Suspend Obama With Pay

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Suspend Obama With Pay

This is the show from Monday August 3rd, 2009.


The Biggest Non-Story Story: Until the matter of Barack Obama's eligibility is resolved, can't they just suspend Obama? With pay? Without pay? Either way. Suspend him with pay, we don't care, until this is all figured out! No? Today Bob Enyart interviews Robert Unruh, a veteran reporter for the Associated Press who is now a journalist for some time with WorldNetDaily. And Unruh is an expert on the biggest non-story story in the country: whether or not Barack Obama is a natural born citizen. Now, WND published a "Certified Copy of Registration of Birth" from Kenya for Barack Hussein Obama II which has the appearance and sufficient contemporaneous and new information to suggest that it may be authentic. [Also, KGOV has it on good authority that the certificate did not come from Dan Rather, an initial indication that it may in fact be legitimate.]

UPDATE: WND reports that the Kenyan birth document is a fraud.

Fox News - Obama's 'Certificate' Problems: "The certificate put on the Internet by Obama and held up by the media was created in 2007. In the lower left corner of the form there is reference to a Hawaiian statute that was revised in November of 2001, and if you look closely at the front you can see bleeding through from the back the date stamp from 2007 when the document was created," wrote Tommy De Seno,

Folks Who Don't Want to See Birth Certificate: Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, John McCain. (At one point, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly said that he had seen Obama's birth certificate, and the matter is a non-story; but perhaps O'Reilly simply forgot to mention that it said Kenya on the certificate!)

Major Birthers: Go birthers! Alan Keyes, Joseph Farah, Lou Dobbs, Chuck Norris, Andrew Sullivan. Also, Fox News reporter Tommy De Seno and attorneys Orly Taitz and Philip Berg.

WND Published their First Story: on Obama's eligibility almost 14 months ago, June 10, 2008, "Election 2008: Is Obama's Candidacy Constitutional? Bloggers are raising questions?"

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? Check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
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This supposed Kenyan "certificate" is an obvious fake.
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Formerly Shimei!
This supposed Kenyan "certificate" is an obvious fake.

Don't know that for sure. But better for Obama to lawyer up and spend almost a million on legal fees instead of just producing the original certificate. BTW, we don't need to see the '07 version again.


New member
Hall of Fame
Don't know that for sure. But better for Obama to lawyer up and spend almost a million on legal fees instead of just producing the original certificate. BTW, we don't need to see the '07 version again.

Servo, check out the certificate's number.

This is a hoax.


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So why doesn't Obama just simply show everyone his original birth certificate?


The Dark Knight
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Because the only ones that are asking for it are the nuts from the far right. :surf:
And he isn't willing to show it to shut them up? I mean, wouldn't that be the easiest thing to do?

Of course, Obama is a leftist, so I can understand him not wanting to do the easy thing, because that wouldn't waste tax money.


New member
So why doesn't Obama just simply show everyone his original birth certificate?

And how do you propose he do that? Walk door to door with it in his hand?

Why wasn't this good enough?

The Obama campaign released a 2007 certified abstract copy of his Certification of Live Birth (sometimes called a "short form") that states Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961. A common complaint of those questioning Obama's eligibility is that he has not released a photocopy of his original, official birth certificate—only a short official certification of live birth.[2] Asked about this, Department of Health Spokeswoman Janice Okubo stated that Hawaii "does not have a short-form or long-form certificate."[3] The director of her Department has stated that the state holds Obama's "original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."[4][5]


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Hall of Fame
Nothing Obama provides will ever satisfy the birthers. Nothing. If he does produce what they're asking for they'll simply say it's a forgery, or demand more documentation.

Or simply choose to believe what they want to believe.


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Nothing Obama provides will ever satisfy the birthers. Nothing. If he does produce what they're asking for they'll simply say it's a forgery, or demand more documentation.

Or simply choose to believe what they want to believe.

Look, I honestly do not doubt Obama is a US citizen. I really don't. But I keep hearing this argument and it continues to completely mystify me. It's not as if asking to see our president's birth certificate is in any way unreasonable. It's not as if this is going out of his way at all.

If it were, then I would absolutely agree. I don't think jumping through hoops to address the concerns of the lunatic fringe is wise at all. But this simply isn't jumping through a hoop of any sort. Why then is this even an issue? And why, honestly, are you and others pretending it's somehow unreasonable to expect to see our president's birth certificate? Is it because you you hold these "birthers" in such low regard that you're willing to oppose their every demand, even the reasonable ones?

