I can't help, it if both of you are two ignorant to know that the Nazis were socialists, the Soviets were socialists, and the Democrats are admitted socialists.
One of your problems is that you embrace the very evils that they practiced. Democrats' Nazi strong arm tactics, blackshirts in the streets (Antifa), heir murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Parenthood death camps, their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
And the Nazis were exactly the same as the Soviets. As I already said, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were exactly the same in every single way, in their behavior, in their Wars of aggression, in their brutal oppression of their people, of their concentration camps and gulags, and to a certain extent even the murder of Jews. Stalin and Hitler were two sides of the same socialist coin.
There are no lies in this. They are all FACTS.