Spiritual Lying Cowards!!


New member
Uh, Paul--when you don't make sweeping accusations there aren't names to name. But when anyone claims certain posters do this or that and fail to name them it sounds like either an invention or evidence of a want of backbone.

So which is it with you? Do you lack facts or nerve?

Truth has no name, God is God and He has no name!! - I don't care what some stupid fool's name is!!! - Just what a FOOL TEACHES!! - And you teach nothing!!! - Just worried about NAMES AND A BUNCH OF OTHER NOTHING!! - You couldn't care less about the Truth, or you'd do as a Christian is supposed to do, and that is PROVE A FALSE PROPHET WRONG!! - BUT YOU CANNOT PROVE ME WRONG, all you can do is find some foolishness to slam. So have at it!!!!!! -- You don't know enough about God to discuss the Scriptures with anyone who may know SOMETHING!! - You're too afraid to get help to defend your own GOD, because you know I'll use a greater SWORD ON ~him~!!! - SOO hide behind all your foolishness, ONE-ON-ONE GENIUS!!!

Paul -- 050112

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Truth has no name, God is God and He has no name!!
Who argued that?? I asked if you made up the general accusations aimed at nonspecific TOL members or if you had people in mind but lacked the courage of your conviction.

- I don't care what some stupid fool's name is!!!
An invention then, to wrap your ego around before the next self-congratulatory exhaltation.

- Just what a FOOL TEACHES!! - And you teach nothing!!!
You can't teach a tune to a man with fingers in his ears (here's a lesson in that). :e4e:


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
The Back Alley. The back alley is were unsanctioned, "no holds barred" battles take place.

This is a rare place for me visit. What seems to be Letsagrue's hangout.
Letsargue's thread: Spiritual Lying Cowards!!
  • This is for all those who lie and use the lie
  • You all know what a liar is
  • Now for all you lying cowards.
  • If you are a Lying Coward

This is what the point is...

Who are these spiritual lying cowards, these liar's, these lying cowards? Are they TOL forum members?

Why doesn't Letsagrue name names. Why not come out and just make a point to expose these cowardly spiritual liars by name.

And when exposing these cowardly spiritual liars, use exact quotes and scripture verses referenced.

Come on!! – You want me to do something that YOU DON’T DO EITHER!!!! - YOU all don’t name names either, and YOU ACCUSE ME OF NOT DOING THE SAME THING “YOU DONT DO NEITHER"!! ~~Why YOU blaming, judging SO and SO~~!! - I don’t care what YOUR foolish name is either!!

Paul – 050112
I thought asking you names names would have a simple answer of, "Well here they are." No, it is instead turning into a ring around the rosie, and that's just around in circles, therefore I leave you with this...

Your pointing the finger at me about YOU DON'T DO EITHER, is face and nameless charge, got that. I have not accused any TOL Member of anything, at least not yet, got that. Therefore I have no reason to name names, not yet. The Back Alley is a good place for you because if you came out to to the other TOL forums you might start throwing sand and calling others some really terrible names like fool(s), moron(s) ..... well I'm sure you get the picture.

Accusing you, no, just asking you to name names. Therefore since you cannot nor do not name names your accusation is empty and basless and without merit.

Why YOU blaming, judging SO and SO ... no, just asking name names, got that. Naming names is something that you cannot apparently you cannot do, because you do not have any or you cannot remember, that's called selective memory.

As for not caring what my foolish name is, that is suppose bother me? It doesn't and will not. On your part I take no offense, because you tend to be mean spirited and rub in a persons faces without anybody's else's help, and that is your bent.

You are like a rainless cloud filled only with thunder and lightening, a wave of the sea tossed and driven about with no point of helping others get safely to the shore, because you so filled with yourself serving rants and ravings, a constant accuser of others that it is so ingrained and embedded in you that even if someone asked you the time of day you would go into rant about, "Listen you fool I'll tell you what time it is..."

I could on about this, but I will not, as I do not want to accused have the brains of a melon, or that somebody has hit me in the head with a wet squirrel.

