Surveillance of Trump proved


Surveillance of Trump proved

Accusations based on former Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio, of Maricopa County, Arizona and Michael Zullo, former commander and chief investigator of the Cold Case Posse (CCP) operating out of Arpaio's office, come from the same "birthers" that spent years trying to prove that Barrack Obama was born in Kenya!

If the "birther" brain trust of Donaqld Trump, Joseph Arpaio and Michael Zullo could be so wrong about Obama's birth certificate, why would they now have any credibility when it comes to these claims of surveillance?


New member
Surveillance of Trump proved

Accusations based on former Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio, of Maricopa County, Arizona and Michael Zullo, former commander and chief investigator of the Cold Case Posse (CCP) operating out of Arpaio's office, also attempted to prove that Barrack Obama was born in Kenya!

If Donaqld Trump, Joseph Arpaio and Michael Zullo could be so wrong about Obama's birth certificate after years of investigation, why would they have any credibility when it comes to these claims of surveillance?
Obamas birth certificate is a proven fake.

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like marbles on glass

Infowars?! A conspiracy website?

Alex Jones is a 9/11 truther who says Sandy Hook and the Moon landing were staged - he's the ultimate "fake news" generator.

Do you believe his "proof" because it tells you what you want to hear?

If you read to the bottom of your article:
Court documents do verify Montgomery was contracted by the NSA, in part to develop computer breaching software that has been utilized in government mass surveillance operations targeting American citizens without legal justification.

While Montgomery’s credibility has been called into question, Zullo maintains that the amount of information provided by Montgomery related to Operation Dragnet was extraordinarily voluminous and that Montgomery had shared information with investigators in 2013 that is only now being revealed by media outlets.

From wiki, here's a look at Alex Jones's source:

Dennis Lee Montgomery (born 1953) is an American software designer and former medical technician who sold federal officials computer programs he claimed would decode secret Al Qaeda messages hidden in Al Jazeera broadcasts and identify terrorists based on Predator drone videos.[1] A 2010 Playboy Magazine investigation called Montgomery "The man who conned the Pentagon", saying he won millions in federal contracts for his supposed terrorist-exposing intelligence software.[2] The software was later reported to have been an elaborate "hoax" and Montgomery's former lawyer Michael J. Flynn called him a "con artist" and "habitual liar engaged in fraud".[3]

Terrorist software "hoax"
National Public Radio reported, "For several months starting in the fall of 2003, Montgomery's analysis led directly to national code orange security alerts and cancelled flights. The only problem: he was making it all up."

Montgomery's software claims were reportedly responsible for a false terror alert which grounded international flights and caused Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to raise the government's security level. In February 2006, the FBI and U.S. Air Force office of Special Investigations opened an economic espionage and theft of intellectual property investigation into Montgomery and Blxware.][10][/URL]

Confidential informant for Sheriff Joe Arpaio

In June 2014, reporter Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix New Times wrote that Montgomery had been hired by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office as a confidential informant. Lemons, citing an anonymous source in the Sheriff's Office, said that Montgomery had claimed that, using data he had obtained while working for the CIA, he could prove there was a conspiracy against Arpaio between the U.S. Department of Justice and G. Murray Snow, the federal judge presiding over a racial-profiling lawsuit filed against Maricopa County. In April 2015, Arpaio confirmed the confidential informant relationship in testimony before Judge Snow. Arpaio later characterized the result of Montgomery's investigation as "junk".


New member
Infowars?! A conspiracy website?

Alex Jones is a 9/11 truther who says Sandy Hook and the Moon landing were staged - he's the ultimate "fake news" generator.

Do you believe his "proof" because it tells you what you want to hear?

If you read to the bottom of your article:
Court documents do verify Montgomery was contracted by the NSA, in part to develop computer breaching software that has been utilized in government mass surveillance operations targeting American citizens without legal justification.

While Montgomery’s credibility has been called into question, Zullo maintains that the amount of information provided by Montgomery related to Operation Dragnet was extraordinarily voluminous and that Montgomery had shared information with investigators in 2013 that is only now being revealed by media outlets.

