Spouse of ex-Republican congressman: "Watermelons for blacks!"


Well-known member
Come on, lefties! Where's your vitriol for this race-baiting bigot? The video is right there, plain as day. Why no comment?


New member
I need to clean my glasses, so I think I read that right. But the husband/ex-congressman himself wishes death on a Supreme Court Justice. And the spouse accepts a pocketful of joints, on camera. Racism, hate and bigotry abound...it's quite loathsome, so you're hereby warned...


It's a complete set-up. First of all, the guy sounds drunk. And he doesn't know he's on camera, clearly. And the interviewer was leading pretty hard, to the extent that he lead in with several far more insidious stereotypes, which a more sober politician would probably recognize as right-wing talking points and begin to suspect something. And this isn't even the former Congressman, it's his husband. It's certainly not a comment that he would have broadcast publicly. Is it shocking that if you provide a list of stereotypes to a blitzed white guy about black people, he can add another example? Not in the slightest. Does it offer evidence of anything more than a willingness to talk with sleazy jerks at parties and a latent bias that pretty much every American carries? No again.


New member
The idea that an uber-leftist homosexual can be so bigoted doesn't surprise you, then?

I think all people are capable of bigotry, and as far is examples of it go, this one is pretty vague and pretty benign. Unless you examine the bigotry of the "investigator", which is revolting. The value of "investigations" that seek to catch people when they're drunk saying things they wouldn't say normally is marginal at best.


Well-known member
I think all people are capable of bigotry, and as far is examples of it go, this one is pretty vague and pretty benign. Unless you examine the bigotry of the "investigator", which is revolting. The value of "investigations" that seek to catch people when they're drunk saying things they wouldn't say normally is marginal at best.

On the contrary: it shows them to be far less "liberal" than they purport to be. And that's a service of value, don't you think? You applaud like a seal for fish whenever a conservative Christian stumbles morally, or is revealed to be and outright lying hypocrite. And I'd agree the public is better off for knowing.

So why is this case essentially any different?


New member
On the contrary: it shows them to be far less "liberal" than they purport to be.

Apparently you're under the impression that a liberal is some sort of modern secular saint, a paladin purged of every bias and programmed in the white magic of perfect tolerance and understanding. I'm not sure where you got that impression, other than that it seems to be convenient for you to don it at the moment, and like your commitment to freedom of conscious, it will be doffed at the first moment that it is other than convenient to you.

And that's a service of value, don't you think?

No, not really.

You applaud like a seal for fish whenever a conservative Christian stumbles morally, or is revealed to be and outright lying hypocrite. And I'd agree the public is better off for knowing.

You're not really engaging with me, but rather with the straw man of the theoretical liberal that lives in your imagination. I make a point never to lambast a conservative for anything but what seems to be their clear and honest conviction as evinced in their sincere words and actions, not some meagre bias teased out of them by chicanery and intoxication.

So why is this case essentially any different?

I've given my reasons of that above. Start there.


Well-known member
Apparently you're under the impression that a liberal is some sort of modern secular saint, a paladin purged of every bias and programmed in the white magic of perfect tolerance and understanding. I'm not sure where you got that impression,

From them. Evil exists only on the right, is their conventional wisdom.

And that's a service of value, don't you think?
No, not really.
So the public was better off not knowing about, say, Jimmy Swaggart, Larry Craig and Ted Haggard?

You're not really engaging with me, but rather with the straw man of the theoretical liberal that lives in your imagination.
See above.


The idea that an uber-leftist homosexual can be so bigoted doesn't surprise you, then?


It shouldn't surprise anybody.

We are all human beings, imperfect. And even though we claim to supposedly follow Jesus, we still remain frightened and bigoted.

All of us, every one.

We need not be so quick to point out others' bigotry or hypocrisy.
There is plenty of it within.


Well-known member

It shouldn't surprise anybody.

We are all human beings, imperfect. And even though we claim to supposedly follow Jesus, we still remain frightened and bigoted.

All of us, every one.

We need not be so quick to point out others' bigotry or hypocrisy.
There is plenty of it within.

Liberals - especially homosexuals - are depicted today as the epitome of purity and righteousness, always truthful, always right, ever gentle and loving, incapable of hypocrisy. All that is wrong (and as you correctly point out, human), allegedly is found only on the Right.

I and others here enjoy pointing out leftist hypocrisy only because the media does not.


New member
From them. Evil exists only on the right, is their conventional wisdom.

Does it? I must have slept through that day in commie boot camp.

So the public was better off not knowing about, say, Jimmy Swaggart, Larry Craig and Ted Haggard?