:wave2: I did make the rank of SO and SO :thumb: :banana:



New member
I thought asking you names names would have a simple answer of, "Well here they are." No, it is instead turning into a ring around the rosie, and that's just around in circles, therefore I leave you with this...

Your pointing the finger at me about YOU DON'T DO EITHER, is face and nameless charge, got that. I have not accused any TOL Member of anything, at least not yet, got that. Therefore I have no reason to name names, not yet. The Back Alley is a good place for you because if you came out to to the other TOL forums you might start throwing sand and calling others some really terrible names like fool(s), moron(s) ..... well I'm sure you get the picture.

Accusing you, no, just asking you to name names. Therefore since you cannot nor do not name names your accusation is empty and basless and without merit.

Why YOU blaming, judging SO and SO ... no, just asking name names, got that. Naming names is something that you cannot apparently you cannot do, because you do not have any or you cannot remember, that's called selective memory.

As for not caring what my foolish name is, that is suppose bother me? It doesn't and will not. On your part I take no offense, because you tend to be mean spirited and rub in a persons faces without anybody's else's help, and that is your bent.

You are like a rainless cloud filled only with thunder and lightening, a wave of the sea tossed and driven about with no point of helping others get safely to the shore, because you so filled with yourself serving rants and ravings, a constant accuser of others that it is so ingrained and embedded in you that even if someone asked you the time of day you would go into rant about, "Listen you fool I'll tell you what time it is..."

I could on about this, but I will not, as I do not want to accused have the brains of a melon, or that somebody has hit me in the head with a wet squirrel.

:wave2: I did make the rank of SO and SO :thumb: :banana:


If you can't give me Scripture from your GOD, I don't care what your god has to say!! - Prove me wrong using Scripture from your God or speak for your father the devil!! -- Is the name, "DEVIL" good enough for you!! - It's your family name or it's "Christian", Jesus' family name!! -- Prove THAT WRONG family man!!!

Paul -- 050112


New member
1. Where does it say, or imply that all one must do to be saved, is to just ask Jesus by Faith to come into his heart and He will save him?

My answer comes from the Bible and Jesus:

A long time ago, a Roman Jailer asked of the Apostle Paul the most important question that could ever be asked, “WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?”

Did Paul said anything else but: “BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:30–31.) You can find the whole context of this by reading in Acts 16.

Nicodemus in John chapter 3, pretty much asked Jesus the same thing.

Did Jesus said anything else but: “You must be born again” (Jn. 3:1–8). Did he ask for anything else? No.

THESE ARE ONLY for Salvation. TO BE SAVED ALL I HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE. BELIEVE what? BELIEVE that I am a sinner in need of a Savior and that that Savior is Jesus Christ. Why? Because HE took my place and PAID ALL THAT I OWED God that I could not pay no matter how many things I did/do. Let me repeat myself: I DO NOT have to do anything else TO BE SAVED BUT BELIEVE and I will be baptized by the Holy Spirit (spiritually speaking) into Christ (Rom. 6:3-5).

That simple — FOR SALVATION.

2. How can one being a Gentile, ( and you all are, or were Gentiles ) have the need for a “sin offering” in the form of a Spotless Lamb, and you all claim that that’s what Jesus is to you? And that Jesus is your “Passover Lamb”, which is Old Law?

IT IS NOT JUST US GENTILES — IT IS THE WHOLE WORLD. Those who want (Jews and Gentiles) to be with God MUST come the way God said it must be. If there is no shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22). I did not make the rule. God did.

The OT was a SHADOW and TYPE of what was to come for ALL HUMANITY that would want to accept it.

And what was that?

THE REDEEMER WILL COME. All of the OT ceremonies and rituals typified and pointed to the Redeemer that would come and pay a price on a Cross. We who have accepted Him, call this Redeemer Jesus.

Jesus CAME and TOOK THE PLACE of all rituals and ceremonies (shadow and type) and became the REALITY of them. So, HE BECAME THE “Passover Lamb.”

