You're just full of Hallmark cards, ain't ya.Once we assuage our conscience by calling something a "necessary evil," it begins to look more and more necessary and less and less evil.
LOL. Anything that gets movies, TV shows and fictional novels written about has to be a lie.
Who cares?Prior to my conversion two out of three words that came of of my mouth were expletives.
I bet you peek.This message is hidden because Tambora is on your ignore list.
Prior to my conversion two out of three words that came of of my mouth were expletives.
I have no problem with the unregenerate using foul language because it's as natural as breathing for them. I always feel the need to point out to hypocrites their true state.
Speaking by the spirit of God, speaking in tongues, is awesome when understood from the scripture and utilized as scripture instructs
Who cares?
Those like him who boast in their own flesh. Aka, the lost.
He peeks just like Rusha doesI bet you peek.
He peeks just like Rusha does
Those of us in the BOC will be taken up in the air to meet the Lord Jesus Christ, and we will be spared wrath
The unregenerate at some point begin to experience ailments, disease, sickness and torments. These are drops of wrath and are terrible forebodings of the full shower which is to follow.
I've been seeing this manifestation in an elderly couple I've been visiting.
Cecil B. DeMille would disagree!