" Matt. 26:11. I guess that judging who is actually poor & needy from those that are able bodied & lazy escapes you or you want to ignore it. Supplying the needs for the truly needy is not the issue, an entire class of able bodied people living off the public dole is.
Who and where are these large numbers of people that are lazy, and living off the dole, not working who are able to work?

Also Jesus said:

Matthew 5:42
English Standard Version (ESV)

42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Bible is vague and equivocal about abortion at best.




Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
What's really the point here? To remove any sort of governmental aid for those less well off in society and/or out of work?

That would be ideal, yes!

The government taking money from you and giving it to someone else is stealing. Not only that but government welfare creates a conflict of interest on both sides of the ballot box. It is fundamentally and irreparably corrupt and should be abolished.

People in need can get VOLUNTARY help from their family, friends and neighbors and other private organizations that both get money from voluntary donations and have control over who gets the help and what form that help comes in and for how long.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
The point is that human beings are about as valuable as songbirds, and they act like animals so you may as well just let them starve.

And, how DARE I be confronted with any other language but English.
How DARE anyone ask for more rights?

I don't know how someone who is a Christian can espouse this point of view. It's hateful, bigoted and merciless. You're entitled to an opinion, but don't pretend it's a righteous one.

This is the stupidest post I've read this year.

I know it's early but I bet it stays on top for at least six months.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Newsflash Nicky, not everyone is able to work and nor is there such a thing as a job for everybody. Taking a quote and applying it to modern society where's there a dearth of jobs in many inner cities alone is just pathetic. You're like the rich man who just regarded Lazarus as a bum. I've yet to see you ever display any sense of compassion or understanding for other people frankly.

The government that you want present to "fix" or "remedy" such a problem is the very same government that caused the problem to begin with.


Well-known member
And where are we told abortion is murder? We have one verse about hitting a woman and causing a miscarriage, which resulted in a fine. And even today if a pregnant woman is killed, often there can be a charge of double murder.

It is certainly okay to kill human beings in certain circumstances. The situation in which a woman does not wish to be pregnant, and wants to terminate said pregnancy never comes up in scripture. This is probably mostly due to societal changes since children were assets in an agrarian society but expensive in an industrialized society.

But you miss the point again, WHY is abortion your one issue? Even if we accept thou shalt not kill applies, why aren't you making a big deal about not bearing false witness? Republicans seem to have no problem with that one.

And if you want government to FORCE women to have children, why don't you want to have government pay for those children? And even more to the point, why don't you want to pay for birth control? (or do you?)

are you suggesting that the government should have supported me?
You weren't told by the government that you had to have children were you?


Well-known member
That would be ideal, yes!

The government taking money from you and giving it to someone else is stealing.
That's not what Jesus and Paul said.

And they came and said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone's opinion. For you are not swayed by appearances,[c] but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? Should we pay them, or should we not?” 15 But, knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, “Why put me to the test? Bring me a denarius[d] and let me look at it.” 16 And they brought one. And he said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said to him, “Caesar's.” 17 Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” And they marveled at him.

For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.

Not only that but government welfare creates a conflict of interest on both sides of the ballot box. It is fundamentally and irreparably corrupt and should be abolished.

People in need can get VOLUNTARY help from their family, friends and neighbors and other private organizations that both get money from voluntary donations and have control over who gets the help and what form that help comes in and for how long.

No, THIS is the stupidest, stingiest, anti-biblical post I've seen in a while. Private organizations can't cover everyone, we found this out during the Great Depression. People were starving and dying, government had to step in. You're willing to let people die on your ridiculous principles.


Well-known member
it ain't rocket science :idunno:

The vast majority of abortions take place in the first trimester, so your picture is simply wrong.

It's more like this (which was a miscarriage):

That's not to say I'm pro abortion. I would never do it myself or advise anyone I knew to do so (indeed I've personally advised someone not to do it). But in a free society, there should be some accommodations for women that are in difficult circumstances. I don't like the idea of government forcing women to carry a child they don't want. I would like to see birth control more available and for free to hopefully reduce the situations before they happen.
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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
And the discussion is not about the crippled, of which the lefties here have not filled their house with to care for. It is about those that won't work, which Paul says are not to be fed. Paul is in fact speaking on behalf of God with his authorization.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Why should the government protect alate1, but not the baby that a "doctor" murdered in Koban's post?


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
And where are we told abortion is murder? We have one verse about hitting a woman and causing a miscarriage, which resulted in a fine. And even today if a pregnant woman is killed, often there can be a charge of double murder.

It is certainly okay to kill human beings in certain circumstances. The situation in which a woman does not wish to be pregnant, and wants to terminate said pregnancy never comes up in scripture. This is probably mostly due to societal changes since children were assets in an agrarian society but expensive in an industrialized society.

"Why do you profane Me, killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live."

On tye topic of abortion, why do women think it's ok to kill their innocent baby? Inconvenience? So if I was inconvenienced by you, should I be allowed to kill you?

The father is a criminal? (e.g. rapist) why are you punishing the child for the sins of the father?

The mother's life is in danger? Why not do everything you can to save both? If you were in a car wreck, and we were pulling you out, should we stop and finish you off with a stab through the base of the skull, and then pull you out? Or should we dismember you while you're still in the car and pull you out in pieces?

There is no reason whatsoever, when trying to save the life of the mother, to stop and kill the baby. If the baby is going to die, and you can't save him or her, you let the baby die. Intentionally taking an innocent person's life is murder. For example, and ectopic pregnancy is where the baby attaches to the wall of the fallopian tubes. If the baby is not removed from the mother, both the mother and the baby will die. If the baby IS removed, only the baby will die, and the mother will survive. Last I checked, there is nothing else that can be done. But EVEN IN THAT SITUATION, you don't stop and kill the baby. You let the baby die.

But you miss the point again, WHY is abortion your one issue? Even if we accept thou shalt not kill applies, why aren't you making a big deal about not bearing false witness? Republicans seem to have no problem with that one.

And if you want government to FORCE women to have children, why don't you want to have government pay for those children? And even more to the point, why don't you want to pay for birth control? (or do you?)

You weren't told by the government that you had to have children were you?

The problem with these statements is that it assumes that it's ok to have sex outside of marriage (one man and one woman). So instead of addressing the symptom, I'll address the problem. The problem is that we've made sexual immorality commonplace. There's a multitude of ways this has happened, but I won't go into them here. We have normalized women being made sex objects, and even promote sex in our schools by handing out condoms. This is NOT what God intended for us. He intended for a man to leave his parents and to become one with his wife. And in doing so, he creates a stable environment for a mother and father to raise children, where they can grow and learn and then emerge from their home to be productive members of society.

The (quite natural) consequence of having sex outside of marriage is pregnancy and having to struggle to provide. The Law (in the Bible) states that if it is discovered that a man and a woman are discovered to be having sex, they should be forced to marry and never be allowed to divorce. A fitting punishment, the idea being that the man wanted her so much that he was willing to have sex with her, so he will be forced to look at her for the rest of his life, he will be the father of her children, and she will be the mother of his. In essence, it boils down to: you want to have sex with her? Alright, you can have all the sex you want, but only with her.

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