Today, NO ONE, JEW or GENTILE, can keep the OT.


There is no Temple. There is no Altar. There is no High Priest, etc., etc., etc.

We are still in the Church Age. Eventually the Church Age (the time of the Gentiles) will run its course and the Jews will come to find their Redeemer once again (I believe that to be Jesus Christ).

3. How can it be the case that the following verses are not the Truth as exactly spoken? And the end is still yet to come? --- Matthew 16:28 KJV --&-- Matthew 24:34-35 KJV ---//--- Matthew 24:14 KJV --&-- Colossians 1:23 KJV –

Matthew 16:28 “Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom (refers to the Transfiguration of Christ, which would take place in a few hours, and would be observed by Peter, James, and John). (Look for the context, context, context).

Matthew 24:34 “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass (the generation of Jews which will be alive at the beginning of the Great Tribulation; as well, it was a prediction by Christ, that irrespective of the problems that Israel would face, even from His day, they would survive), till all these things be fulfilled (there is no doubt, they will be fulfilled).
Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth shall pass away (doesn’t refer to annihilation, but rather a change from one condition or state to another), but My Words shall not pass away (what the Word of God says, will be!). (Look for the context, context, context).

Matthew 24:14 “And this Gospel of the Kingdom (refers to the same type of Gospel preached by Christ and Paul) shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations (not every person, but to all nations; this is close presently to being fulfilled); and then shall the end come (the Second Coming). Matthew 24:14 is part of the answer that Jesus is giving that started with the question in Matthew 24:3: “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, WHEN SHALL THESE THINGS BE? and WHAT SHALL BE THE SIGN OF THY COMING, and OF THE END OF THE WORLD? (Look for the context, context, context).

Colossians 1:23 “If you continue in the Faith (at the same time says it is possible not to continue in the Faith; “the Faith” is “Christ and Him Crucified”) grounded and settled (the Foundation of the Faith, which Object must always be the Cross), and be not moved away (moved away from the Cross) from the Hope of the Gospel, which you have heard (pertains to the fact that they had been brought in right), and which was preached to every creature which is under Heaven (the Message of the Cross is the same for all); whereof I Paul am made a Minister (the meaning of the New Covenant was actually given to Paul, which is the meaning of the Cross [Gal. 1:11–12])”. (Look for context, context, context. Colossians 1:23 to Colossians 1:29 is talking about service.)

The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2009 (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version.) (Mt 24:3). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Swaggart, J. (2005). The Expositor's Study Bible (2081). Baton Rouge, LA: World Evangelism Press.

4. At what very popular Place was the Garden of Eden first located?

Gen. 2:10 And a river went out of Eden to water the Garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
Gen. 2:11 The name of the first is Pison (Ganges?): that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold (India?);
Gen. 2:12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
Gen. 2:13 And the name of the second river is Gihon (Nile?): the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
Gen. 2:14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel (Tigris?): that is it which goes toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

Scholars believe that the Garden of Eden may have been located, at the joining of the Tigris and Euphrates, which is the site of ancient Babylon. [You can do a Google search like I did to find more information].

5. If you ever get to see Jesus, what will you be seeing?

Honestly? I can only image what I will be seeing. And I can only image what I will do.


New member
1. I say, as a Christian, I am from the beginning!


THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that as a ‘Christian you are from the beginning’ in the Bible. Can you give some Bible verses for that?

2. A Christian today, has never been saved, for he was never lost!

Can you give Scriptures for this assertion?

3. A Christian, and an Angel is the same thing!

Could you give Scriptures for this? I cannot see myself as an angel, as I am a human being and angels are of a different creation and by definition an angel is one of a class of spiritual beings; a celestial attendant of God. I am of a class of human beings and I am not a celestial attendant of God.

