Sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them - Gen 6


New member
The sons of God are distinguished from the descendants of Cain.

Jesus is the only biologically engendered Son of God.

Adam and the angels were created, not born. Adam was a son of God.

All of the human sons of God died before the flood except for Noah.

The sons of God are listed in Luke 3.
What of Enoch? And how is born not created?

Thanks, peace

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New member
there is no such thing as half breeds.. And angels don't have sex, or get married.

Mark 12:24-25
24Jesus answered and said to them, "Are you not therefore mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God?
25"For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.

Matt 22:29-30
29Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.
30"For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.
Indeed there seems to be no sexuality or gender to those in heaven. That is to say no partiality or male/ female traits, no biases, no deviation, only the will of GOD


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Sons of God, humans from other worlds who volunteered for distinguished service to the resident spiritual ruler, The Prince, rebelled along with the prince. Loosing their immortality status like Adam and Eve did later, theses super mortals attempted to repopulate the earth with their presumably superior progeny. It failed.

This was revealed in the Urantia Revelation.


New member
Jared was Enoch's dad.

Biological birth requires a mother. Mary was Jesus' mother.
Someone had said all but Noah had died from sin. Enoch was supposed to have never been found and said to have been transfigured and returned to GOD. That's all.

Something must be created before it is born.


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New member
Fiction has always been popular. Have you read the Epic of Gilgamesh?

It was very popular.

How about a shot of "reality" from the Bible:
"the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them"

The Jewish rabbinical belief (pre-70AD) is that fallen angels "materialized" on earth and had intercourse with human women and produced half-breed offspring. Thus, the earth was destroyed by a flood.


New member
Weird speculation, not biblical.

It's the theology of the Early Church Fathers (disciples of the apostles).
The scriptural teaching was rejected by the 4th century under the influence
of Augustine of Hippo as it was considered too "risqué" for the Catholic Church.
The Hebrew is very clear: angels disobeyed and mated with human women producing nephilim.

Oh, and btw, the remainder of Satan's angels will be back for the "grand finale": to deceive mankind in the Tribulation.

So, you don't respect the clear teaching of the Scriptures,
or the Early Church Fathers, or the other writings found among
the Dead Sea Scrolls, but instead follow the 'teaching' of Catholics...


Well-known member
It's the theology of the Early Church Fathers (disciples of the apostles).
The scriptural teaching was rejected by the 4th century under the influence
of Augustine of Hippo as it was considered too "risqué" for the Catholic Church.
The Hebrew is very clear: angels disobeyed and mated with human women producing nephilim.

Oh, and btw, the remainder of Satan's angels will be back for the "grand finale": to deceive mankind in the Tribulation.

So, you don't respect the clear teaching of the Scriptures,
or the Early Church Fathers, or the other writings found among
the Dead Sea Scrolls, but instead follow the 'teaching' of Catholics...

I'm sorry but there's no way that angels came here to naturally mate with humans and created some kind of evil demi gods. That's just not in the Bible!


Well-known member
"Greek Mythology" is based on fact, not "myth". Many other ancient civilizations record similar stories.

Angels of God don't sleep naturally with humans. They are ministering spirits and minister to the heart, and Satan's angels minister evil and try to tempt us, and if we listen and let them then we can fall. It's not physical it's spiritual.

Regardless of who records what, to say that angels naturally sleep with humans is false and a myth as was Greek mythology.

So do you believe in the God Zeus and such, the Bible says there is only one God, Greek mythology is a false teaching, there's no multiple Gods!


Much of the Bible is speculation on the part of the authors about ancient stories which, while garbled in their presentation, do contain truth. Man hardens these speculations and subsequent expectations into sacred scripture which narrows his mind. Greek mythowlogy grew out of these ancient stories of Gods coming to earth.

The truth can be stranger than fiction yet be perfectly normal to a universe teaming with vast and diverse celestial and mortal life.


In the same way the Old Testament is distant to us, the lore and oral traditions available to the Hebrew writers in Mesipotamia was ancient to them. Hebrew authors used those stories in the presentation of their own history and for the consumption of their own kind.


New member
Angels of God don't sleep naturally with humans. They are ministering spirits and minister to the heart, and Satan's angels minister evil and try to tempt us, and if we listen and let them then we can fall. It's not physical it's spiritual.

Regardless of who records what, to say that angels naturally sleep with humans is false and a myth as was Greek mythology.

So do you believe in the God Zeus and such, the Bible says there is only one God, Greek mythology is a false teaching, there's no multiple Gods!

There's always a big problem when you depend upon mythological-mystic "religions" like Urantula because the authors lack adequate knowledge of the Holy Bible. Then when proven untrue, the real truth from the Bible is rejected.

And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: - Matthew 7:26

BTW, I understand that there are about 300 "myths" of a "great flood" from as many ancient civilizations. Since these "myths" deviate somewhat from the Genesis account, does that reinforce the Biblical story or does it discredit the Biblical account?


New member
1 Enoch 6:1-2
1. And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. 2. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.


Well-known member
There's always a big problem when you depend upon mythological-mystic "religions" like Urantula because the authors lack adequate knowledge of the Holy Bible. Then when proven untrue, the real truth from the Bible is rejected.

BTW, I understand that there are about 300 "myths" of a "great flood" from as many ancient civilizations. Since these "myths" deviate somewhat from the Genesis account, does that reinforce the Biblical story or does it discredit the Biblical account?
I'm not the one depending on false teaching, your the one saying Greek mythology is true. Greek mythology is false, as is fallen angels naturally mating with humans!


New member
I'm not the one depending on false teaching, your the one saying Greek mythology is true. Greek mythology is false, as is fallen angels naturally mating with humans!

Greek mythology is "based" upon ancient knowledge of the pre-flood world.
Genesis 6 contains the true record of the pre-flood world and why it was utterly destroyed.

These are the generations of Noah:
Noah was a just man
and perfect in his generations,[genetically pure]
and Noah walked with God.
Genesis 6:9


Well-known member
Greek mythology is "based" upon ancient knowledge of the pre-flood world.
Genesis 6 contains the true record of the pre-flood world and why it was utterly destroyed.

These are the generations of Noah:
Noah was a just man
and perfect in his generations,[genetically pure]
and Noah walked with God.
Genesis 6:9
Greek mythology is exactly that, a myth. Whatever it is based on it still isn't the truth and they have created multiple Gods. They've twisted the truth into a lie. God has everything we need to know in the Bible, And he corrects us by his spirit in our hearts and through his people. And that's all we need to know the truth.