Spirits, the Angels:


New member
Angels, of the New Testament!! – The Most prominent of the Angels are, >> To start with, when Jesus finished the forty days in the Wilderness, Matthew 4:11 KJV ----//--- God ( Just sent some Guys over to Jesus ) That’s all there was to it. When speaking of Angels, we’re not referring to the (((( Flesh )))), but the Spirit dwelling in the “flesh”. – Hebrews 1:14 KJV – “(( Are they not all ministering spirits )), (( sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation ))”? ----

Paul was Michael the Archangel: > Acts 27:23 KJV – “(( For there stood by me this night the angel of God )), ((((( whose I am ))))), and (( whom I serve ))”. -----
There is no way any of you can take away that Paul is saying that (( He is “THE” “Angel of God ))” there. – If you don’t see it, (( You don’t want to see it ))!!!

( AND ), “If” Paul is Michael, -- Then John ( Has to be “Gabriel )”!! >> - Revelation 19:10 KJV -&- Revelation 22:9 KJV -----//--- AND Paul was Michael the Archangel.

Michael began being Angel, with Abel’s death. The blood of Abel crying from the ground, ( Was Angel ) seeking a Body!! – Abel’s Spirit, or Life found a Body in Moses’ body. – Jude 1:9 KJV -&- Matthew 17:3 KJV – (( There is no way any of you can remove Paul from “Michael, the Number One Spiritual being” / ANGEL ))! – God just Says it!!

Paul – 070612


Nope, Michael is the chief angel in charge of all other common angels (celestial being's in the heavenly realm). Michael was an angel from the beginning and he didn't magically turn into Paul or vice versa.


New member
Angels, of the New Testament!! – The Most prominent of the Angels are, >> To start with, when Jesus finished the forty days in the Wilderness, Matthew 4:11 KJV ----//--- God ( Just sent some Guys over to Jesus ) That’s all there was to it. When speaking of Angels, we’re not referring to the (((( Flesh )))), but the Spirit dwelling in the “flesh”. – Hebrews 1:14 KJV – “(( Are they not all ministering spirits )), (( sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation ))”? ----

Paul was Michael the Archangel: > Acts 27:23 KJV – “(( For there stood by me this night the angel of God )), ((((( whose I am ))))), and (( whom I serve ))”. -----
There is no way any of you can take away that Paul is saying that (( He is “THE” “Angel of God ))” there. – If you don’t see it, (( You don’t want to see it ))!!!

( AND ), “If” Paul is Michael, -- Then John ( Has to be “Gabriel )”!! >> - Revelation 19:10 KJV -&- Revelation 22:9 KJV -----//--- AND Paul was Michael the Archangel.

Michael began being Angel, with Abel’s death. The blood of Abel crying from the ground, ( Was Angel ) seeking a Body!! – Abel’s Spirit, or Life found a Body in Moses’ body. – Jude 1:9 KJV -&- Matthew 17:3 KJV – (( There is no way any of you can remove Paul from “Michael, the Number One Spiritual being” / ANGEL ))! – God just Says it!!

Paul – 070612
But doesn't it say "whose I am" and not "who I am"?
There is a great difference between the two.


New member
Nope, Michael is the chief angel in charge of all other common angels (celestial being's in the heavenly realm). Michael was an angel from the beginning and he didn't magically turn into Paul or vice versa.

How do you know that?? - I at least gave reason, or ( evidence ) from the Book for my Faith, and ((((( YOU )))))!!! --- Nothing but nonsense and guessing and Theory!! -- You did not do what the BOOK calls us to do!! -- Now!! - what is (( Gravity ))?? Guess, or Theorize again!!

Paul -- 070612


How do you know that?? - I at least gave reason, or ( evidence ) from the Book for my Faith, and ((((( YOU )))))!!! --- Nothing but nonsense and guessing and Theory!! -- You did not do what the BOOK calls us to do!! -- Now!! - what is (( Gravity ))?? Guess, or Theorize again!!

Paul -- 070612

How do I know ((((THAT)))). I read the Bible. NO_WHERE in the Bible does it say that Michael the archangel (((WAS))) OR (((IS))) Paul.


New member
But doesn't it say "whose I am" and not "who I am"?
There is a great difference between the two.

Sure does!!!!

"The Angel of God", -- "Whose I am", and whom I serve". - Whose? - I am God's, - God's What? - "Angel". --- In other words. "I am God's Angel sent to administer to those who shall be heirs of Salvation". - Ain't that what God said??

And, "Whom I serve"; -- it's the Angels ( only who serve God, and not man. )!! - How does the carnal serve God? - How does the Spirit / Angel serve God? ----- (( Yes )) I know you can't answer that; you'll only scoff, or spit, and be hateful, - ((( or just hide like all the other cowards )))!! There is much more, but none of you are interested enough to learn. All any of you want to do is play your little games of spit and scoff and Hate!!

Paul -- 070612


New member
How do I know ((((THAT)))). I read the Bible. NO_WHERE in the Bible does it say that Michael the archangel (((WAS))) OR (((IS))) Paul.

