Smilie Story competition



Writer's Block

Writer's Block

Writer's Block

One day, :cattyfan: had an :idea: idea...she would try her hand at writing! She wanted to make people :D , or maybe even :chuckle: , so she decided to pen a childen's :baby: story. Those always seemed to be so much fun, and if she made the setting a farm, she could use :sheep: :sheep: :cow: :cow: :chicken: :chicken: and :troy: :troy:. She thought that would appeal to kids. :) She thought hard:confused:...but nothing came to mind :nono: This made her angry...then some words finally came to mind, but they were very rude. :mad:

She decided to take a :coffee: break, cook :nori: a bite :chew: of lunch :spam:, and :think: think for a bit...

She knew there had to be more than :1Way: to approach a kid's book. "Maybe I should make the main characters a :princess: , a :knight:, and a :king: instead of :sheep: :sheep: :cow: :cow: :chicken: :chicken: and :troy: :troy:," she thought. Then her head began to hurt :freak: ..."ugh! :doh: A migraine...maybe some :sleep: will make me feel better" off to bed she went.

(to be continued)
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New member
Re: Writer's Block

Re: Writer's Block

Originally posted by cattyfan

One day, :cattyfan: had an :idea: ...she would try her hand at writing! She wanted to make people :D , or maybe even :chuckle: , so she decided to pen a childen's :baby: story. Those always seemed to be so much fun, and if she made the setting a farm, she could use :sheep: :sheep: :cow: :cow: :chicken: :chicken: and :troy: :troy:. She thought hard...but nothing came to mind :confused: This made her angry...then the only words that came to mind were rude. :mad:

She decided to take a :coffee: break and :think:...

She knew there had to be more than :1Way: to approach a kid's book. "Maybe I should make the main characters a :princess: and :king: instead of :sheep: :sheep: :cow: :cow: :chicken: :chicken: and :troy: :troy:," she thought. Then her head began to hurt :freak: ..."ugh! :doh: A migraine...maybe some :sleep: will make me feel better" off to bed she went.

(to be continued)
:BRAVO: :BRAVO:that is to cute!!!!My kid's would like it.


Writer's Block continued

Writer's Block continued

:cattyfan: awoke the next morning. "I feel much better :) ," she thought, "Migraines sure cause strange dreams, though! First I dreamed of :angel: :angel: and :devil: :devil: , but then there were all these :spider: :spider:, :dog: :dog:, :alien: :alien:, Freakazoid Freakazoid, :troll: :troll:, and even a :zakath: ....and I hate :zakath: :zakath: ! They make me want to :vomit: The worst part is, none of that :kookoo: dream will :help: me get this story written. :sigh: Well, :lucky: for me, I'm ready to :jump: out of bed, get to work, and get this project finished!

I know it shouldn't be too violent :Grizzly: :sibbie: :hammer:, and robots :turbo: might be too scary...and I don't want to write about characters who are rude :p ...I just can't come up with anything!:bang: I'm stuck! :aikido: "

She shook her head:shake: at her lack of creativity. "I guess I'll go walk in the :rain: and see if that inspires me."

(to be continued)
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New member
Re: Writer's Block continued

Re: Writer's Block continued

Originally posted by cattyfan

:cattyfan: awoke the next morning. "I feel much better :) ," she thought, "Migraines sure cause strange dreams, though! First I dreamed of :angel: :angel: and :devil: :devil: , but then there were all these :spider: :spider:, :dog: :dog:, :alien: :alien:, Freakazoid Freakazoid, :troll: :troll:, and even a :zakath: ....and I hate :zakath: :zakath: ! They make me want to :vomit: The worst part is, none of that :kookoo: dream will :help: me get this story written.:sigh: Well, :lucky: for me, I'm ready to :jump: out of bed and get to work, so I can get this finished.

I know it can't be too violent :Grizzly: :sibbie: :hammer:, and robots :turbo: might be too scary...I just can't come up with anything!:bang: I'm stuck! :Tye: "

She shook her head:shake: at her lack of creativity. "I guess I'll go walk in the :rain: and see if that inspires me."