4. The Gospel was taken from mankind about two thousand years ago!

I can still read the Gospels in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

5. There is not a single Christian today, or for the last nearly one thousand years!



1. This is the fundamental theme of the Gospel – 1 Cor. 15:1-3
2. His suffering for our sins was foretold – Isa. 53:4-6, 10-12
3. He was the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world – Jn. 1:29
4. In love, God offered Him as the propitiation for our sins – 1 Jn. 4:9-10
5. Through such suffering, to reconcile us back to God – 1 Pet. 3:18
6. Providing redemption from sin through His precious blood - 1 Pet. 1:18-19
-- His death was no accident, but part of God's predetermined plan – Acts 2:22-23

1. This reason for His death is often overlooked
2. Yet it is clearly stated by Peter – 1 Pet. 2:24
a. He died for our sins that we might die to sin
b. He died for our sins that we might live for righteousness
3. He died that we might die! And so we read such statements as:
a. "if we died with Him..." – 2 Tim. 2:11
b. "If with Christ you died..." – Col 2:20
c. "For you have died..." – Col 3:3
d. "I have been crucified with Christ..." – Gal. 2:20
-- Jesus died, not only to atone for sin, but to provide a means whereby we can die with Him to sin, and thereby live for righteousness – 1 Pet. 2:24

Taken from: http://executableoutlines.com/top/why_die.htm


Well-known member
Satan gives Scripture that have no meaning to the topic at hand, in desperation also!!!! Paul -- 050112
No meaning? You told me you were judge.

it’s about the Truth!! – Do you speak the Truth, or do I[?]
You and your country are being judged by ME,
I Have judged you already.
Paul – 042812
Christ Jesus is judge and will hold you to your judgement the same way you judge others:

Mat 7:1 Judge not, that you may not be judged.
Mat 7:2 For with whatever judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and with whatever measure you measure out, it shall be measured to you again.
Mat 7:3 And why do you look on the splinter that is in your brother's eye, but do not consider the beam that is in your own eye?


New member

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that as a ‘Christian you are from the beginning’ in the Bible. Can you give some Bible verses for that?

Can you give Scriptures for this assertion?

Could you give Scriptures for this? I cannot see myself as an angel, as I am a human being and angels are of a different creation and by definition an angel is one of a class of spiritual beings; a celestial attendant of God. I am of a class of human beings and I am not a celestial attendant of God.

I can still read the Gospels in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.



1. This is the fundamental theme of the Gospel – 1 Cor. 15:1-3
2. His suffering for our sins was foretold – Isa. 53:4-6, 10-12
3. He was the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world – Jn. 1:29
4. In love, God offered Him as the propitiation for our sins – 1 Jn. 4:9-10
5. Through such suffering, to reconcile us back to God – 1 Pet. 3:18
6. Providing redemption from sin through His precious blood - 1 Pet. 1:18-19
-- His death was no accident, but part of God's predetermined plan – Acts 2:22-23

1. This reason for His death is often overlooked
2. Yet it is clearly stated by Peter – 1 Pet. 2:24
a. He died for our sins that we might die to sin
b. He died for our sins that we might live for righteousness
3. He died that we might die! And so we read such statements as:
a. "if we died with Him..." – 2 Tim. 2:11
b. "If with Christ you died..." – Col 2:20
c. "For you have died..." – Col 3:3
d. "I have been crucified with Christ..." – Gal. 2:20
-- Jesus died, not only to atone for sin, but to provide a means whereby we can die with Him to sin, and thereby live for righteousness – 1 Pet. 2:24

Taken from: http://executableoutlines.com/top/why_die.htm

I don't have to prove to you that I AM right or wrong. It's up to you TO PROVE ME WRONG, SAID GOD. Just ask even the one-on-one geniuses, even they surely know that, but maybe not. I don't care, because you and they don't care either!!

Paul -- 050212


New member
My answer comes from the Bible and Jesus:

A long time ago, a Roman Jailer asked of the Apostle Paul the most important question that could ever be asked, “WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?”

Did Paul said anything else but: “BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:30–31.) You can find the whole context of this by reading in Acts 16.

