Speaker of the House John Boehner to resign

Mocking You

New member
Other than the lack of hair and the fact that he isn't alive anymore, this guy would play a perfect Boehner.

Nope, the guy that played George Mason, Jack Bauer's boss, in the first two seasons of 24.



Well-known member
Boner cried. :plain:
He has those 'crybaby' eyes, anyway. He always looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Look, I'm a recovered alcoholic, myself, so I feel for the guy. But he's long overdue in his exit from politics and his recovery (hopefully) from alcoholism. And the whole nation has to suffer the consequences of his many years of bad decisions. So nobody else is gonna be crying any crocodile tears over his departure. That's for sure!
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Well-known member

He's another lying drunk just like Ted Kennedy was, hoping the pope of his cult can bribe Peter into letting him through the gates.


New member

He's another lying drunk just like Ted Kennedy was, hoping the pope of his cult can bribe Peter into letting him through the gates.

I do not like your tone! "Cult"? Are you referencing the Irish people?
I imagine St. Peter standing at the Pearly Gates and welcoming all good Irishmen and women with joy because they bring laughter and fun to the festivities! The bad Irishmen and women along all other bad folks won't be there.


Well-known member
I do not like your tone! "Cult"? Are you referencing the Irish people?

If I were I'd be referring to myself...I have one of the most common Irish last names in the U.S., which my dad took from the family that took him in as a kid. And his birth surname was McDermott ;)

I imagine St. Peter standing at the Pearly Gates and welcoming all good Irishmen and women with joy because they bring laughter and fun to the festivities! The bad Irishmen and women along all other bad folks won't be there.
I should clarify what I referred to. When he knew he was as good as dead, Kennedy penned this letter to the then-pope of his legalistic cult:


Note carefully the good works Kennedy cited as reasons his cult leader should do what he can to shove Teddy through the gates. Also note how, in the pope's reply, no clear guarantee of heaven was made to Teddy.

But it was all nonsense and to no avail. Kennedy did not believe the Gospel of the grace of God but staked eternity on the false gospel of works his cult still preaches. So now he awaits being cast into the Lake of Fire. Boehner is in the same boat, lest he repents unto Christ through the Gospel of the grace of God.


New member
maybe seeing the pope and all.. led him to realize that... well, I am going to have to say Scratch that to what I was thinking b/c.. I thought about more as I was writing..

The pope was rather brave in coming to the USA.. what with all the shootings we have had lately.. Nidal Hasan... and etc... etc...

But he was not very brave in.. telling people to knock off their sinful, disgusting behavior...

yes, he mentioned abortion in an indirect way.. spoke of protecting life from beginning to end.. but..

well, I don't know.. I am not the pope. IT would seem he is required to speak to all people, not just thse who believe.. so...

What irks me the most about the pope is that he approves of the Iran Deal. I don't think he knows much about it.. Heck, we Americans don't know much about it.. I wish he would stick to faith and morals as a pope is supposed to do



Well-known member
maybe seeing the pope and all.. led him to realize that... well, I am going to have to say Scratch that to what I was thinking b/c.. I thought about more as I was writing..

The pope was rather brave in coming to the USA.. what with all the shootings we have had lately.. Nidal Hasan... and etc... etc...

But he was not very brave in.. telling people to knock off their sinful, disgusting behavior...

yes, he mentioned abortion in an indirect way.. spoke of protecting life from beginning to end.. but..

well, I don't know.. I am not the pope. IT would seem he is required to speak to all people, not just thse who believe.. so...

What irks me the most about the pope is that he approves of the Iran Deal. I don't think he knows much about it.. Heck, we Americans don't know much about it.. I wish he would stick to faith and morals as a pope is supposed to do


You don't need your pope or your church. You don't need any man, men or group of people to be made right with God, which is what you strive for because you've been told to.

All that you possibly need has already been provided for you at the cross and the resurrection of Christ. It's yours for the taking, free and unearned. All God asks you to do is believe it and be thereby reconciled to Him. If you don't...Lake of Fire.