(to be continued)
O.K. this one is a little to much for my kid's but I like the first one.You are very creative,that's a good thing.:)


Writer's Block part 3

Writer's Block part 3

Cattyfan was beginning to feel like a :dunce: for not being able to finish what she first thought would be an easy project. After :cattyfan: walked in the :rain: for a while, it came to her. "Aha! That's it! :thumb: " She was surprised :shocked: she hadn't thought of it before. "I'll do some research :poly: and find out as much as I can about moose :Shaggy:...or is it meese :Shaggy: :Shaggy:...mooses...meeses? I'd better check." So she logged on to her trusty computer :geek: Once she found what she needed, she wrapped up the story in very short it was set in a forest and all about a :Shaggy:. (This way, she didn't have to answer that pesky mooses/meeses question. :eek:)

"What a relief!:) I just want to shout :sozo: :readthis: read this! I worked so hard...I just hope everyone laughs :darwinsm: at what I meant to be funny, and isn't :confused: confused by my weird sense of humor." :ha:

:cattyfan: didn't want to admit it, but she really wanted to win:first: . "I'd be on :cloud9: if I got a prize...I'd even settle for :second: or :third: ...Although I don't want to be greedy :greedy:, so if the other stories are better, I won't be too mad:madmad: about not placing."

I just want to have fun :bannana: :bannana: :cheers: :singer: :party: :guitar: :jazz: :jazz: :drum: :juggle: with my new friends on TOL....even the ones I sometimes argue :sozo2: :box: :sozo2: with. I don't want to worry :noid: about winning or not, but I sure wouldn't mind some applause!" :BRAVO: :bow: :BRAVO:

And so :cattyfan: submitted her tale, hoping to make people smile:jessilu: and enjoy the day :cool: . She hoped if the others didn't like her story :noway: they would be kind enough to keep it to themselves! :shut: (Sometimes that :cattyfan: is just too sensitive...:noid: :cry: :kookoo: )
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Thank you...unfortunately, all the weird stuff comes out of my head! At least this website gives me someplace to put it....:chuckle:


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Maybe someone else might respond about BB.

This is funny. Except for Billy Bob. I realize that he is not serious, but it is wrong to speak about terrible evil and sin in a morally neutral way, or in his case, even in a laughable way. I realize that false teaching in religion is terrible, but the shedding of innocent blood is hardly something to joke about.

If we must allow BB to say such things, then I think it would be a good idea for TOL to brand BB with some sort of disapproval statement so as to not reflect negatively on TOL and all things godly.

Or is he serious about promoting suicide amongst those who are bound by false teachings?



Originally posted by 1Way

Maybe someone else might respond about BB.

I'm sure they have better things to do.

This is funny. Except for Billy Bob. I realize that he is not serious, but it is wrong to speak about terrible evil and sin in a morally neutral way, or in his case, even in a laughable way.

It's tragic to see people who were born without a sense of humor.

I realize that false teaching in religion is terrible,

There's plenty of that goin' around. Just read some of Tye's ridiculous posts.

but the shedding of innocent blood is hardly something to joke about.

I'm laughing! :darwinsm:

If we must allow BB to say such things, then I think it would be a good idea for TOL to brand BB with some sort of disapproval statement so as to not reflect negatively on TOL and all things godly.

Now I'm laughing even harder! :darwinsm: :darwinsm:

Or is he serious about promoting suicide amongst those who are bound by false teachings?