Nicodemus in John chapter 3, pretty much asked Jesus the same thing.

Did Jesus said anything else but: “You must be born again” (Jn. 3:1–8). Did he ask for anything else? No.

THESE ARE ONLY for Salvation. TO BE SAVED ALL I HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE. BELIEVE what? BELIEVE that I am a sinner in need of a Savior and that that Savior is Jesus Christ. Why? Because HE took my place and PAID ALL THAT I OWED God that I could not pay no matter how many things I did/do. Let me repeat myself: I DO NOT have to do anything else TO BE SAVED BUT BELIEVE and I will be baptized by the Holy Spirit (spiritually speaking) into Christ (Rom. 6:3-5).

That simple — FOR SALVATION.

IT IS NOT JUST US GENTILES — IT IS THE WHOLE WORLD. Those who want (Jews and Gentiles) to be with God MUST come the way God said it must be. If there is no shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22). I did not make the rule. God did.

The OT was a SHADOW and TYPE of what was to come for ALL HUMANITY that would want to accept it.

And what was that?

THE REDEEMER WILL COME. All of the OT ceremonies and rituals typified and pointed to the Redeemer that would come and pay a price on a Cross. We who have accepted Him, call this Redeemer Jesus.

Jesus CAME and TOOK THE PLACE of all rituals and ceremonies (shadow and type) and became the REALITY of them. So, HE BECAME THE “Passover Lamb.”

Today, NO ONE, JEW or GENTILE, can keep the OT.


There is no Temple. There is no Altar. There is no High Priest, etc., etc., etc.

We are still in the Church Age. Eventually the Church Age (the time of the Gentiles) will run its course and the Jews will come to find their Redeemer once again (I believe that to be Jesus Christ).

Matthew 16:28 “Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom (refers to the Transfiguration of Christ, which would take place in a few hours, and would be observed by Peter, James, and John). (Look for the context, context, context).

Matthew 24:34 “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass (the generation of Jews which will be alive at the beginning of the Great Tribulation; as well, it was a prediction by Christ, that irrespective of the problems that Israel would face, even from His day, they would survive), till all these things be fulfilled (there is no doubt, they will be fulfilled).
Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth shall pass away (doesn’t refer to annihilation, but rather a change from one condition or state to another), but My Words shall not pass away (what the Word of God says, will be!). (Look for the context, context, context).

Matthew 24:14 “And this Gospel of the Kingdom (refers to the same type of Gospel preached by Christ and Paul) shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations (not every person, but to all nations; this is close presently to being fulfilled); and then shall the end come (the Second Coming). Matthew 24:14 is part of the answer that Jesus is giving that started with the question in Matthew 24:3: “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, WHEN SHALL THESE THINGS BE? and WHAT SHALL BE THE SIGN OF THY COMING, and OF THE END OF THE WORLD? (Look for the context, context, context).

Colossians 1:23 “If you continue in the Faith (at the same time says it is possible not to continue in the Faith; “the Faith” is “Christ and Him Crucified”) grounded and settled (the Foundation of the Faith, which Object must always be the Cross), and be not moved away (moved away from the Cross) from the Hope of the Gospel, which you have heard (pertains to the fact that they had been brought in right), and which was preached to every creature which is under Heaven (the Message of the Cross is the same for all); whereof I Paul am made a Minister (the meaning of the New Covenant was actually given to Paul, which is the meaning of the Cross [Gal. 1:11–12])”. (Look for context, context, context. Colossians 1:23 to Colossians 1:29 is talking about service.)

The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2009 (Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version.) (Mt 24:3). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Swaggart, J. (2005). The Expositor's Study Bible (2081). Baton Rouge, LA: World Evangelism Press.

Gen. 2:10 And a river went out of Eden to water the Garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
Gen. 2:11 The name of the first is Pison (Ganges?): that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold (India?);
Gen. 2:12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
Gen. 2:13 And the name of the second river is Gihon (Nile?): the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
Gen. 2:14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel (Tigris?): that is it which goes toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

Scholars believe that the Garden of Eden may have been located, at the joining of the Tigris and Euphrates, which is the site of ancient Babylon. [You can do a Google search like I did to find more information].

