"Johnnie," you quip, imitator, like your father the devil? You wolves shore are insincere about your manhood, aren't you, sweetie? May I recommend a drug? Is your voice is getting higher pitched also?
Your opinion, muzings, speculations, grunts, snorts, hissings, mumblings, grumblings, re. the harsh language, to be employed against Christ rejectors, perverters, wolves, such as yourself, vs. "It is written":
The Lord Jesus Christ:Wolves....vipers.... hypocrites... devils, serpents.................
John TB: Brood of vipers..........


erverters.......Whited wall........Child of the devil.....Liars.....Ravenous wolves....
Contrasts. I like 'em, Mikey.
Now, Mikey, have a seat, and thanks for the compliment! A wolf-ette, Christ rejector, such as yourself, not approving of a forever justified saint, such as myself, the great, humble, saint John W, is the highest form of praise. Thanks for the Christmas gift!!! Merry Christmas, Mikey, and remember......Santa/Satan Claus loves you, and so does the Easter Bunny.
And speaking of gifts, except the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, and cease from rejecting Him. Get saved.
PS: Mikey-Jude not written to me, is not about me-only "for" me. You know that, Joe Smith, Jr., had you surveyed the book, and rightly divided the word of truth, as intelligent, saved members of the boc do(which excludes you-get saved) . But you don't, which explains the slop you spew forth on the table from your bible blender.