Syracuse Caller re: Dobson, Colson, etc.

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Now you have the Christian leaders doing more to advance the gay agenda than any Queer Nation or homosexual group could ever hope of accomplishing by teaching tens of millions of Christians that homosexuals should have equal rights.

And here we are 10 years later, so what do the homos want to do? They want to get married because according to James Dobson and Chuck Colson and Beverly LaHaye they should have equal rights! It drives me nuts!


Resident Atheist
Well, for years the fundies condemned homosexuals as fornicators. So now the homosexuals decide not to fornicate by putting sex within the bounds of marriage and they are condemned for wanting to do that...


Those religious people need to quit moving the goalposts and find something important to worry about.

How about marshalling some of the Church's billions of dollars in revenue and trying to help the African refugees or all those heterosexuals dying of AIDS over there instead of meddling in politics?


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Psst. Zakath.

You don't mess with the judgments of God. Hands off AIDS, champ. Like trying to stop a hail storm in Egypt...


Active member
James Dobson? When did he say something like that? I certainly don't spend a lot of time listening to Focus on the Family, but what I have heard does not lead me to believe that he supports gay marriage. Much the opposite. But perhaps you know something that I don't? If he did have hand in this, it would be good knowledge to have.


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How Churches Can Make a Difference in the Marriage Debate: Part one and two, aired July 6 and 7

Synopsis: "It’s a battle for the future of America! Alan Sears and a panel of guests join Dr. James Dobson for a discussion on how churches can make a difference in the marriage debate. You’ll hear that it’s not just about stopping same-sex marriage, but about preventing the abolishment of marriage entirely!"

This sounds to me like he is fighting the good fight. What was that other guy talking about?


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I am only popping in a moment at a time while trying to finish a couple of papers, so I would appreciate a Cliff Notes version, if you don't mind.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Lovejoy

James Dobson? When did he say something like that? I certainly don't spend a lot of time listening to Focus on the Family, but what I have heard does not lead me to believe that he supports gay marriage. Much the opposite. But perhaps you know something that I don't? If he did have hand in this, it would be good knowledge to have.
Since it's Enyart's show, the quote Jefferson cited is likely his, not Dobson's.


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Originally posted by Lovejoy

James Dobson? When did he say something like that?
For years Dobson's mantra has been "equal rights for homosexuals, not special rights." So now homosexuals are claiming that being denied the right to marry is a violation of equal rights.


Resident Atheist
Well, Jefferson...

Why should allowing one unmarried adult to marry another unmarried adult be considered "special rights"?

For religious reasons?

In a society that values religious diversity and keeps religion and the state at a healthy distance from each other, we should not write legislation based solely on religious reasons...


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Originally posted by Zakath

Well, Jefferson...

Why should allowing one unmarried adult to marry another unmarried adult be considered "special rights"?
It's not. That's the point. Homosexuality should be a crime. By caving in to political correctness, Dobson has painted himself into the corner that you are pointing out.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Jefferson

It's not. That's the point. Homosexuality should be a crime. By caving in to political correctness, Dobson has painted himself into the corner that you are pointing out.
The major point is that homosexual behavior is not currently a crime in the United States.


New member
Originally posted by Zakath

The major point is that homosexual behavior is not currently a crime in the United States.

So your standard of morality is based on "whatever the group decides"?

Therefore, you can pretty much be swayed to tolerate anything, as long as somebody in charge approves of it.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Zakath

Well, for years the fundies condemned homosexuals as fornicators. So now the homosexuals decide not to fornicate by putting sex within the bounds of marriage and they are condemned for wanting to do that...

Zakath in the early 70s:

Well, for years the fundies condemned abortion as murder. So now the pro-aborts decide not to murder by legalizing abortion and denying the humanity of the baby and they are condemned for wanting to do that...

Zakath in the 30s:

Well, for years the fundies condemned slaughtering Jews as murder. So now the Nazis decide not to murder by legalizing the slaughter of Jews and calling them sub-human and they are condemned for wanting to do that...


Resident Atheist
Two can play at this game. :D

Turbo in the "oughts" of the 21st century:

Well, for years the fundies condemned government abridgement of Constitutional righs as wrong. So now the Bush Administration decides to take away American's Constitutional rights by legalizing the suspension of the First Amendment for those opposing the president publicly, increasing secret government surveillance of citizens and foreigners, and widespread application of arrest and confinement of persons without due process and they are condemned for wanting to do that.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Zakath

The major point is that homosexual behavior is not currently a crime in the United States.

However, 55% of Americans want homo-marriage to be illegal.

Makes you sick, doesn't it? 46% of Demo-commies are against same-sex marriage and yet not ONE Demo-commie Sinator represented them.

Maybe you should tell all the pollsters that you are voting for Kerry and then secretly stay home and play with your clown wigs.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Zakath

Turbo in the "oughts" of the 21st century:

Well, for years the fundies condemned government abridgement of Constitutional righs as wrong. So now the Bush Administration decides to take away American's Constitutional rights by legalizing the suspension of the First Amendment for those opposing the president publicly, increasing secret government surveillance of citizens and foreigners, and widespread application of arrest and confinement of persons without due process and they are condemned for wanting to do that.
My point was that changing definitions and laws does not make an inherently wrong action right.

What was your point? Are you saying that the Bush Administration is right to do those things, and that "fundies" shouldn't whine about it? Or are you saying that that's what I would say?

Clear as mud.


New member
Hall of Fame
"However, 55% of Americans want homo-marriage to be illegal. Makes you sick, doesn't it? 46% of Demo-commies are against same-sex marriage and yet not ONE Demo-commie Sinator represented them."

Then the voters need to put their money where their mouth is and vote accordingly. Otherwise, we should stop our whining. The people who sank us into this mess...are us.
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