Honestly? I can only image what I will be seeing. And I can only image what I will do.

There isn’t anything but Gentiles. - The Jews become Gentile the moment they rejected Jesus’ crucifixion as the Gospel. -- The Law was fulfilled by His death and that delivered them from the Curse of the Law. - However, the moment they rejected the Gospel, they fell (( BACK )) into condemnation WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD (( OF GENTILES )). Paul was sent to the Gentiles, BUT, to the JEWS “FIRST”. --- Read all about it!!!!

Paul – 050212

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I don't have to prove to you that I AM right or wrong. It's up to you TO PROVE ME WRONG, SAID GOD. Just ask even the one-on-one geniuses, even they surely know that, but maybe not. I don't care, because you and they don't care either!!

Paul -- 050212
You could say you're a millionaire space alien cowboy and then answer the same way. But there's no scripture that is meant to disprove your claim to being that.

So here's the thing, non-genius: if you claim to be anything it isn't on anyone to prove that you aren't. It's on you to establish your claim.

So where does it say you're an angel, etc.? Answer the man's questions if you can. My money is, given your dodge, on the can't side of the ledger.

Prove me wrong, non-genius.


New member

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that as a ‘Christian you are from the beginning’ in the Bible. Can you give some Bible verses for that?

Can you give Scriptures for this assertion?

Could you give Scriptures for this? I cannot see myself as an angel, as I am a human being and angels are of a different creation and by definition an angel is one of a class of spiritual beings; a celestial attendant of God. I am of a class of human beings and I am not a celestial attendant of God.

I can still read the Gospels in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.



1. This is the fundamental theme of the Gospel – 1 Cor. 15:1-3
2. His suffering for our sins was foretold – Isa. 53:4-6, 10-12
3. He was the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world – Jn. 1:29
4. In love, God offered Him as the propitiation for our sins – 1 Jn. 4:9-10
5. Through such suffering, to reconcile us back to God – 1 Pet. 3:18
6. Providing redemption from sin through His precious blood - 1 Pet. 1:18-19
-- His death was no accident, but part of God's predetermined plan – Acts 2:22-23

1. This reason for His death is often overlooked
2. Yet it is clearly stated by Peter – 1 Pet. 2:24
a. He died for our sins that we might die to sin
b. He died for our sins that we might live for righteousness
3. He died that we might die! And so we read such statements as:
a. "if we died with Him..." – 2 Tim. 2:11
b. "If with Christ you died..." – Col 2:20
c. "For you have died..." – Col 3:3
d. "I have been crucified with Christ..." – Gal. 2:20
-- Jesus died, not only to atone for sin, but to provide a means whereby we can die with Him to sin, and thereby live for righteousness – 1 Pet. 2:24

Taken from: http://executableoutlines.com/top/why_die.htm

You guys want the very words you use, to answer your doubting questions. God doesn’t use your words to say anything. – Isaiah 55:8 KJV ----//-- THEREFORE!! – “If” we are in Christ, we are a new creature, and that new creature has Jesus’ eternal life. That eternal life is from the beginning, therefore, that makes our new life the same, - the exact same perfect life that Jesus has had from the beginning. – Now! - It’s up to you guys to PROVE THAT I AM WRONG, but if I AM right, it is “GOOD”, and you are said to hold fast to that which you have proven to be GOOD / LIKE CHRIST / CHRISTIAN!! – Prove it to be evil, using the Word of God; but the fool cannot, and maybe YOU WON’T EITHER!! – Why should I think your way???

Paul – 050212


New member
I don't have to prove to you that I AM right or wrong. It's up to you TO PROVE ME WRONG, SAID GOD. Just ask even the one-on-one geniuses, even they surely know that, but maybe not. I don't care, because you and they don't care either!!

