Some Anti Name-Calling Folks...


New member
ninjashadow said:
See, here's the thing, though, I didn't feel insulted. I was merely asking if it was your attempt to insult me. I think Chileice was merely describing what kind of people resort to name calling. From his post, I did not get the impression that he was trying to be insulting. Let me ask you this, what word would you have used instead?

I suppose you could take it the wrong way and if anyone did, I apologize. I was not intending to single out any individual. What I intended to point out is that one can argue a case without resorting to name-calling. It is often done by people who are unwilling to take the time and effort necessary to put forth their thoughts in a reasoned manner. It is often done by people who are unwilling to admit they are wrong, as well. I think it takes a "big person", a "noble person" if you will, to take the time to express himself or herself in the face of people who oppose them. The opposite of those "big" people or "noble" people, in my mind, are people who are unwilling to support their ideas in a reasoned manner and who are not willing to admit that they could even be proved wrong.

Calling homosexuals names in general, and individuals in particular, just eggs them on. It galvanizes their opposition to any words of wisdom you might later try to share. It does the same in any case: with democrats or republicans or abortion activists. Name-calling proves nothing except that one is incapable or unwilling to do the hard work of listening and responding with manners, courtesy and tact. That does not preclude responding with the truth. But the truth can be told in a way that it is not intended to offend. It may offend, but that should not be our intent in sharing it.

That is where I was coming from. As I said, I never meant for anyone to feel I was name-calling them. I hope ny explanation clears up the speculation.


Imrahil said:
Jesus seemed to disagree.
So, you have the mind of Christ? His judgements were righteous and divine, (are yours?) that is why he warns us not to judge. When you call someone a name, you make a judgement about them that is meant to demean and be derogatory.

You can't convince me that it is ok......or even Chris-like. :nono:
Have I done it? Yes, but it's still not right!


ninjashadow said:
Name calling, though, has to be approached with intent. What I mean by that is that when someone uses a word, they have to be intending for that word to be degrading or insulting. If I were to call you a "stupid moron" (which I'm not) then it's obvious that my intent was to be malicious. However, if I were to say to you, "Hey big guy," I would merely be greeting you with a nickname or as a friend. The fact of the matter is that "big guy" can also used to be insulting. If someone weighed 600 lbs and I called him "big guy" and meant to be insulting it would come out that way.

Gosh, ninjashadow, Cheliece obviously meant it as an insult. Put differently he said, "Small people call others names." He called name callers small which means he name-called. If not, why didn't he leave it out altogether and say, "Name calling serves no earthly good. It is done by people unable to express themselves in an intelligent way."

Instead of: "Name calling serves no earthly good. It is done by small people unable to express themselves in an intelligent way."

Interjecting, "small" was obviously meant to hopefully hurt the persons that know they are name callers.


New member
Agape4Robin said:
So, you have the mind of Christ? His judgements were righteous and divine, (are yours?) that is why he warns us not to judge. When you call someone a name, you make a judgement about them that is meant to demean and be derogatory.

You can't convince me that it is ok......or even Chris-like. :nono:
Have I done it? Yes, but it's still not right!
Robin, what makes you think that Christ warned Christians not to judge?


New member
Agape4Robin said:
So, you have the mind of Christ? His judgements were righteous and divine, (are yours?) that is why he warns us not to judge. When you call someone a name, you make a judgement about them that is meant to demean and be derogatory.

You can't convince me that it is ok......or even Chris-like. :nono:
Have I done it? Yes, but it's still not right!
How about when the prophets and apostles did it?


New member
That was my point, Chileice, although you said is far more eloquently. I did not feel that you were name calling, but merely the word "small" as an opposite of "noble."


Agape4Robin said:
If I meant you, I would have said WA is a time waster. :sozo2:

Grow a thicker skin...... :rolleyes:

Grow a thinner skull. I wasn't offended, merely asking a question. I'll put it another way. Were you name-calling name callers by calling them time-wasters?


New member
wholearmor said:
Gosh, ninjashadow, Cheliece obviously meant it as an insult. Put differently he said, "Small people call others names." He called name callers small which means he name-called. If not, why didn't he leave it out altogether and say, "Name calling serves no earthly good. It is done by people unable to express themselves in an intelligent way."

Instead of: "Name calling serves no earthly good. It is done by small people unable to express themselves in an intelligent way."

Interjecting, "small" was obviously meant to hopefully hurt the persons that know they are name callers.

Read his post, please. He said that he was not trying to be insulting and I never thought he was. You know, there are many different uses of a word and just because you think that it came across one way, doesn't mean that that was the way it was intended.


wholearmor said:
Grow a thinner skull. I wasn't offended, merely asking a question. I'll put it another way. Were you name-calling name callers by calling them time-wasters?
re-read my post, WA.....
I didn't call anyone a time waster! It was a statement of opinion that such dialogue is a waste of time.


New member
Agape4Robin said:
A fair question.
You're the one who is dodging.
No I'm not. You said that we shouldn't judge because we are not God. I followed up by asking why it was acceptable (indeed, standard procedure) for the prophets and apostles to do it.


ninjashadow said:
Read his post, please. He said that he was not trying to be insulting and I never thought he was. You know, there are many different uses of a word and just because you think that it came across one way, doesn't mean that that was the way it was intended.

What I'm trying to get across is so many people do the very same thing they accuse others of doing and then dance around it with an excuse when they're called on it as Cheliece did. I'm also trying to get the point across that it's almost if not actually impossible to correct or judge someone without some sort of name calling.

Name calling is name calling.


Agape4Robin said:
re-read my post, WA.....
I didn't call anyone a time waster! It was a statement of opinion that such dialogue is a waste of time.

Then in essence you're saying anyone engaging in that type of dialogue is a time-waster. You, Agape4Robin, are a name-caller whether you'll ever admit it or not.

Mr. Coffee

New member
This is a difficult area. Because Stephen said, "You stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears!" and then said, "Lord, do not charge them with this sin!" while they were stoning him (Acts 7). I guess you have to look at everything, and even then only God really knows a person's heart.


Imrahil said:
No I'm not. You said that we shouldn't judge because we are not God. I followed up by asking why it was acceptable (indeed, standard procedure) for the prophets and apostles to do it.
Standard procedure? So, again, you consider yourself to be in the ranks of those?