Well, lets see. Every one of those men was brought down by deliberate, sober activities that demonstrated complete conscious hypocrisy, and for the most part, conservatives were the ones to drop the axe. It doesn't even begin to compare to tricking a drunk guy in proximity to a famous politician into saying something he'd later regret.

I think, generally, that people should be held to whatever standard they seek to hold others to, at least morally if not legally. It's a good thing for Ted Haggard that the people who wrote the laws were a lot more liberal than he was, don't you think?

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Liberals - especially homosexuals - are depicted today as the epitome of purity and righteousness, always truthful, always right, ever gentle and loving, incapable of hypocrisy. All that is wrong (and as you correctly point out, human), allegedly is found only on the Right.

I and others here enjoy pointing out leftist hypocrisy only because the media does not.

Conservatives--especially conservative Christians--see themselves as the epitome of purity and righteousness, always right, ever gentle and loving, incapable of hypocrisy.

Much like the way Jesus' followers saw him.

And by the way, I don't enjoy pointing out hypocrisy in anyone especially in myself. But my relationship with Jesus demands that I be aware of it. He dropped some 2,000-year-old pop psychology on us all:

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

--Matthew 7:3

And the so-called "liberal media" stays silent on the Christian terrorism in the world--especially the Christian militias that are slaughtering innocent Muslims.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It's a complete set-up. First of all, the guy sounds drunk. And he doesn't know he's on camera, clearly. And the interviewer was leading pretty hard, to the extent that he lead in with several far more insidious stereotypes, which a more sober politician would probably recognize as right-wing talking points and begin to suspect something. And this isn't even the former Congressman, it's his husband. It's certainly not a comment that he would have broadcast publicly. Is it shocking that if you provide a list of stereotypes to a blitzed white guy about black people, he can add another example? Not in the slightest. Does it offer evidence of anything more than a willingness to talk with sleazy jerks at parties and a latent bias that pretty much every American carries? No again.

:rotfl: Of course it is a set-up you dunce but, the words said stand on their own. Very telling indeed! C'mon Rex you can come up with a better excuse for your heroes than "it was a set up" we can all see that for petes sake, it doesn't change what was said one bit.

A thumbs up for the investigative reporter that got these liberal turds to let down their guard, and speak so freely about how they really feel. :thumb:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
From them. Evil exists only on the right, is their conventional wisdom.

Moreover progressive liberals have staked their claim on the moral high ground to claim they are above the bigotry, racism, and the like. They have screamed from the hilltops that bigotry & racism only reside in white conservative circles, this video kind of blows that theory out of the water.

The Barbarian

Rex, it was Frank's spouse who made the comments. Perhaps you're thinking of the concept of personal responsibility, supposing that Frank shouldn't be judged on the behavior of others. And that, Rex, that marks you as a liberal. Conservatives believe in group guilt. If you think rocket's moral code is bad, consider North Korea. There, they punish three generations for any perceived crime.

While that kind of thinking seems alien to an American, it's the way of the conservative.


New member
:rotfl: Of course it is a set-up you dunce but, the words said stand on their own. Very telling indeed!

Oh, they're telling, are they? What do they tell, exactly? Spell it out for those of us who can't see it quite so clearly.

C'mon Rex

Do you realize that you say that to me nearly every time you talk to me?

... you can come up with a better excuse for your heroes than "it was a set up" we can all see that for petes sake, it doesn't change what was said one bit.

Yes. My heros. Barney Frank's husband...whose name I couldn't have told you until I'd seen the video. Or at this point without re-watching it, for that matter.

A thumbs up for the investigative reporter that got these liberal turds to let down their guard, and speak so freely about how they really feel. :thumb:

That would be the "reporter" who said far worse just to get the hand-full of words he was hoping for.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Rex, it was Frank's spouse who made the comments. Perhaps you're thinking of the concept of personal responsibility, supposing that Frank shouldn't be judged on the behavior of others. And that, Rex, that marks you as a liberal. Conservatives believe in group guilt. If you think rocket's moral code is bad, consider North Korea. There, they punish three generations for any perceived crime.

While that kind of thinking seems alien to an American, it's the way of the conservative.

What makes you think I give a wit about who was caught speaking this way, there are enough of them that are speaking this way to incriminate the liberal so-called "No Bigotry, No Racism" mantra that liberals love to lamb baste conservatives for. I am not assigning guilt to anyone you ignorant rube, I was merely pointing out the holes in the liberal moral code. Why don't you try addressing your venom straight at me instead of trying stand up for Rex who is perfectly capable of answering for himself...coward.