Let me begin with, allow Caesar that which is Caesars’ and to God that which is God’s. The commandments in the Bible, belong to God. The death penalty in the Bible is God’s. However man disagrees and we are not to break that law. So when a person is murdered, the soul goes back to God, and they have to wait on the murderer to die in time before God’s trial. This is a minor problem that God must endure of man’s ignorance. More important, is abortion. Abortion steps on God’s toes, and He doesn’t like it. We are so close to the end, that God will wait. Why is abortion so important. It makes God’s Plan unimportant to His Children. When Satan fell, God could have destroyed him and the one-third of God’s Children that Satan deceived. But since God is love, He was determined to save as many as He could. Hence, flesh man enters the Plan. Don’t forget God is all knowing, so if such a predicament happened, He was ready to alter His Plan. Flesh man was created in God’s image, as was the angels. This image contained a body, a Soul, and a spirit. In heaven, the body was a different mass than the flesh. His Plan was to send us to the flesh world with no remembrance of prior thins. Those things will be restored later. We were to come here and experience a whole new thing, that would allow our freewill to choose between God and Satan. The war continues. When a murder takes place, the murderer robs the victim that choice. Accidental death is a different story. Thank you. Fred Eans.