Hi w2g. Sorry about the delayed response--been out of country with no internet.
Heb_9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Judgement "day" is later
Joh 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
Mat 12:36 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak,
Rom 2:16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.
I would think this might bring questions to your mind about what "condemned" means vs judgment. Or what is the purpose of a judgment day, if judgment has already been rendered. I think we HAVE been judged already--in the garden. We were promised death, and since then all have received or are going to receive that punishment (Rom 5:12 and others). Since that was a judgment, based on our sin, and since the "wages of sin is death", why is it that we would need to die, then be resurrected, and then die a second death (assuming we aren't converted)?
If we define "death" as the loss of all function of our bodies, but then we retain all that functionality in a bodiless state, I have a hard time calling it "death". "Death" would then have to be defined as something different. Would you like to give me a better definition of death?
lake of fire is the second death.
Rev 20:14 Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire.
raised from ?
That was my question. If they are spirits being raised up from Hades, then it isn't a "resurrection", is it--a raising from "the dead" (also used in raising up from sleep)? You're getting all tangled up in your redefinitions. Now you need to redefine "resurrection" to mean raising from Hades, and from the sea.
Rev 20:13 And
the sea gave up the dead who were in it,
Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done.
Hades is a place for spirits only
[/QUOTE]We talked about this already. If you want to be consistent, then if SPIRITS are being liberated from HADES, then SPIRITS must be being liberated from the SEA. But I've never heard any kind of doctrine tell us that spirits/souls are being kept in the sea awaiting judgment.
1 :AMR: Hades & Abraham's side are places of waiting
Which you don't seem to be able to cite scripture for. Abraham's bosom ("side" as you say here) is ONLY mentioned in this story of Lazarus and the rich man, but there is no hint--not a jot or a tittle--of any kind of waiting going on. If I've missed it, please show me where it is.
2 Abraham & Lazarus are not in heaven , so Judgement day has not happened.
The only location given in the story is that of the rich man, who is in Hades. It doesn't say where Abraham and Lazarus are. Surely Abraham is not in Abraham's bosom, is he? Thus, your interpretation of "Abraham's side" seems a good one. But Abraham can't be at Abraham's side (unless he's "beside himself" with joy.

The problem with that interpretation is that we have no indication that Lazarus believed in Jesus, do we? If so, where? So these passages don't really integrate very well.
4 Angels carried Lazarus spirit
And one finger...
as you said "his main point is that it would be ineffectual"
Abraham & Lazarus are not in heaven , so Judgement day has not happened.
As I said above, there is no location provided in the story to let us know where Lazarus and Abraham are. And because none of our other descriptions of Hades include any kind of interaction like this, it seems without merit to conclude that Abraham and Lazarus are in Hades.
I don't want to just be obstinate in this discussion--I want to separate truth from tradition, wheat from chaff. If we can limit ourselves to expressing just what the scriptures say, and no more (at least without proper caveats), then I think can more easily arrive at the truth.
You and [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] have done a masterful job of presenting the traditional storyline on Hades, but it doesn't follow scripture in all cases. That's not saying it IS wrong, only that it has extra-biblical elements that MIGHT be wrong.