From wiki, here's a look at Alex Jones's source:

Dennis Lee Montgomery (born 1953) is an American software designer and former medical technician who sold federal officials computer programs he claimed would decode secret Al Qaeda messages hidden in Al Jazeera broadcasts and identify terrorists based on Predator drone videos.[1] A 2010 Playboy Magazine investigation called Montgomery "The man who conned the Pentagon", saying he won millions in federal contracts for his supposed terrorist-exposing intelligence software.[2] The software was later reported to have been an elaborate "hoax" and Montgomery's former lawyer Michael J. Flynn called him a "con artist" and "habitual liar engaged in fraud".[3]

Terrorist software "hoax"
National Public Radio reported, "For several months starting in the fall of 2003, Montgomery's analysis led directly to national code orange security alerts and cancelled flights. The only problem: he was making it all up."

Montgomery's software claims were reportedly responsible for a false terror alert which grounded international flights and caused Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to raise the government's security level. In February 2006, the FBI and U.S. Air Force office of Special Investigations opened an economic espionage and theft of intellectual property investigation into Montgomery and Blxware.][10][/URL]

Confidential informant for Sheriff Joe Arpaio

In June 2014, reporter Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix New Times wrote that Montgomery had been hired by Sheriff Joe Arpaio of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office as a confidential informant. Lemons, citing an anonymous source in the Sheriff's Office, said that Montgomery had claimed that, using data he had obtained while working for the CIA, he could prove there was a conspiracy against Arpaio between the U.S. Department of Justice and G. Murray Snow, the federal judge presiding over a racial-profiling lawsuit filed against Maricopa County. In April 2015, Arpaio confirmed the confidential informant relationship in testimony before Judge Snow. Arpaio later characterized the result of Montgomery's investigation as "junk".
So, that means he can't possibly have proof of surveillance of Trump and a host of others? Nobody is pure in this search for facts. Of you want to use this discrediting tact, cross out everything a Democrat has ever said for evidence.

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Whistleblower Tapes: Trump Wiretapped By ‘The Hammer,’ Brennan’s and Clapper’s Secret Computer System By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones

President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper and his Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director John Brennan oversaw a secret supercomputer system known as “THE HAMMER,” according to former NSA/CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.

Clapper and Brennan were using the supercomputer system to conduct illegal and unconstitutional government data harvesting and wiretapping. THE HAMMER was installed on federal property in Fort Washington, Maryland at a complex which some speculate is a secret CIA and NSA operation operating at a US Naval facility.

President Trump’s allegation that the Obama Administration was wiretapping him is not only supported by Montgomery’s whistleblower revelations about Brennan’s and Clapper’s computer system THE HAMMER, but also by statements made this week by William Binney, a former NSA Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group, by former CIA and State Department official Larry Johnson, and by Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman.

Computer expert Dennis Montgomery developed software programs that could breach secure computer systems and collect massive amounts of data.

That system, THE HAMMER, according to the audio tapes, accessed the phone calls, emails and bank accounts of millions of ordinary Americans.

The tapes also reveal that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court (FISA), Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, 156 other judges, members of Congress, and Donald J. Trump were targeted by the HAMMER. One of the audio tapes made public by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow revealed that Brennan and Clapper particularly targeted and wiretapped Donald Trump a “zillion times.”

Montgomery also contends that the government can plant files such as state secrets on a target’s computer, setting up the owner of that device for blackmail or framed prosecution.

Former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson alleged in 2013 she was under electronic surveillance for at least two years and that three classified documents were planted on her “compromised” computer.

The audio tapes were released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow in Maricopa County, Arizona in the Justice Department’s civil contempt case against Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio.

Attorney Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch, represented Montgomery before federal Judge Royce C. Lamberth. Klayman, who characterizes his client Montgomery as a “whistleblower,” told Fox News that Montgomery “turned over 600 million plus pages of information to the FBI.” Judge Lamberth was formerly the presiding judge over the FISA court. After Montgomery produced his documentation, the FBI gave him two immunity agreements: one in the area of “production” and the other regarding “testimony.” The FBI then took possession of Montgomery’s documentation. Attorney Klayman asserts that this information precipitated James Clapper’s resignation.

