Yep they will obey,he will say "let us build an image" and they will build it. We like to play politics in the world today and the whole while no king nor kingdom will be unless God lets it.
In scripture the times were not yet full with the iniquities of the Amorite's. Four hundred years later they were and the Hebrew's were sent by God with their judgment. Israel was shown this that "if" they obeyed they would prosper,but if not they would go into captivity. They were,that is the Assyrian's,Babylon,Persia,Greece,Rome ect. all took them into captivity for disobedience.
Every nation will do the same,the U.S. is no different if they are a godly people and obey they will be blessed. If again they descend into ungodliness they in the same will have their horn removed and another will rule them. lol,so we should elect someone safe like Pee Wee Herman,but then again the Lord might "harden his heart" like the Pharoe and he will be a cruel ruler instead as our punishment(it all depends on the people of the U.S.if they are godly or not).
The man of sin,antichrist,booger man(what ever we want to call him) cannot come unless there first be "a great falling away" and then(ONLY WHEN THEIR IS A FALLING AWAY) will he be permitted to come. Just like the other examples they obey,they stand,,,if they don't they fall victim to a cruel ruler.
So as long as there are people in the world who are Christian the man of sin "cannot come",,,again when the world completely descends into this "great falling away",,,well then they will have the king and government over them they wanted,,,that old serpent satin.