Quite honestly, as I've said before I'd be shocked to discover Obama isn't a citizen. I find that extremely unlikely. But that this is even an issue causes me doubts anyway. I can't imagine why a sitting president would refuse to release his birth certificate, especially in light of any suggestion that he's not a citizen. Why shouldn't I begin to wonder what in the world is going on here? :think:


New member
Look, I honestly do not doubt Obama is a US citizen. I really don't. But I keep hearing this argument and it continues to completely mystify me. It's not as if asking to see our president's birth certificate is in any way unreasonable. It's not as if this is going out of his way at all.

If it were, then I would absolutely agree. I don't think jumping through hoops to address the concerns of the lunatic fringe is wise at all. But this simply isn't jumping through a hoop of any sort. Why then is this even an issue? And why, honestly, are you and others pretending it's somehow unreasonable to expect to see our president's birth certificate? Is it because you you hold these "birthers" in such low regard that you're willing to oppose their every demand, even the reasonable ones?

Quite honestly, as I've said before I'd be shocked to discover Obama isn't a citizen. I find that extremely unlikely. But that this is even an issue causes me doubts anyway. I can't imagine why a sitting president would refuse to release his birth certificate, especially in light of any suggestion that he's not a citizen. Why shouldn't I begin to wonder what in the world is going on here? :think:

:doh: Mary - read my post.


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Look, I honestly do not doubt Obama is a US citizen. I really don't. But I keep hearing this argument and it continues to completely mystify me. It's not as if asking to see our president's birth certificate is in any way unreasonable. It's not as if this is going out of his way at all.

If it were, then I would absolutely agree. I don't think jumping through hoops to address the concerns of the lunatic fringe is wise at all. But this simply isn't jumping through a hoop of any sort. Why then is this even an issue? And why, honestly, are you and others pretending it's somehow unreasonable to expect to see our president's birth certificate? Is it because you you hold these "birthers" in such low regard that you're willing to oppose their every demand, even the reasonable ones?

Quite honestly, as I've said before I'd be shocked to discover Obama isn't a citizen. I find that extremely unlikely. But that this is even an issue causes me doubts anyway. I can't imagine why a sitting president would refuse to release his birth certificate, especially in light of any suggestion that he's not a citizen. Why shouldn't I begin to wonder what in the world is going on here? :think:

Look: I don't know why the guy hasn't released the document (if it's in his power to do so) or why he hasn't asked the state of Hawaii to do it for him (assuming they'd comply if asked).

It's an issue because some people don't trust him, don't like him, don't believe him, or flat out hate him for their own reasons. If they can "prove" Obama isn't "really an American," it'll not only confirm the worst snide and bigoted assumptions about the man, it'll also--in theory--invalidate his presidency and expose him as an imposter. (Of course can you imagine what would happen if these loons got their "wish"? Next up: Joe Biden! Thanks a lot, guys.)

There's one reason I can think of for the president to hold his ground and not acquiesce to these so-called birthers: say yes once, indulge them once, give them what they want once, yield, acknowledge them, and you not only give them the legitimacy they crave, you open yourself to any other demand they or a related group choose to make. I think you can imagine the extremely difficult and challenging logical conclusions this would pose for Obama, and any future president. Ceding to the wishes of the lunatic fringe may be tempting--shut the idiots up--but open that door once, just a crack, and you have just decided to agree with them, play by their rules, and set a nightmarish precedent.


New member
The Obama campaign released a 2007 certified abstract copy of his Certification of Live Birth....

What else do you want?


Patron Saint of SMACK
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I think he probably was born in HI, but it is fun to speculate. :D


New member
The interesting thing is that even if it could be proven that he was indeed born abroad, there is no clear legal definition of "natural born citizen". In case law, it has been loosely interpreted in the past to include children born abroad of American citizens and it has been strictly interpreted to exclude children born in the US of non-citizen fathers. So he could be considered a "natural born citizen" based on his mother's US citizenship regardless of where he was born, or he could be considered not a "natural born citizen" based on his father's British citizenship regardless of where he was born.

Personally, I'm satisfied with the Certification of Live Birth produced by the State of Hawaii. But it really doesn't matter.
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