Put down the bong, "Duuuuuuuude."
You typed that, Jeff, after a bong swat.....
Put down the bong, "Duuuuuuuude."
I'm wrecked, on wacky tabacky, after I read that....I'm in denial, ontologically night unto suppositionally. Yea, verily, figuratively and literally. And if not both, then surely neither!
So there.
I'm in denial, ontologically night unto suppositionally. Yea, verily, figuratively and literally. And if not both, then surely neither!
So there.
So it must be done by faith, which in turn must be according to right knowledge.
Perpetual adolescent.
Nice side-step, as always.
Define faith.
That wasn't an answer. I knew you couldn't and wouldn't.
Explain EXACTLY what it means to "put on Christ".
You can't.
You claim
to be a teacher of some sort but you are one of the worst people I've ever met at making what you purport to know easily understood by anyone
-- which is the point of teaching.
That tells me
you either don't know what you're talking about and so are unable to relate it simply and understandably...
or that your core beliefs are something you know will get you shut out by us if they're openly revealed, so you obfuscate them...
or you're just a deliberate fraud.
My guess is, it's option #1, possibly #2.
I do not think you're a deliberate fraud but my time on TOL has taught me never to rule it out.
You've never simply and clearly defined what you think "faith" means.
All you've ever done is use a thesaurus to tell us we have the wrong concept of "faith" without telling us simply and clearly what you think it is.
So here's the deal.
You start by telling us in one sentence, using plain English with no technical terms or Greek, what faith actually is and what it actually looks like.
We'll go from there.
Begin a new thread if you like; if I might suggest, title it "What Faith Is and Is Not" so we'll be sure to see it. But if you can't manage that, it says more about you than about us.
I look forward to, for once, the simplest of explanations from you. But I'm also not holding my breath because I'm not convinced that you can manage it.
The point of the Teacher (Didaskalos)
The NT Didaskalos (Teacher) .....
lexically many months ago.
vs.tyrade instead to avoid having to answer.
Yet everyone who sits in my sessions ALL say the inverse. I just started a new session after a 2-year cycle, and it's always the same story. You just don't have the foundation for it, but you can't realize it because you think you already know so much.
The most widely regarded exegete within 100 miles just sat in on one of my sessions. He insists the content of teaching needs to be a Doctoral Dissertation curricularized for Seminary training after peer review and publication.
That's the foundation of my teaching series. It enables others to divest themselves of their own biases and presuppositions.
If a range of people from age 14 to nearly 90 can understand it, then your perceptions are the problem.
You can't even answer the simple question "What is faith?", or the simple question "EXACTLY what does it mean to 'put on Christ'?".
All this - every word - is boasting in self, something even the Apostle Paul - the one man in all of history who might have had reason - refused to do.
You must not remember but I answered both questions back when you first got here. You didn't like my answers, especially after you realized you weren't going to make me your disciple, so you're not going to like my answers now. The answers have not changed.
Nor has your boasting in self. For as intelligent as you clearly are, it's sad to see how self-applauding, arrogant and utterly lacking in humility you also are.
None of us are perfect but do you really not see how you sound? You don't, of course. If you did you would have reposted any of that with the tone that you posted it. Regarding your accounts of your prodigious didactic acumen, which we've heard before. What's the point? Do you REALLY think we, strangers on the internet, would be impressed with, much less believe, your anonymous résumé? I know I don't. Never have.
Wanna know why?
Your very bad temperament, as revealed many times here over the months, MUST be something you're carefully concealing from the people you mentioned above (assuming that they exist and do come to sit in awe at your feet). That's why I find your reports absurd.
No, it isn't self-endorsement; it's a response to your unfounded criticism. The rest is just your bloviational opinion.
Your double standards are intact. You claim to have addressed what the definition for faith is and what it exactly means to be "in Christ", and won't address it again; but I've exhaustively defined faith and the ontology of being "in Christ", yet that needs to be addressed again for you.
The point I was simply making is that you a Naturalist and Tangiblist as a false Literalist. You claim others spiritualize figurative meanings when your own alleged definition for being "in Christ" is utterly symbolic and figurative as actions you accomplish (and allegedly according to faith, which you won't now define).
It was a simple question for a simple point. If you define faith, I'm quite sure I'll immediately destroy "your" definition and demonstrate my point.
You can't have that. Better obfuscate and insist my responses to your condescension are pride and self-endorsement when they are faith and an explanation of my calling.
Paul asserted His called vocation in almost every NT address. I can very neutrally do the same when condescended to; especially when your opinions clash with TRUE hungry and mature Believers who aren't deluded by the several false doctrines your embrace.
Wanna quickly and simply define faith? I will after you do. It will be interesting and edifying. Give it a shot.
All this - every word - is boasting in self, something even the Apostle Paul - the one man in all of history who might have had reason - refused to do.
You must not remember but I answered both questions back when you first got here. You didn't like my answers, especially after you realized you weren't going to make me your disciple, so you're not going to like my answers now. The answers have not changed.
Nor has your boasting in self. For as intelligent as you clearly are, it's sad to see how self-applauding, arrogant and utterly lacking in humility you also are.
None of us are perfect but do you really not see how you sound? You don't, of course. If you did you would have reposted any of that with the tone that you posted it. Regarding your accounts of your prodigious didactic acumen, which we've heard before. What's the point? Do you REALLY think we, strangers on the internet, would be impressed with, much less believe, your anonymous résumé? I know I don't. Never have.
Wanna know why?
Your very bad temperament, as revealed many times here over the months, MUST be something you're carefully concealing from the people you mentioned above (assuming that they exist and do come to sit in awe at your feet). That's why I find your reports absurd.
Musty is the champ of self-centeredness and grumpiness, too.
Happy to see your recognition of his hypocrisy and will enjoy this much deserved and honest confrontation.
bloviational opinion.
And toss in the whole Dispo gang mentality, and it gets all nasty up in h'yar.
All I want is for him to define faith and explain EXACTLY what it means to "put on Christ". Maybe he'll figure it out and do that.
When I eat too much, I often get very bloviated.
When I eat too much, I often get very bloviated.
Thanks for checkin' in, you admitted perverter of the gospel of Christ, and barbiturate Calvinist/Clavinist, flippin' the bird at the LORD God, and His Christ, with your "repent of sins" satanism, and subjective "good news," asserting that the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for sins::yawn:
If you'd eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ you wouldn't have that problem. It's all that high-carb heretical diet that's making you so bloviated.
Fast for a few days or weeks. That always helps clear the mind of delusion like your false doctrines.![]()