Syrian Refugee Dilemma

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You paint with a pretty broad brush. Not all the refugees are evil. Some of them are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Read my link. Nearly zero are Christian as a percentage. Since Paris, the amount is zero.

patrick jane

And what the liberal media keeps under wraps is the systematic murdering of Christians in Islamic theocracies.

True, I want to hear about persecuted and displaced Christians getting a new home in America or abroad. There must be Christian victims/refugees in all this.


Active member
True, I want to hear about persecuted and displaced Christians getting a new home in America or abroad. There must be Christian victims/refugees in all this.

While that may be true it misses the wider point in that A) The overwhelming majority of ISIS's victims are Muslim and B) The real reason for these refugees from Syria. Namely the War being fought by the West (NATO/UK/USA/France) on Assad for regime change- is entirely ignored by the media.

The lata is the real reason for the refugees. Stop the war to remove Assad no more refugees right?
Incidentally what the main stream media and Western Politicians also conveniently ignore is the bulk of these refugees are actually in the nations round about. EG they're fleeing to Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and even Iraq. Put simply the vast majority of the refugees are in the Middle East. Not Europe as is claimed ad nasuem by Western politicians whose sole aim is to capitalize and politicize the issue EG Marie Le Penn.