Eagles Wings
New member
So I've heard. Just trying to add a little levity. So glad you are back!Arians and Unitarians are beyond reach, much like the MADs.
So I've heard. Just trying to add a little levity. So glad you are back!Arians and Unitarians are beyond reach, much like the MADs.
Yes, you've said many times that you are not a Calvinist. You attend LCMS, correct?That would be you.
I don't. So I'm not.
I'm not a Calvinist. Ask Eagles' Wings.
So... Your assessment would apply to you. Ironic.
Why do ya'll waste yer time in the spammers wasteland?
Why don't ya'll go and fight the Arians around these parts?
All I'm talking about is when one word is used, and then another word is used in its place, and nobody either cares or notices that the change occurred.It's the inverse. Equivocation is when subject is NOT object, yet portends to be.
Ahhhh!This is the only forum where we can get away from them!![]()
Praise the Lord, for the sound Reformed teaching coming from you, PPS, AMR, Lon, Nikolai.
Vs. this "non evil" doctrine, man pleaser, with which you agree, child of the devil, with your "spiritual" kin, Nag:?Exactly. I'm being and doing just that. I abhor the evil of MAD false doctrine with a love that is without hypocrisy, while clinging to what is good.
If MADs could ever do that instead of merely posting scriptures about it that endict themselves, that would be great.
I'm not a Calvinist. Ask Eagles' Wings.
You misrepresent Reformed teachings.
Reformers teach.......................
Nick M is the champion for consigning souls to hell . . he has condemned more people to hell on TOL than he has befriended . . . but he calls his judgments "love."
Calvinists/Reformers carefully refer to God's own Word as to the predestined fates of all men . . and Nick M calls us rotten to the core.
Go figure . . .
I think he is mad.
Nick M is the champion for consigning souls to hell . . he has condemned more people to hell on TOL than he has befriended . . . but he calls his judgments "love."
Calvinists/Reformers carefully refer to God's own Word as to the predestined fates of all men . . and Nick M calls us rotten to the core.
Go figure . . .
I think he is mad.
So I've heard. Just trying to add a little levity. So glad you are back!
So I've heard. Just trying to add a little levity. So glad you are back!
I know. I was just providing the appropriate equivocation of MADs to other heretics.![]()