Of course I'm serious. :kookoo:

Hey 1way, I thought I left a stick around here, you didn't happen to sit on it, did you? :think:



+OL remote satellite affiliate
What is going on

What is going on

So, will no one defend or promote or otherwise explain Billy Bob's laughable ideas about suicide and gratuitous murder? I'm glad he realizes the necessity to keep remarks somewhat contextual appropriate, hence the remarks about Freak and Tye and islamists, in order to in some way validate his comments, but promoting murder and suicide in a joking way without a clear morally righteous reason, as is constantly done in his signature, is a far cry from being simply funny. God came to give life and to give it more fully, and all sin and evil promote death and destruction, and it is wrong to promote evil in a neutral way. His statements would fit well with an atheist, agnostic, satanist, pagan, liberals (who are not against all violence), to name a few. Once upon a time, a TOL member was banned because of making a remark that is strikingly similar to the entire sentiment that is being joked about with BB.


isn't this the Smilie Story thread, not the Debate People's Personal Theology/Philosophy/Stupidity thread?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Cattyfan - Right. I'm not trying to debate anything, nor take this thread off topic, I'm just asking for a bit of information about a poster in this thread. If my simple questions can not be answered in a reasonable and non-interrupting way, then I'll be glad to go away.

I saw it here, I sought an answer, I'm not getting much back. Don't worry about me, I can deal with wide scale aversion to an honest question.

Please, no one else respond to my questions unless it may be resolved briefly and without interruption to this thread's ongoing topic. I would be happy if all these posts would be erased except my first simple question, or if necessary taking the issue elsewhere. I made one simple reasonable point and asked one simple reasonable question, please don't hold it against me for not getting the same in return.
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Originally posted by 1Way

Cattyfan - Right. I'm not trying to debate anything, nor take this thread off topic, I'm just asking for a bit of information about a poster in this thread. If my simple questions can not be answered in a reasonable and non-interrupting way, then I'll be glad to go away.

I saw it here, I sought an answer, I'm not getting much back. Don't worry about me, I can deal with wide scale aversion to an honest question.

Please, no one else respond to my questions unless it may be resolved briefly and without interruption to this thread's ongoing topic. I would be happy if all these posts would be erased except my first simple question, or if necessary taking the issue elsewhere. I made one simple reasonable point and asked one simple reasonable question, please don't hold it against me for not getting the same in return.

You seem to be a spoiled person who wants his own way all the time. You remind me of my 3-year-old grandson.


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Genesis chapters 1-8

Genesis chapters 1-8

In the beginning God created the heaven :cloud9: and the earth. At first, it was formless and void, but the Spirit of God moved over the face of the water :WA:. Then God said :sozo:, Let there be light, and there was...light! :idea:

Over the course of the first three days, God divided the :D day from :sleep: night, divided the waters, created the dry land, and created plants :)lucky:, :jessilu:, :bannana:.) Then God formed the light into the sun and stars, and other celestial bodies.

After that, God began to create animals. He created :chicken:, :troy:, :crow:, and :crow2: (by the way, this answers the question, "Which came first, the :chicken: or the :Tye:?") and sea creatures.

Next came the land animals. He made ones like :sheep:, :cow:, :Shaggy:, :cattyfan:, and :dog:, and creeping things like :popup:, :alien:, :spider:, and :jump:.

Then God looked over all that He had made, and saw it was good. And God formed Adam :) in His image, from the dust of the ground, and breathed life into his nostrils. Then God brought all of the animals, :chicken:, :troy:, :crow:, :crow2:, :sheep:, :cow:, :Shaggy:, :cattyfan:, :dog:, :popup:, :alien:, :spider:, and :jump:, to Adam, for him to name. But, among all of the birds and beasts and fish and creeping things, there was no help meet for him.

So, God caused Adam to fall into a deep :sleep:, and He took one of his ribs to create the first woman...Eve!:sibbie: :shocked: :)doh: No, wait, perhaps I'd better use :shadowmd:. :chuckle: ) Then Adam :) and Eve :shadowmd: lived happily in the Garden of Eden. And they were allowed to eat of all of the plants and fruits in the garden, except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For God said of it, "Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."

But then, one day the serpent tricked :) and :shadowmd:. It told :shadowmd: that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which God had commanded them not to eat of, would make her wise. "For God doth know," it said, "that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." So, when :shadowmd: saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was nice to look at, she ate of its fruit, and gave some to :). At the same moment, although they didn't :dead: physically, they became spiritually :dead:, and were out of fellowship with God. And :) and :shadowmd: saw that they were naked, and hid themselves from God, making clothes for themselves of fig leaves :lucky:. Because of what they had done, God cursed the serpent and Adam (now :( ) and Eve :shadowmd: had to leave the Garden of Eden. And God placed :angel: :Elaine: at the east of the Garden with a flaming sword that turned every way, to guard the tree of life.