Clapper had gone before Congress to testify under oath that the NSA, and other intelligence agencies including the CIA,” were not collecting massive amounts of telephonic and Internet metadata on hundreds of millions of innocent American citizens” according to Klayman. Whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations proved otherwise. Clapper was subsequently found to be untruthful and resigned on November 17, 2016, effective January 20, 2017, the day Donald Trump was sworn in. Clapper has not been prosecuted for perjury.

From the American Report

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New member
So Jones has believed some wacky things in the past. When you consider the diabolical things our government and those who run this world have done, nothing is too weird or whacky to consider possible. When you place your faith in the state however, all of this is bizarre and not worth even contemplating.

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New member
I've posted a lot of information out there. You haven't challenged a single part of're too afraid to...I can't blame you for that. You know in your gut , the deep state in this country is diabolical and will stop at nothing to keep power.

I dare you to tackle any of the bits of info provided in my posts.

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New member
obama has never been clueless... he has made it a hard policy that he had to know everything that went on around him. That’s why when things “happened” when he was President, and the talking heads would insinuate he didn’t know or was unaware... he would say he had just heard it on the news himself... but if he didn’t know everything around him, he threw his fits and threatened... so they knew better than to keep anything from him. It was obama himself who would routinely deny he knew about whatever they asked... “who me?”... yes, you! He knew and all this wiretapping did not go on without him knowing about it! agreeing with it... and/or had his hands in it... He is guilty as suspected.. he is in the thick of all the dirt... still is!

And remember when Clapper and Brennan were in the news answering questions... it was clear they did not like Donald Trump... not one bit... and if they could.. they’d go after Trump? yes!!

From free republic subscriber and poster "frnewsjunkie".

He appears to have Obamas behavior pegged as regards to knowing or not knowing everything going on. That's a good motivation to spy on everyone.

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"ClimateSanity" should be embarrassed to makes accusations based on the likes of former Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio, of Maricopa County, Arizona and Michael Zullo, former commander and chief investigator of the Cold Case Posse (CCP) and operating out of Arpaio's office.

They spent years trying to disprove Obama's US citizenship, despite the fact that even if he had been born outside the country, his mother was an American.

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary Canada to an American mother and Arpaio/Zullo never brought his citizenship into question!


like marbles on glass
So Jones has believed some wacky things in the past. When you consider the diabolical things our government and those who run this world have done, nothing is too weird or whacky to consider possible. When you place your faith in the state however, all of this is bizarre and not worth even contemplating.

Alex Jones is a freak. That ball of slime claimed Sandy Hook was a hoax, that the grieving parents were actors - in fact, he's lower than slime for that.

He claimed Operation Jade Helm was going to be Obama's takeover of Texas, an "invasion" disguised as a military exercise that was actually planned to "wage war on the American people."

As for the moon landing - staged - faked- doesn't matter how you want to say it, he claims that's a hoax.

And that 9/11 was an inside job, that Harry Reid was behind the killing of two cops, and that the government is creating gay people by putting estrogen in juice boxes.

This is the freak you want me to believe has the straight story on Trump surveillance?

No. I'm not going there.

Here he is on full display. I think he moves in and out between calculated publicity-generating behavior and full-on derangement. I think he goes through a couple cycles of each.

As for Michelle - while I don't agree with her political views, I admire her cool in handling the freak.



New member
You pick and choose vices I see. He made mistakes but he seeks the truth . You, however , believe the MSM who deliberately set out each day to promote an agenda. The wiki leaks exposed your "freaks" for the colluding liars they are and you still believe them. I will believe those who are fighting the establishment any day over those who are in bed with the establishment.

I have no idea about all those issues you brought up but one thing I'm certain of is that there is more than meets the eye here.
If its from media matters, I can guarantee your screed is a pure hatchet job.

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