Paul -- 050212

Yes, I know Letsargue, when the Word of God touches us, ALL OF US, and that INCLUDES YOU, the Holy Spirit pricks our heart and we either submit to HIM or not. Been there! Nothing new under the sun!

No, Letsargue, it is not up to me to prove you wrong, it is up to you to make your position clear to me so that we can converse and LEARN from each other.

Yes, Letsargue, you do care, just like everybody else in the world care; otherwise, you would not waste your time, writing all this information in all these posts trying to teach us what you have learned.


New member
No meaning? You told me you were judge.

Christ Jesus is judge and will hold you to your judgement the same way you judge others:

Mat 7:1 Judge not, that you may not be judged.
Mat 7:2 For with whatever judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and with whatever measure you measure out, it shall be measured to you again.
Mat 7:3 And why do you look on the splinter that is in your brother's eye, but do not consider the beam that is in your own eye?

You wise nothing!! God is talking about JUDGING WRONGLY!! - He said to "USE RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT". Read the Book, GENIUS!!

1 Peter 4:17 KJV ---&--- 1 Corinthians 6:2 KJV ---&--- Matthew 19:28 KJV ---&--- Luke 22:30 KJV ------// --- OOOHHHHH!!!. – I AM SORRY, --- THAT I AM RIGHT!!!!

Paul – 050212


New member
You guys want the very words you use, to answer your doubting questions. God doesn’t use your words to say anything. – Isaiah 55:8 KJV ----//-- THEREFORE!! – “If” we are in Christ, we are a new creature

You are right.

and that new creature has Jesus’ eternal life. That eternal life is from the beginning, therefore, that makes our new life the same, - the exact same perfect life that Jesus has had from the beginning.

Yes, Letsargue, we have that eternal life, but it is SPIRITUAL LIFE, meaning someday we will be able, because we have been transformed SPIRITUALLY into a new creature, to live eternally with God. It does not mean that I am perfect. It means I was changed from the darkness into the light SPIRITUALLY.

– Now! - It’s up to you guys to PROVE THAT I AM WRONG, but if I AM right, it is “GOOD”, and you are said to hold fast to that which you have proven to be GOOD / LIKE CHRIST / CHRISTIAN!! – Prove it to be evil, using the Word of God; but the fool cannot, and maybe YOU WON’T EITHER!! – Why should I think your way???

Paul – 050212

No, Letsargue, there is nothing in the Bible that says that I have to PROVE TO YOU THAT YOU ARE WRONG or RIGHT. The Bible says that we are to “Bear ye one another’s burdens,” (Gal. 6:2) in essence referring to help each other.


New member
You could say you're a millionaire space alien cowboy and then answer the same way. But there's no scripture that is meant to disprove your claim to being that.

So here's the thing, non-genius: if you claim to be anything it isn't on anyone to prove that you aren't. It's on you to establish your claim.

So where does it say you're an angel, etc.? Answer the man's questions if you can. My money is, given your dodge, on the can't side of the ledger.

Prove me wrong, non-genius.

SOOO! - I AM A LIAR TO YOU. - SOO, prove me wrong like Jesus said to do, or did YOUR CHRIST make of you a no brainer, or one not having Christ's Mind, but his own foolish blood pump??

Paul -- 050212


New member
You are right.

Yes, Letsargue, we have that eternal life, but it is SPIRITUAL LIFE, meaning someday we will be able, because we have been transformed SPIRITUALLY into a new creature, to live eternally with God. It does not mean that I am perfect. It means I was changed from the darkness into the light SPIRITUALLY.

No, Letsargue, there is nothing in the Bible that says that I have to PROVE TO YOU THAT YOU ARE WRONG or RIGHT. The Bible says that we are to “Bear ye one another’s burdens,” (Gal. 6:2) in essence referring to help each other.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV --- WHAT DOES GOD SAY THERE??? - Prove just the THINGS you can, or want to? – Maybe all you smart guys have a good excuse to stay foolish!!!

