Suicidality and the Second Amendment


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"A 25-year-old bank employee in Louisville, Kentucky, knew he was going to be fired and wrote a note to loved ones before heading to his job Monday morning and opening fire ... "

What kind of "note"?

Followup with details:

When these suicidal people commit these atrocities, they leave it to the police or other innocent people to commit their suicide for them (quote-unquote "suicide-by-cop"). They are the epitome of cowardly.*

* Edit

And I in no way here mean to distract from the OP by calling a spade a spade. The issue is, the cause of the problem is, suicidality and suicides and suicidal people. That remains the cause, and the problem. It is a super-duper tragedy. The OP is not "Cowardice and the Second Amendment."
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... The issue is, the cause of the problem is, suicidality and suicides and suicidal people. That remains the cause, and the problem. It is a super-duper tragedy. ...
The Biden administration is reading my thread.

"Research has showed that loneliness and isolation are linked to sleep problems, inflammation and immune changes in younger adults. In older people, they’re tied to symptoms such as pain, insomnia, depression, anxiety and shorter life span. In people of all ages, they may be associated with higher risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, addiction, suicidality and self-harm, and dementia."


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ


Well-known member
The Biden administration is reading my thread.

"Research has showed that loneliness and isolation are linked to sleep problems, inflammation and immune changes in younger adults. In older people, they’re tied to symptoms such as pain, insomnia, depression, anxiety and shorter life span. In people of all ages, they may be associated with higher risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, addiction, suicidality and self-harm, and dementia."
Sounds like we need better alarm clock control laws.


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idk. But we have to do something about suicide.

We'll never be able to reduce the number of suicides per year until we stop teaching people that death is a solution to all of our problems.

We live in a culture of death.

Unwanted pregnacy? Have an abortion.
Don't want to take care of your parents or put them in a nursing home? Euthanize them.
Depressed? Just commit suicide.
Your child has a disability and you don't want him to suffer? Kill him.
Angry at the world? Just go shoot up a school.

The moment we start teaching people that killing someone will not solve anyone's problems, and in fact only causes problems for others, and that the only people who should be putting ANYONE to death (barring self-defense and defence of others) is the government, the moment suicide numbers will start going down.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What about if we tell people that suicide is wrong, and murder is wrong? We stopped doing that a few decades ago.
You may be on to something. I had been thinking about it in terms of root causes. Certain things are known to correlate with suicide, e.g. loneliness or seclusion, despair or depression, gender dysphoria, and childhood sexual abuse. Also, suicide's "contagious."

We'll never be able to reduce the number of suicides per year until we stop teaching people that death is a solution to all of our problems.

We live in a culture of death. ...
Interesting thoughts JR. idk of any school curriculum which includes specific teaching against suicide. idk of any curriculum which teaches how to handle situations which tend to lead people to choose suicide, giving kids tools and options, and a plan for if they ever are confronted with such circumstances.


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You may be on to something. I had been thinking about it in terms of root causes. Certain things are known to correlate with suicide, e.g. loneliness or seclusion, despair or depression, gender dysphoria, and childhood sexual abuse. Also, suicide's "contagious."

Interesting thoughts JR. idk of any school curriculum which includes specific teaching against suicide. idk of any curriculum which teaches how to handle situations which tend to lead people to choose suicide, giving kids tools and options, and a plan for if they ever are confronted with such circumstances.

So in order to combat the growing number of suicides, you're going to teach children about suicide? Talk about backwards...

No, if education were the solution to this sort of problem, doctors wouldn't smoke.

Condemning all forms of murder (including self-murder) is the only solution.

Children see what adults do, and then imitate.

If they see adults killing the unborn because the child is unwanted/unloved, it teaches the children that killing the innocent is ok. And since the children are innocent, they make the connection that killing themselves is fine if they feel unloved.

End abortion. End the killing of the innocent. And condemn suicide as being an utterly selfish action.


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You may be on to something. I had been thinking about it in terms of root causes. Certain things are known to correlate with suicide, e.g. loneliness or seclusion, despair or depression, gender dysphoria, and childhood sexual abuse. Also, suicide's "contagious."

Interesting thoughts JR. idk of any school curriculum which includes specific teaching against suicide. idk of any curriculum which teaches how to handle situations which tend to lead people to choose suicide, giving kids tools and options, and a plan for if they ever are confronted with such circumstances.

Raising children in the fear and admonition of the Lord is the best way to keep your child from considering suicide.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Dollars to donuts, this guy's suicidal.




"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
This might require a new thread. Suicidality is a big deal but when it comes out that this Maine killer had "intrusive thoughts" you and I both know what that's proof of.


From the article; and you tell me what it sounds like: " Intrusive thoughts can be about anything, but oftentimes the content is violent, sexually inappropriate, disturbing or otherwise in opposition to the person’s values or character ... "


For the children. For the love of Pete. etc.


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
This might require a new thread. Suicidality is a big deal but when it comes out that this Maine killer had "intrusive thoughts" you and I both know what that's proof of.


From the article; and you tell me what it sounds like: " Intrusive thoughts can be about anything, but oftentimes the content is violent, sexually inappropriate, disturbing or otherwise in opposition to the person’s values or character ... "


For the children. For the love of Pete. etc.
