Sweden now terrorized over Islamic Death threats from Islamic Immigrants

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
That's it nick, spread the Christian love.


8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so his name is translated) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith. 9 Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him 10 and said, “O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord?


New member
That wasn't even one post before you returned with the misery. Poor show.

Tell you what. Since it is Christmas, I'll give you another go. Five in a row, remember!

Its amazing that atheist idiots still think Christianity is actually just
armchair pacifist liberalism, and that Jesus was a gay peaceloving professor from Cambridge.


Please remember that you buying your own propaganda in a war against Protestantism
is a total FAIL.


Protestants still believe in the Rule of Law, police forces and armies,
and in defending the Christian West against both other ideologies and other religions,
and are willing to use force to do it.


You trying to tell us that Christianity is really just 'liberal pacifist tolerance'
has first of all failed in that all Christian adults know you are just goofs.


Secondly, you buying your own propaganda is just the most limp-wristed display of gayness
ever performed by a troupe of dancers sponsored by atheist Jews from Hollywood.



New member
Lets get back to the subject:





Anti-Islamization Sweden Democrats party under fire for mentioning that “rape is a Muslim form of punishment.” The latest controversy stemming from statements by top brass of the right wing nationalist party started with a Facebook post by Michael Hess, vice chair of the Sweden Democrats in Karlskrona in southern Sweden, in which he wrote that “rape is deeply rooted in Islamic culture.”

The Swedish mass media and political elites are very careful not to suggest any connection between these rapes and mass immigration from Third World countries. Yet there is every reason to suspect that such a connection exists. We know from other Western European countries that immigrants from certain regions and cultures, particularly from the Islamic world and Africa, are disproportionately represented as perpetrators in rape cases.


In Britain, especially in English cities, a disturbing number of cases have been revealed in which Muslim men prey on girls, some of them as young as ten years old, drug them and sexually abuse them. Most of their young victims are native white girls, but occasionally they will even prey on non-Muslim girls from other immigrant communities.

In 2005, the ethnologist Maria Bäckman in her study Whiteness and gender” followed a group of ethnic Swedish girls in the suburb of Rinkeby near Stockholm. Natives there are now a minority of the inhabitants due to mass immigration. Several natural blondes stated that they had dyed their hair to avoid unwanted attention and sexual harassment. Being called “whore” is so common for white girls in certain schools that teachers no longer react to this. The problem certainly hasn’t become smaller in the years that have passed since this study.

A report from 2006 detailed how being a Swedish girl or young woman increasingly means feeling unsafe in your own country. They are scared of being raped, a possibility that appears very real to them. Many are planning how to go home at night, how to defend themselves or how to run all the way home if they have to.


It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid, in an interview about a gang rape involving immigrant perps. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably f***ed before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame.”

He claims that it is “far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean.” Hamid laughed over his own choice of words. “I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get f***ed to pieces.”

Suggesting that the ongoing rise in violent crime might have something to do with mass immigration of alien and aggressive cultures is quite literally banned by law. In March 2007 during a rally supported by SSU, the Social Democratic Youth League, a man carried a sign reading, “While Swedish girls are being gang raped by immigrant gangs the SSU is fighting racism.”


He was promptly arrested and later sentenced to a fine. His crime? He had “expressed disrespect for a group of people with reference to their national or ethnic background.” The local court rejected the man’s free speech argument because even free speech has its limits, and he had clearly acted in too provocative a manner.

While the rape numbers are horrific, they make up just one element of the spread of violent crime. Sweden used to be a safe country not so many decades ago. Yet Swedish streets are now plagued by muggings, shootings, robberies, gang rivalries and mafias on a scale previously unknown in modern Scandinavian history.


In late August 2013, after an alleged attack on a veiled Muslim woman, a grassroots movement defending women’s right to wear hijab (veil) was backed by many politicians and celebrities in Sweden. Left-wing politicians were among those who lent their support to the movement, dubbed “The hijab appeal,” by posting pictures of themselves wearing the Islamic headscarf. The attackers were never identified.

The biased and totalitarian Swedish mass media reacted, based on weak evidence from a strange story, with a campaign against an alleged wave of Islamophobic “hate” in Sweden, one of the most politically correct countries on the surface of this planet.