Paul –050212


New member
It’s not about me or you; - it’s about the Truth!! – Do you speak the Truth, or do I!!

You are right that the Truth (Word of God) has nothing to do with you or I.

– We speak of things differently

Yes, we all have a different style of expressing ourselves.

and you have nothing to say unless it’s about MEEEE!!!!

I beg to disagree, Letsargue, all of us are just trying to learn from each other about what is it that God is saying in His Word.

– I don’t care who you are, (( YOU ALL ARE )) ~~fearful and don’t speak the truth~~~ There are many (( LYING COWARDS ))!!

Yes, Letsargue, you do care for us, because otherwise, you would not be trying to teach us anything.

Why don’t you just answer the questions if you’re Christian; that’s what Jesus commanded all Christians to do, but you won’t, --- flying in the face of God!! – But that’s easy for those who are LYING COWARDS, and are not honest in heart!! --- 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV – (( PROVE “ALL” THINGS )); hold fast that which is good”. -----//--- What does GOD SAY THERE TO THE “(( CHRISTIANS ))”!! – If you are a lying coward, of course you won’t care what Christ says!!
SOO it’s about me, to you!! --------- I am Christian, not born of any Spirit. - I have always been Spirit!! – I am from the beginning and never was lost that I ever needed to be saved from the likes of COWARDLY LIARS WHO ARE ON THEIR WAY TO HELL, WITH MY HELP!! – You and your country are being judged by ME, and I Have judged you already. You have but one place to occupy until the lord that you are waiting SOO foolishly to come, as you hopelessly wait for!!!
NOW!! – That’s about me!! – ANYTHING ELSE!!!

Paul – 042812

I also am a Christian, but I am not a Christian (other); however, being a Christian demands that I be courteous, meek, slow to anger, slow to speak, supportive of those who do not understand what has been revealed to us through God's Word and be also patient.


New member
Yes, I know Letsargue, when the Word of God touches us, ALL OF US, and that INCLUDES YOU, the Holy Spirit pricks our heart and we either submit to HIM or not. Been there! Nothing new under the sun!

No, Letsargue, it is not up to me to prove you wrong, it is up to you to make your position clear to me so that we can converse and LEARN from each other.

Yes, Letsargue, you do care, just like everybody else in the world care; otherwise, you would not waste your time, writing all this information in all these posts trying to teach us what you have learned.

Reject the Truth anywhere you can to save your present doctrines. All foolish people do the same!!

Paul -- 050212


New member
You are right that the Truth (Word of God) has nothing to do with you or I.

Yes, we all have a different style of expressing ourselves.

I beg to disagree, Letsargue, all of us are just trying to learn from each other about what is it that God is saying in His Word.

Yes, Letsargue, you do care for us, because otherwise, you would not be trying to teach us anything.

I also am a Christian, but I am not a Christian (other); however, being a Christian demands that I be courteous, meek, slow to anger, slow to speak, supportive of those who do not understand what has been revealed to us through God's Word and be also patient.


GOD JUST SAYS WHAT HE SAYS!!! – All you guys try to “understand” what God says WITHOUT believing / having Faith in what God says!! – Only God understands God. You must have FAITH in what God says, and that comes ONLY BY READING GOD’S WORD!! The UNDERSTANDING ONLY COMES BY THE HOLY GHOST. And that is only present in Christ!!! – Therefore!! - “IF” you cannot “understand” God’s Word, you cannot be in CHRIST!! – NOW!! – Prove that wrong with your own wisdom!!

Paul – 050212


New member
1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV --- WHAT DOES GOD SAY THERE??? - Prove just the THINGS you can, or want to? – Maybe all you smart guys have a good excuse to stay foolish!!!

Paul –050212

No, Letsargue, I DO NOT HAVE TO PROVE THAT YOU are wrong or right. I have to search the Scriptures, I DO NOT HAVE TO PROVE the Scripture, THE SCRIPTURE proves itself to me.

What we as brothers and sisters must do is converse with each other about what we have found, and eventually we will reach the correct interpretation.