2 Corinthians 3:6 KJV -- "Who also (( hath made us "able" "ministers" )) of the New Testament; ((((( not of the Letter ))))), ((( but of the Spirit ))): for (( the Letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth Life" ))!!!!

Mock if you get your kicks out of it!! -- I do it so you might see a little closer than (( Normal ))!!!! -- However, it's useless. - You guys don't want to see; - all you want to do is mock, and make fun and slander those who are trying to teach the (((( Spirit of the Word / GOD ))))!!!

Paul -- 070612


2 Corinthians 3:6 KJV -- "Who also (( hath made us "able" "ministers" )) of the New Testament; ((((( not of the Letter ))))), ((( but of the Spirit ))): for (( the Letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth Life" ))!!!!

Mock if you get your kicks out of it!! -- I do it so you might see a little closer than (( Normal ))!!!! -- However, it's useless. - You guys don't want to see; - all you want to do is mock, and make fun and slander those who are trying to teach the (((( Spirit of the Word / GOD ))))!!!

Paul -- 070612

Well maybe I took your OP too seriously. I just can't read between your "spiritual lines".


New member
Sure does!!!!

"The Angel of God", -- "Whose I am", and whom I serve". - Whose? - I am God's, - God's What? - "Angel". --- In other words. "I am God's Angel sent to administer to those who shall be heirs of Salvation". - Ain't that what God said??

And, "Whom I serve"; -- it's the Angels ( only who serve God, and not man. )!! - How does the carnal serve God? - How does the Spirit / Angel serve God? ----- (( Yes )) I know you can't answer that; you'll only scoff, or spit, and be hateful, - ((( or just hide like all the other cowards )))!! There is much more, but none of you are interested enough to learn. All any of you want to do is play your little games of spit and scoff and Hate!!

Paul -- 070612
Instead of spitting and scoffing and hating I'll just hide like all the other cowards ... :third:

Thanks, :)


New member
Instead of spitting and scoffing and hating I'll just hide like all the other cowards ... :third:

Thanks, :)

What are you fearful of?? - The Truth, or that you are void of Truth, and care nothing to learn of the Truth??

Paul -- 070612


What are you fearful of?? - The Truth, or that you are void of Truth, and care nothing to learn of the Truth??

Paul -- 070612

Why do you think that you are the purveyor of all that is truth? I mean really you speak as if you are the Holy Spirit.

You never engage people you tacle them.


Well-known member


New member
What are you fearful of?? - The Truth, or that you are void of Truth, and care nothing to learn of the Truth??

Paul -- 070612
Well, it seems to me that the Truth you are presenting is highly subjective.
How can anyone possibly learn or see things that apparently only you see?

If you know anyone else who believes the way you do, let me hear it from them as well.

Even Jesus said that He has witnesses to who He is and to what He teaches.

Everything is decided by 2 or 3 ...

Thanks, :)


New member
((((( Come on Knight )))))!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ve got a free ( TAROT READING TO ADVERTISE )!!!!!!!

((( Paul – 070612
)))) – That’s what’s sneakingly left of the (( FREE TAROT READING )) THAT I WAS FORCED TO ADVERTISE!! – THANKS A LOT ( KNIGHT )!!!!!!!

Paul – 070712


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
((((( Come on Knight )))))!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ve got a free ( TAROT READING TO ADVERTISE )!!!!!!!

((( Paul – 070612
)))) – That’s what’s sneakingly left of the (( FREE TAROT READING )) THAT I WAS FORCED TO ADVERTISE!! – THANKS A LOT ( KNIGHT )!!!!!!!

Paul – 070712

I do not see any ads. But then I googled Adblock Plus a Mozillia Firefox down load to black ads, and I do not see them, however, I can enable and disable the Adblock accordingly. When there is something that can be done about, then do it, or otherwise get over it.


You need to be more creative with you attention getters...

(((Your Welcome)))


Advertising creates revnue to help keep TOL online.


New member
Why do you think that you are the purveyor of all that is truth? I mean really you speak as if you are the Holy Spirit.

You never engage people you tacle them.

"Letsargue" is spelled "Letsargue"!! - How do you want me to spell your name??

Luke 21:14-15 KJV --&-- Mark 13:11 KJV – “Whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: ((( for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost” ))). – Sorry if the Truth is the Truth!!!
Revelation 14:18-19 KJV – “And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle , saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle , and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. 19- And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God”. ------///-- Just because ( You’re blind to the Truth ) doesn’t mean that I am!!!

Paul – 070712


New member
I do not see any ads. But then I googled Adblock Plus a Mozillia Firefox down load to black ads, and I do not see them, however, I can enable and disable the Adblock accordingly. When there is something that can be done about, then do it, or otherwise get over it.


You need to be more creative with you attention getters...

(((Your Welcome)))


Advertising creates revnue to help keep TOL online.

I'm just letting it be ( known ) how I feel about the (( new religious rules )) in that world!! - I realize that nothing is any worse than anything else such as the Down Right hateful so called ~christians~ that appear on this forum also!!!!

Paul -- 070712