One day, as
rincess: and :BillyBob: were having a breakfast
of :Tye:
and fried :spam: they decided to go to the circus
for the day. So,
rincess: and :BillyBob: :wave: goodbye to
their friends, got in their :car: and were off.
As soon as they passed the :1Way: sign, they knew that they
were almost there.
rincess: and :BillyBob: bought :second: tickets at the :cattyfan:
desk and went on in to see the circus. One of the :first: things
they saw was a :drum: :guitar: :singer: performance.
The :drum: :guitar: :singer: performers sat down as soon as
the :singer: announcer came out.
rincess: and :BillyBob: saw the :juggle: and the :joker:
and the :zakath:
rincess: and :BillyBob: thought that they
were doing a :thumb: wonderful job.
Then the animal acts came out. They saw a :sheep: sheep that
could jump rope, a :dog: that :bow: bowed, and :second: :crow2:
that could :WA: dissapear.
rincess: and :BillyBob: :ha: laughed alot, and othwise enjoyed
themselves. As it got closer to lunch time, they started trying to
decide what to have. After looking at the choices, and feeling a
little :vomit: so they decided to go to :nori: to get
something. :nori: fixed them a big plate of BBQ :Shaggy: moose.
Despite the fact that they had never tried BBQ :Shaggy: moose
before, they soon found themselves asking for more. :cheers:
rincess: and :BillyBob: got in their :car: and headed home only
to be stuck in the :rain:
Upon arriving home, they were :yawn: tired after a long day, so
they took a nap. :grave:
Unfortunately, they were barely asleep, when they heard a
noise :noway: .
rincess: sent :BillyBob: out to investigate.
investigating, :BillyBob: found :second: two :Grizzly: robbers
trying to break into their house. :BillyBob: quickly put on his
protective :SOTK: and went out to take care of them. He
quickly :Grizzly: at them. The robbers were rushed to the :deb:
:BillyBob: was hailed a hero and given a :first: award. He was
bashful about the whole matter, saying he just did what
he had to do.
rincess: was very proud of :BillyBob: :BRAVO: and
the :second: of them lived happily ever after.