Speaking in Tongues a Stupid Practice and Probably "Annoys God."


New member
That's why Paul reminds them what the purpose was. It was not needed, or very little.
there were some Jews there. Jews were all over the Med basin and rim cities. Otherwise there wouldn't be issues like ch 8 about foods, etc.

You're being pretty vague here.
Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles. Rom 11:13 (NIV)
I don't know what you are referring to by chap 8....there's a lot of chapters eights.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The purpose of speech is to communicate, i.e., to convey my thoughts to you in a way that you can understand.

Of course it is. It was also a sign to the unbeliever that a Judean could speak his language.

The Protestant practice of "speaking in tongues,"

Whose practice?



Let me apologize now, I know that I have probably come off as rude, or condescending.. I don't mean to.. It's just that I started my Christian walk in this kind of environment and have witnessed these things first hand, and it breaks my heart to know there are others where I once was with this..

I have joined and served two Pentecostal churches and witnessed shenanigan. I can confidently say they were faking.

Totton Linnet

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To all:
please remember the true purpose was a sign to unbelieving Jews that God's mission really was the message of Christ and to go the nations. That's why there are unbelieving Jews observing this happen and seeing the impact on Gentiles.

Whatever was going on at Corinth is a subjective abberation of this, and even then, Paul still tells them and quotes to them why it was happening.

The reason it would end would be that there were fewer and fewer unbelieving Jews who would need to shown that.

You need to read what Paul taught...not what others have taught you. Tongues when coupled with interpretation is to profit withal, for edifying the assembly, as with word of wisdom and knowledge or revelation or prophecy.

Moreover Paul specifically told us when the gifts would cease in the church.

"for our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect, but when the perfect is come the imperfect will pass away"

Nothing to do with the Jews.

"For now we see in a glass but darkly but then face to face, now I know in part then I shall understand fully even as I have been fully understood."

Some would have us believe that Paul was speaking about the bible....but Paul had the bible, he was the writer of a goodly piece of it.

You cain't tell me that the revelation that Paul had in his soul became more perfect when it was written down than when he was teaching and preaching it live in the very presence of God. That is daft.

As far as scripture knowledge and revelation was concerned Paul had it.

But yet he said "now we know in part, now we see partially, when the perfect is come we shall know fully, we will see face to face"

The perfect which still IS yet to come is not the scripture but what the scripture prophesys....the kingdom when we shall see the Lord face to face. Then we will all know and be known.

Totton Linnet

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I have joined and served two Pentecostal churches and witnessed shenanigan. I can confidently say they were faking.

From the great Fake herself...the widow who is not a true widow but is a busybody going from house church to house church gossiping, poking her nose in, having betrayed her first pledge she has turned back to follow satan and is captured by him to do his will.


I have joined and served two Pentecostal churches and witnessed shenanigan. I can confidently say they were faking.

I would like to add that one is John Hagee's church who claims their church is non-denominational. The other one is Assembly of God.

Those two pastors are divorcees.

I was very new believer when I joined their churches.

I believe tongue speacking churches are one of the most disgraceful denomination.


Look at tongue speaking evangelists. they are shameless. And they have millions of followers.

There are tons of speaking in tongue mega churches in my neighborhood.


New member
I would like to add that one is John Hagee's church who claims their church is non-denominational. The other one is Assembly of God.
Those two pastors are divorcees.
I was very new believer when I joined their churches.
I believe tongue speacking churches are one of the most disgraceful denomination.

It has been very well established that what YOU believe is of NO consequence, so don't waste the web space.


Eclectic Theosophist


Freelight is defending glossalalia. Do I really need any further argument for why the practice is ridiculous?

My original post here is fairly comprehensive concerning the subject, if you'd be properly informed, plus my own 'religious experience' of speaking in tongues, it being a 'language of the spirit', a language that transcends the mind. I'd go over the basics before presuming too much.

The issue is a right use and appropriation of such, within any given situation or context,....that's whats key, and was a concern for Paul which is why he gave instructions concerning their use.

The truth is more likely that you (not 'God') find the practice 'stupid' and 'annoying'. Perhaps we're super-imposing our own ego-centrities on 'God' ;)

Also, I'm not necessarily promoting or 'defending' the use of tongues, but sharing their meaning and value in the right context. This practice or any other in the arena of 'spiritual gifts' can surely be misused or abused. Our aim is to use all the tools and charismas of the Spirit to be of true service to others, which ultimately glorifies 'God'.


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I would like to add that one is John Hagee's church who claims their church is non-denominational. The other one is Assembly of God.

Those two pastors are divorcees.

I was very new believer when I joined their churches.

I believe tongue speacking churches are one of the most disgraceful denomination.

To another enquirer you said you "served these churches faithfully" for several years


They are Trinitarian, they believe in being saved...in fact there is very little that you agree with them about.


Speaking in tongue doctrine is abusing Paul's teachings.

What those tongue speakers are doing is nothing but harm by spreading their doctrine to the world.

It is disgraceful practice as Jesus' followers..


Well-known member
Acts 2:4, Acts 10:46, I Corinthians 14:18

The twelve on the day of Pentecost did it.

The Gentiles of the household of Cornelius did it.

The Apostle Paul was thankful to God for it.

Speaking in tongues is good enough for the apostles and those they ministered to, it is good enough for me.

I Corinthians 14:5

Since God commands it, it is good enough for me.


Speaking in tongues is good enough for the apostles and those they ministered to, it is good enough for me.

You have only Paul's word about speaking in tongue.

Besides, they were all speaking understandable language, not gibberish.

There were all kinds of miracles practiced by NT times. Speaking understandable foreign language was one of them.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
my wife speaks in tongues all the time, she speaks chinese to her chinese audiences and english to her english audiences.

she also doesn't waste her time on idiots who delude themselves into leading others astray concerning the topic of tongues...

if a person insists on speaking gibberish and trying to argue that brings them closer to God, leave them be, move on to people that deserve your time and effort

during the times of signs and miracles, speaking in tongues was one of their gifts. being able to speak different languages they were not taught or understood. we no longer have miracles nor the miraculous ability to speak tongues, but you can learn another language and help the lost, without miracles and without ignorance of what the scriptures say

These signs will follow those who believe...they shall speak with other tongues. Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.


Well-known member
You have only Paul's word about speaking in tongue.

Besides, they were all speaking understandable language, not gibberish.

There were all kinds of miracles practiced by NT times. Speaking understandable foreign language was one of them.

Was Acts written by Paul?

NO, it was not.

Who is the author of scripture?

God is the sole author of scripture. II Timothy 3:16, II Peter 1:21

Including what Paul wrote and Peter wrote, both of whom spoke in tongues.

As did John, the apostle.

Why do you resist God, who is the Holy Spirit? Acts 7:51


Was Acts written by Paul?

NO, it was not.

Who is the author of scripture?

God is the sole author of scripture. II Timothy 3:16, II Peter 1:21

Including what Paul wrote and Peter wrote, both of whom spoke in tongues.

As did John, the apostle.

Why do you resist God, who is the Holy Spirit? Acts 7:51

You can quote the scripture all you want to justify your practice. It is not rightly divided, meaning it does not harmonize with Jesus' teachings.

Christianity is all about Jesus' teachings. He taught us perfectly how to love God and one another.

If you don't think Jesus was perfect teacher of love, I cannot help you. It is your problem.

All denominations has gimmicky doctrines. Some have many and some are less. Speaking in tongue is just another one of them.

good day.