Please stop "making flesh your arm" by placing the trust for your very soul into the hands of men. They can't even help themselves so they can't help you. Christ alone is all you will ever need. You have God's Word on it.


Well-known member
Here is the real worry about Boehner'e leaving …

John Boehner was a terrible, very bad, no good speaker of the House. Under his leadership, Republicans pursued an unprecedented strategy of scorched-earth obstructionism, which did immense damage to the economy and undermined America’s credibility around the world.

Still, things could have been worse. And under his successor they almost surely will be worse. Bad as Mr. Boehner was, he was just a symptom of the underlying malady, the madness that has consumed his party.

For me, Mr. Boehner’s defining moment remains what he said and did as House minority leader in early 2009, when a newly inaugurated President Obama was trying to cope with the disastrous recession that began under his predecessor.

There was and is a strong consensus among economists that a temporary period of deficit spending can help mitigate an economic slump. In 2008 a stimulus plan passed Congress with bipartisan support, and the case for a further stimulus in 2009 was overwhelming. But with a Democrat in the White House, Mr. Boehner demanded that policy go in the opposite direction, declaring that “American families are tightening their belts. But they don’t see government tightening its belt.” And he called for government to “go on a diet.”

This was know-nothing economics, and incredibly irresponsible at a time of crisis; not long ago it would have been hard to imagine a major political figure making such a statement. Did Mr. Boehner actually believe what he was saying? Was he just against anything Mr. Obama was for? Or was he engaged in deliberate sabotage, trying to block measures that would help the economy because a bad economy would be good for Republican electoral prospects?

We’ll probably never know for sure, but those remarks set the tone for everything that followed. The Boehner era has been one in which Republicans have accepted no responsibility for helping to govern the country, in which they have opposed anything and everything the president proposes.

What’s more, it has been an era of budget blackmail, in which threats that Republicans will shut down the government or push it into default unless they get their way have become standard operating procedure.

All in all, Republicans during the Boehner era fully justified the characterization offered by the political analysts Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein, in their book “It’s Even Worse Than You Think.” Yes, the G.O.P. has become an “insurgent outlier” that is “ideologically extreme” and “unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science.” And Mr. Boehner did nothing to fight these tendencies. On the contrary, he catered to and fed the extremism.

So why is he out? Basically because the obstructionism failed.

Republicans did manage to put a severe crimp on federal spending, which has grown much more slowly under Mr. Obama than it did under George W. Bush, or for that matter Ronald Reagan. The weakness of spending has, in turn, been a major headwind delaying recovery, probably the single biggest reason it has taken so long to bounce back from the 2007-2009 recession.

But the economy nonetheless did well enough for Mr. Obama to win re-election with a solid majority in 2012, and his victory ensured that his signature policy initiative, health-care reform — enacted before Republicans took control of the House — went into effect on schedule, despite the dozens of votes Mr. Boehner held calling for its repeal. Furthermore, Obamacare is working: the number of uninsured Americans has dropped sharply even as health-care costs seem to have come under control.

This is nonsense, of course. In fact, the controversy over Planned Parenthood that probably triggered the Boehner exit — shut down the government in response to obviously doctored videos? — might have been custom-designed to illustrate just how crazy the G.O.P.’s extremists have become, how unrealistic they are about what confrontational politics can accomplish.

But Republican leaders who have encouraged the base to believe all kinds of untrue things are in no position to start preaching political rationality.

Mr. Boehner is quitting because he found himself caught between the limits of the politically possible and a base that lives in its own reality. But don’t cry for (or with) Mr. Boehner; cry for America, which must find a way to live with a G.O.P. gone mad.

- Paul Krugman, New York Times


New member
I think he's going to be missed a great deal more than anyone will admit to. For liberals, he's the guy who would say bad things about them but could still work with them enough to keep the lights on. For conservatives, he's the one wrangling the cats to make things actually happen for them. For comedians, he's been a source of a constant source of easy laughs.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Boehner gave Obama everything he wanted. The left cannot tell the truth about anything.