TOL Subscriber
That's Dialm talking again.
Why do you refer to yourself as Dialm?
That's Dialm talking again.
The same way you lovingly corrected her?
I believe her to be a trinitarian.
Her synergism/monergism is beyond my teaching ability.
PPS was also DialM ?That's Dialm talking again.
Why do you refer to yourself as Dialm?
We don't know who or what you really are, but we know you're not who you claim to be.
We don't know who or what you really are, but we know you're not who you claim to be.
PPS was also DialM ?
Exactly. He's a sock-using hypocrite, attempting to hold MADs to a standard he refuses to meet himself, when it really isn't about what Tam said to begin with.
And YOU might want to learn the meaning of the word agape (love).
It's ALL about what Tam said. (And I thought you said you didn't follow that conversation, so how would you know? LOL.)
You constant and perpetual double standards again.
And there it is for all to see. The saving Gospel of the grace of God is simply a mantra.
Dialm was pretty crazy, I remember
You might want to learn the meaning of the word agape (love).
Dialm was pretty crazy, I remember
And you might try practicing it on these boards.
I'll loan you some warm fuzzies.
That is just so you Nang. LOLSo?
That is TOL's problem indeed . . .
If synergism/monergism is beyond your teaching ability, then how would you know if she's a Trinitarian or not?
Love isn't warm fuzzies. You didn't go find out what love means. Why not do that?
You just presume you know, just like with every other English word and every other English speaker.
Insulting the intelligence of others, how very Christian.I guess I figured others, including yourself, would be intelligent enough to see the contradictions.lain:
Dialm was pretty crazy, I remember
What does that even mean? Are you referring to your false accusation that I have or had multiple screen names?
I've never had but one account and one screen name on TOL.
The Mods should be able to look at the IPs to confirm that. Ask them.
And what does this further obfuscation and distraction have to do with anything on this thread? Nothing, as always.
You can't confine yourself to actual subject matter. It has to always be juvenile tactics and rantings about diversions and such.