Socialism is anti-Christ—so Christians cannot vote Democrat

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
We often engage in "unrehearsed, spontaneous, witty banter," Mayor, but, on a serious note, I agree. This world is not "evolving," but "de-volving," and will get worse, and no amount of massaging, "cleaning up," air freshener, to allegedly make this a "better place for good, Christian folks" in which to live, will be effective, until the great God and Saviour, a "man of war"(Exodus 15:3 KJV) returns, to put an end to this mess, this "present evil world"(Galatians 1:4 KJV)

The first coming-to resolve the sin/sins issue.

The second coming, "the second time"(Acts 7:13 KJV, Hebrews 9:28 KJV)-to resolve the evil issue.

I nominate this post as BAHPOTM(Brilliant And Humble Post Of The Month).



New member
Christ established a CHURCH, not a book. (Mt 16:18, etc)
Not technically correct. Since Christ is Lord, it is He who established His Word.
Jesus often referred to scripture as an absolute source of truth. We should do likewise.
The Book was not put together until after the printing press was invented in 1440. Yeh, the primitive forms were there, but even they did not exist until DECADES after Christ left Earth
Are you suggesting that because the OT did not exist in book form (Only as scrolls) that it somehow is not valid? Are you suggesting that if we don't have proof Moses witnessed all the events in the Pentateuch, that we pick and choose what to believe?

Likewise with the New Testament. We actually have good evidence the Gospels were written in a reasonably short time after the resurrection. But even if it was hundreds of years later, it wouldn't matter since it is God breathed inerrant scripture. (Evidenced by internal and external proofs, as well as other methods of confirming Divine inspiration)