As the author Bruce Bawer commented at the time in FrontPage Magazine: “There’s no evidence that it did happen — no eyewitnesses, no surveillance video — and it’s been suggested (although not, of course, in the Swedish media) that the woman’s story could be entirely bogus. In any case, it’s a man-bites-dog tale if there ever was one: Sweden is overrun with Muslim men who rape infidel women, not with infidels who pull headscarves off Muslim women.”

In late August 2013, at the exact same time as prominent non-Muslim Swedish women were donning the veil to show “solidarity” with Muslims, seven Afghan Muslim asylum seekers were convicted of brutally gang-raping a Swedish woman in the small town of Mariannelund. Another man who masturbated next to the woman’s head while the other seven were raping her for hours was acquitted, though. He received 130,000 kroner in damages for his ordeal. This was sponsored by Swedish taxpayers, presumably including the family of his victim.


Because of such examples, the writer Eva Agnete Selsing in Denmark has come to the conclusion that “Sweden is the Evil Empire.” She was referring to a new kind of totalitarianism and Utopian ideology of open borders.

Selsing was not arguing that this new form of Multicultural totalitarianism was as militant and violent as some of the earlier totalitarian movements, but that doesn’t mean that it is not harmful or dangerous. In her view, the explosive cocktail of extreme political correctness and rampant mass immigration is creating a “catastrophe” in Swedish society. The ruthless authoritarian suppression of dissent upheld by the ruling elites and the media establishment has transformed Sweden into something approaching a “prison of the mind.”


One of the most horrific examples is the country’s rape statistics, which are the worst in Europe. Parallel to mass immigration from Third World countries, the number of recorded rapes, also of children, has exploded. Eva Agnete Selsing wonders how the “hypocritical” Swedish political and media elites can sleep at night, knowing fully well what kind of nightmare of violence and street crime they are pushing on their own people.

Perhaps Swedish authorities should worry more about the incredibly large number of rapes in their own country, and less about transsexuals in Serbia or gay adoption rights in Russia.




This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Ok your confused

pacifism = What Jesus taught, and the NT church did.

Homosexuality - Sin

If you want to relate the two, do you want to cause Jesus gay?

Its amazing that atheist idiots still think Christianity is actually just
armchair pacifist liberalism, and that Jesus was a gay peaceloving professor from Cambridge.


Please remember that you buying your own propaganda in a war against Protestantism
is a total FAIL.


Protestants still believe in the Rule of Law, police forces and armies,
and in defending the Christian West against both other ideologies and other religions,
and are willing to use force to do it.


You trying to tell us that Christianity is really just 'liberal pacifist tolerance'
has first of all failed in that all Christian adults know you are just goofs.


Secondly, you buying your own propaganda is just the most limp-wristed display of gayness
ever performed by a troupe of dancers sponsored by atheist Jews from Hollywood.



New member
Ok your confused

Somebody is confused, about how English works.

your = possessive pronoun.

you're = contraction of a verb 'to be'.

pacifism = What Jesus taught, and the NT church did.

Lets check:


Matthew 10:35
For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--

Luke 12:52
From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three.

If Jesus went ahead with His own agenda, campaign to start a new religion,
and knew ahead of time that He would be dividing families, pitting relatives, friends
and neighbours against one another in a massive, violent, universal 'civil war',
wouldn't that make Jesus the OPPOSITE of a pacifist?

If Jesus knew that His teaching would divide the whole earth along ideological lines,
destroy families, friendships, communities, villages, nations, countries,
in a process that would last at least 2,000 years,
but which would "maybe one day" result in people living in a distant future where peace ruled,
wouldn't that at least make Jesus a bad strategist in the cause of 'pacifism' and 'peace'?

Don't you think that maybe Jesus was no kind of 'pacifist' at all,
but rather at least a religious or ideological fanatic who merely avoided violence for himself,
and that He even completely failed in that local temporary strategy,
as He was crucified and His followers persecuted for centuries?

How does anything Jesus did, knowingly or unknowingly correspond to ANY
agenda of pacifism?

Are you stupid?

Homosexuality - Sin

If you want to relate the two, do you want to cause Jesus gay?

Seriously, is English your first language?