Some Anti Name-Calling Folks...


BillyBob said:
I have more to add but Crow already warned me once tonight....:noid:

Me too. I'd like to know how many warnings from Crow exist with both you and me mentioned in the same post. :chuckle:


Crow said:
Yup. Y'all were getting rather descriptive there.

'Freddy Mercury' ?????? :confused:

I thought that one was one of the funniest. :chuckle:

[I'll refrain from listing the others I thought were particularly humorous....] :angel:


BillyBob said:
'Freddy Mercury' ?????? :confused:

I thought that one was one of the funniest. :chuckle:

[I'll refrain from listing the others I thought were particularly humorous....] :angel:

Are you drunk enough to overcome your common sense yet? :cheers: :chuckle:


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
Name calling is the biggest waste of time and does nothing to open the heart of the person that you are talking to. :nono:
I kept myself from calling a friedn a slut once, because she was being one, but all I did was tell her she needed to dump her boyfriend because she knew that the things they were doing was wrong. She felt I was calling her a slut anyway. I might as well have the way she reacted. So why not go ahead?


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
So, you have the mind of Christ? His judgements were righteous and divine, (are yours?) that is why he warns us not to judge. When you call someone a name, you make a judgement about them that is meant to demean and be derogatory.

You can't convince me that it is ok......or even Chris-like. :nono:
Have I done it? Yes, but it's still not right!
Jesus never told us not to judge. He told us not to be hypocrites about it. And to judge righteously, as He did [and does].

Jesus basically called one woman a slut. He called the Pharisees many things. He called Peter Satan, once. What's not Christ-like about it?


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
Ok, fine.
Why are you trying to defend your position that it's ok to call names?
It is okay to call the wicked wicked.

Do you call black people, niggers?
No. They were born black.:duh: It's not wrong to be born black.

Do you call a sexually promiscuous person a whore?
If they're not gettin' paid, then I call them a slut.

Do you call Jews, kikes?
No. They were born Jewish.:duh: It's not wrong to be born a Jew.

Do you call a child born out of wedlock a bastard?
No. It's not his fault he was born out of wedlock. If you want to insult someone with that term then use it towards the parents who have the bastard child.

Where does the line get drawn?
Judge and mock the wicked, for their wickedness. Judge the panty-waist Christians for reperesentign Christ as a pansy, when He was the furthest thing from that. Then draw the line.


New member
wholearmor said:
It has nothing to do with being offended or not being offended. Whether I'm a name caller or not, you called name callers a name. You called them "small" at the same time as you were proclaiming that name calling is wrong.

Worse than that WA - he called them (gasp) "name callers"


New member
Caille said:
Worse than that WA - he called them (gasp) "name callers"

The funniest thing of all is that I had no idea who I was "name-calling". I read the thread before there had been any replies and thought about saying something right then. But I thought, "Maybe this thread will just die out", it sounded so ridiculous. But later when I saw it was already on page seven, I clicked directly from "New Posts" to the end of page seven. The only person that even knew had posted to the site was beanieboy. I posted a one-line post. Looked at it once more before WA had posted his anser to my post and never even looked at that thread again until I discovered thios thread. So I certainly had NO individuals in mind when I supposedly "name-called" them.


Active member
Chileice said:
The funniest thing of all is that I had no idea who I was "name-calling". I read the thread before there had been any replies and thought about saying something right then. But I thought, "Maybe this thread will just die out", it sounded so ridiculous. But later when I saw it was already on page seven, I clicked directly from "New Posts" to the end of page seven. The only person that even knew had posted to the site was beanieboy. I posted a one-line post. Looked at it once more before WA had posted his anser to my post and never even looked at that thread again until I discovered thios thread. So I certainly had NO individuals in mind when I supposedly "name-called" them.
C'mon, everybody knows you were talking about me, the most infamous name caller of them all!


lighthouse said:
It is okay to call the wicked wicked.

No. They were born black.:duh: It's not wrong to be born black.

If they're not gettin' paid, then I call them a slut.

No. They were born Jewish.:duh: It's not wrong to be born a Jew.

No. It's not his fault he was born out of wedlock. If you want to insult someone with that term then use it towards the parents who have the bastard child.

Judge and mock the wicked, for their wickedness. Judge the panty-waist Christians for reperesentign Christ as a pansy, when He was the furthest thing from that. Then draw the line.
Last I heard, it was God's job to judge.......did He give you special instructions?


lighthouse said:
Jesus never told us not to judge. He told us not to be hypocrites about it. And to judge righteously, as He did [and does].

Jesus basically called one woman a slut. He called the Pharisees many things. He called Peter Satan, once. What's not Christ-like about it?
Your exegisis leaves much to be desired.

You should pray for wisdom about this matter.


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
Last I heard, it was God's job to judge.......did He give you special instructions?
[Jesus]"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of they brother's eye."[/Jesus]
-Matthew 7:1-5

[Jesus]"Judge not according to teh appearance, but judge righteous judgment."[/Jesus]
-John 7:24


lighthouse said:
[Jesus]"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of they brother's eye."[/Jesus]
-Matthew 7:1-5

[Jesus]"Judge not according to teh appearance, but judge righteous judgment."[/Jesus]
-John 7:24
This is talking about spiritual discernment, not giving us a license to judge another's life.
Only God sees the intentions of the heart!
Can you? :rolleyes:


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
Your exegisis leaves much to be desired.
How so? Would you care to show me how I am wrong?

You know, you aren't a very good TruthSmacker. You might want to consider changing your signature...:think:


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
This is talking about spiritual discernment, not giving us a license to judge another's life.
Only God sees the intentions of the heart!
Can you? :rolleyes:

I know that out of the heart the mouth speaks. People show the intentions of the heart by what they say.

I used to say some of the same things you do, when I didn't want to be judged for the things I did, that I should not have been doing. Are you afraid of being judged?