So Adam :) lived by tilling the soil. Then :shadowmd: gave birth to their first two sons :baby: :baby:, Cain :noid: and Abel :D. And :D kept flocks of :sheep:, but Cain cultivated :lucky: :bannana: :jessilu:. Finally it came to pass, that Cain and Abel were taking offerings to the Lord. :noid: brought :lucky: :jessilu: :bannana:, but since these were not representations of Jesus, the Lamb of God, the Lord did not respect his offering. However, :D took a young :sheep: to God, so his offering was accepted. This made :noid: very :madmad:. So, once when :noid: and :D were walking in the field together, :noid: rose up :sozo2: against :D, and :box: him until he became :eek: and :dead:. Cain had committed the first murder. For this God cursed :noid:, and he became an outcast.

It came to pass, years later, that one of :('s descendants (stop and think a moment how broad that is!), Noah :rain:, and his family were the only followers of God left on the earth. And all of the other people were doing things like :mad:, :greedy:, :cheers:, :bow:ing to :devil:s and Freakazoids, being :madmad: and :box: :dead:, and there were :flamer:s. This probably made :rain: want to :vomit: :shake: :sigh:.

God wasn't pleased with it, either. He told :rain: to make a three-story ark, with a window and a door, and lots of room. Then :rain: stocked it with food and supplies, and two of every land animal (more than two of some kinds) went with him onto the ark. This would have included :chicken:, :troy:, :crow:, :crow2:, :sheep:, :cow:, :Shaggy:, :cattyfan:, :dog:, :popup:, :alien:, :spider:, :jump:, and even dinosaurs. Finally, when :rain: and his family (which included :rain:'s wife, :rain:'s sons, Shem :mrt:, Ham :jazz:, and Japheth :wave:, and their wives) went into the ark, God closed the door, and it began to :rain:. It :rain:ed until the whole earth, even the highest mountains, were covered. But God kept Noah and those with him in the ark alive. And the earth was covered for one hundred and fifty days. All of the :chicken:, :troy:, :crow:, :crow2:, :sheep:, :cow:, :Shaggy:, :cattyfan:, :dog:, :popup:, :alien:, :spider:, :jump:, and people who weren't on the ark (except for sea creatures) were :dead:.

Finally, when the :rain: stopped, the waters sank, and the ark rested on top of a mountain. At the end of forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark, and sent forth a :crow2: to see if the waters were dried up. Also, he sent forth a dove, but the dove couldn't find anywhere to perch, so she flew back to the ark. Seven days later, he sent the dove forth again, and she came back with an olive :lucky:. When he released her a third time and she didn't return, then :rain: knew that he and his family and the :chicken:, :troy:, :crow:, :crow2:, :sheep:, :cow:, :Shaggy:, :cattyfan:, :dog:, :popup:, :alien:, :spider:, :jump: could leave the ark safely. And God blessed them and set a rainbow in the clouds, to show them that He would never send a worldwide flood again.


ebenz's daughter
Once opon a time there was a :shadowmd: and her :dog: now this :dog: was special, you see... it could do anything the :shadowmd: asked.
It could :sozo: it could help the:shadowmd: plan a :party:,this :dog: even played an :Elaine: in the :shadowmd:'s shcool play.One day the :shadowmd: saw a sign for a :Grizzly: contest and she decided to enter herself. She was to :Grizzly: certain animals that came into the target range
:chicken:'s,and:spider:'s.But at the end it turned out the :shadowmd: lost :(.
Soon after she saw a :readthis: for a :poly: contest she wrote the story of how her :dog: won a sk8ing contest and she got :first: place!!! And they :bannana:ed all night and :devil:ed all day