Spouse of ex-Republican congressman: "Watermelons for blacks!"


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Oh, they're telling, are they? What do they tell, exactly? Spell it out for those of us who can't see it quite so clearly.

Really, I think the video speaks for itself, obviously you are offended that these people were caught off guard and led. I think it was perfect...I don't expect you to agree.

Do you realize that you say that to me nearly every time you talk to me?

Take it as a compliment, I think you are reasonable sometimes.

Yes. My heros. Barney Frank's husband...whose name I couldn't have told you until I'd seen the video. Or at this point without re-watching it, for that matter.

Ok, I was taking liberties, I expect all you liberals to stand together.

That would be the "reporter" who said far worse just to get the hand-full of words he was hoping for.

But does it change the responses that this reporter led them into saying? It is a foul way to get the story but, other than some coaxing these people spoke what they really believe. Funny how people do that when they feel safe.


New member
What makes you think I give a wit about who was caught speaking this way, there are enough of them that are speaking this way to incriminate the liberal so-called "No Bigotry, No Racism" mantra that liberals love to lamb baste conservatives for.

Ah, so that's it. You want cover for conservative racism via the contrivance of counter-balancing liberal racism, and if that means setting up a drunk peri-celebrity, so be it.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Ah, so that's it. You want cover for conservative racism via the contrivance of counter-balancing liberal racism, and if that means setting up a drunk peri-celebrity, so be it.

I don't think there is any so-called conservative racism any more than I think that liberals are devoid of bigotry & racism. That is my point, racism does not have an assigned party...as we can see.


New member
Really, I think the video speaks for itself, obviously you are offended that these people were caught off guard and led. I think it was perfect...I don't expect you to agree.

I wasn't offended. In fact, I ignored this thread at first, until musterion specifically asked me to post. I think the video actually reflects a lot worse on the "investigator" and his supporters than it does on anyone else.

Take it as a compliment, I think you are reasonable sometimes.


Ok, I was taking liberties, I expect all you liberals to stand together.

Why? What even makes you assume Barney Frank's husband is a liberal?

But does it change the responses that this reporter led them into saying? It is a foul way to get the story but, other than some coaxing these people spoke what they really believe. Funny how people do that when they feel safe.

I don't know if you know this, but alcohol lowers inhibitions. And giving someone weed is likely to make them feel indebted to you, and probably makes it less likely that they'll challenge you. Best I can tell, with his guard down, in what he thought was a friendly and private situation, he was lured into going along with a line of thinking that the "investigator" was providing for literally a single example. As racism goes, this is the most ridiculous example I've seen in a long time.


New member
I don't think there is any so-called conservative racism any more than I think that liberals are devoid of bigotry & racism.

Even just based on word count, or in number of distinct ideas expressed, there was more conservative racism in that video than there was from Barney Frank's husband. So there's that.

That is my point, racism does not have an assigned party...as we can see.

Who said it did?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I don't know if you know this, but alcohol lowers inhibitions. And giving someone weed is likely to make them feel indebted to you, and probably makes it less likely that they'll challenge you. Best I can tell, with his guard down, in what he thought was a friendly and private situation, he was lured into going along with a line of thinking that the "investigator" was providing for literally a single example. As racism goes, this is the most ridiculous example I've seen in a long time.

En Vino Veritas..."In wine there is truth" People also speak as they really feel when intoxicated, it may not be what they want others to think they feel but, the Latins coined that phrase for a reason, it is hard to lie effectively when one is intoxicated.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Even just based on word count, or in number of distinct ideas expressed, there was more conservative racism in that video than there was from Barney Frank's husband. So there's that.

I would whole heartedly disagree

Who said it did?

Liberals have worked very hard to assign racism to conservatives please don't try to deny this. It is obvious that racism knows no party and that is fact worth pointing out.

The Barbarian

What makes you think I give a wit about who was caught speaking this way,

You're obsessed with it. Why bother denying the fact?

I am not assigning guilt to anyone you ignorant rube

Ooooh. He's mad, now. Next we'll find out that you and Dennis Rodman are pals.

I was merely pointing out the holes in the liberal moral code.

The notion of personal responsibility shakes you guys up.

Why don't you try addressing your venom straight at me

You said something pretty stupid, and we were amused. You're upset and embarrassed. You'll get over it.

instead of trying stand up for Rex who is perfectly capable of answering for himself

And he did. We're not piling on; I'm just pointing out your conservative trait of assigning group guilt.


Probably, calling names just makes it harder for you to recover from this. Learn from your mistakes, and go on.


New member
I would whole heartedly disagree

Of course you would. Did you notice that the "investigator" suggested that black people vote Democratic for EBT and welfare? What did Jim Ready say that's anywhere near that bad?

Liberals have worked very hard to assign racism to conservatives please don't try to deny this.

We don't work hard on any such thing. You guys make it so easy. It's literally in the OP in this very thread.

It is obvious that racism knows no party and that is fact worth pointing out.

No one suggested otherwise. But that doesn't mean that it's equal in both parties either.

The Barbarian

It is obvious that racism knows no party and that is fact worth pointing out.



Active member
Liberals - especially homosexuals - are depicted today as the epitome of purity and righteousness, always truthful, always right, ever gentle and loving, incapable of hypocrisy. All that is wrong (and as you correctly point out, human), allegedly is found only on the Right.

I and others here enjoy pointing out leftist hypocrisy only because the media does not.

Right wing Christians love to feel persecuted and play the victim card.


Moreover progressive liberals have staked their claim on the moral high ground to claim they are above the bigotry, racism, and the like. They have screamed from the hilltops that bigotry & racism only reside in white conservative circles, this video kind of blows that theory out of the water.
How can you fail to acknowledge the moral high ground claimed by conservatives?

I think we all need to be accountable for both our good intentions and the sometimes not-so-good EFFECT of those "good intentions."

We should not shrink from self-awareness or self-criticism.

My opinion.


New member
On the contrary: it shows them to be far less "liberal" than they purport to be. And that's a service of value, don't you think? You applaud like a seal for fish whenever a conservative Christian stumbles morally, or is revealed to be and outright lying hypocrite. And I'd agree the public is better off for knowing.

So why is this case essentially any different?

You are right. It shows them to be, "far less liberal than they purport to be." Thus, proving that these idiots are really still republicans. Thank you for bringing this to the light.


New member
And the spouse accepts a pocketful of joints, on camera.

I'm not sure where this video was taken, but in most places this is either legal or amounts to about a $100 ticket and doesn't go on your record.

Wake me up when he speeds through a school zone.

The Barbarian

Rocket, this probably didn't work out the way musty expected it do work out. One of the reasons is, that kind of video is persuasive only to people who've already drunk the Kool-Aid.