Small Government


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Low taxes. Taxes fund government. Low taxes = small government.


What is the idea of small government? What does it mean?

Whatever anyone wants it to mean, apparently.
It always funnels down to something like taxes or gov't overreach, but the problem is that unless you are about outright getting rid of some or all the extra-gov't programs like the FBI, NSA, CIA, TSA, ATF, IRA, and all the otherwise hundred entities that choke the tax flow or delve into things they shouldn't, how much do you really want 'small government'?

Don't see much of anybody really wanting to do away with all these functions which require taxes but somehow lowering taxes magically makes the gov't smaller or less influential.


Whatever anyone wants it to mean, apparently.
It always funnels down to something like taxes or gov't overreach, but the problem is that unless you are about outright getting rid of some or all the extra-gov't programs like the FBI, NSA, CIA, TSA, ATF, IRA, and all the otherwise hundred entities that choke the tax flow or delve into things they shouldn't, how much do you really want 'small government'?

Don't see much of anybody really wanting to do away with all these functions which require taxes but somehow lowering taxes magically makes the gov't smaller or less influential.
Thank you very much. Yes, overreach is part of my understanding. Thank you for spelling it out.


How is small government brought about? Do we believe that it is advantageous to have or employ small government? If so, how and why?

The Horn

In America, conservatives want the government to be "small enough " to fit inside people's bedrooms and inside women's reproductive organs .


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Whatever anyone wants it to mean, apparently.


It always funnels down to something like taxes or gov't overreach, but the problem is that unless you are about outright getting rid of some or all the extra-gov't programs like the FBI, NSA, CIA, TSA, ATF, IRA, and all the otherwise hundred entities that choke the tax flow or delve into things they shouldn't, how much do you really want 'small government'?

Don't see much of anybody really wanting to do away with all these functions which require taxes but somehow lowering taxes magically makes the gov't smaller or less influential.

The government should only be involved in two things:

Infrastructure (airways, airwaves, bridges, waterways, roads, rails, space, etc) and Criminal Justice (foreign and domestic, military, police, judicial)

Anything else and a government is violating its God-given boundaries.

So FBI, NSA, CIA, TSA, are fine, whereas ATF, IRA, and others are not.

Though, honestly, the former would be incorporated into the judiciary and police.

The Horn

No ! No ! No ! No ! No ! I'm talking about CONSENSUAL sex in private between adults, not pedophilia ! And consensual sex whether between straight or gay people . Why are you conservatives so obsessed with pedophilia ? I's a horrible crime but when consenting adults have sex in private , it cannot and must not be considered a crime .


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No ! No ! No ! No ! No!


I'm talking about CONSENSUAL sex in private between adults,

Fornication (sex outside of marriage) is still wrong.

not pedophilia! And consensual sex whether between straight or gay people.

It's not ok to be gay.

And sex outside of marriage is wrong.

Why are you conservatives so obsessed with pedophilia?

Because it's most likely the next barrier established by God to be broken down by the left, after God's prohibition on homosexuality.

I's a horrible crime but

No, no "buts."

It's a horrible crime that deserves the death penalty.

when consenting adults have sex in private,

It's called fornication, a crime according to God.

it cannot and must not be considered a crime.

It IS and SHOULD BE a crime.

And you, someone who is trying to defend a crime, should be flogged for trying to defend criminal behavior.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In America, conservatives want the government to be "small enough " to fit inside people's bedrooms and inside women's reproductive organs .

because that's how we enforce laws against pedophilia, right?

No ! No ! No ! No ! No ! I'm talking about... were talking about government in people's bedrooms and inside women's reproductive organs

it's a strawman Horn - one you use frequently - nobody is calling for government in our bedrooms or inside women's reproductive organs

it amazes me that you still bother trying to use it as an argument :sigh:

The Horn

So you want to turn America , a multi-religious nation , into a totalitarian police state and theocracy where everyone would be under constant surveillance in case they were having either gay sex or sex outside of marriage ? Some "limited government " ! You want our government to become like Iran and Saudi Arabia , where the morals police keep everyone under surveillance just to make sure nobody is committing some kind of sexual no no ? So much for "America, the land of the free ". Sheesh almighty ? And if this happens, are you going to join th morals police ? Have you read Orwell's 12984 , with Big Brother always watching you ?


New member
So you want to turn America , a multi-religious nation , into a totalitarian police state and theocracy where everyone would be under constant surveillance in case they were having either gay sex or sex outside of marriage ?
That sounds amazing.
The Horn said:
Some "limited government " ! You want our government to become like Iran and Saudi Arabia , where the morals police keep everyone under surveillance just to make sure nobody is committing some kind of sexual no no ?
The Horn said:
So much for "America, the land of the free "
Freedom is gay.
The Horn said:
No ! No ! No ! No ! No ! I'm talking about CONSENSUAL sex in private between adults, not pedophilia !
WhAt If ThE cHiLd CoNsEnTs ThOuGh


Doesn't small government have to do with financial responsibility for those in government?

Is there a government of the people, by the people, and for the people?

What is the difference between a Republic and a Democracy?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So you want to turn America , a multi-religious nation , into a totalitarian police state and theocracy where everyone would be under constant surveillance in case they were having either gay sex or sex outside of marriage ?

:yawn: strawman

You want our government to become like Iran and Saudi Arabia , where the morals police keep everyone under surveillance just to make sure nobody is committing some kind of sexual no no ?

:yawn: strawman

seriously dude, you need a new shtick - this one's wore out

The Horn

Conservatives want the government to control people, but not business and industry . Liberals want the government to control business and industry , but not people . I prefer the latter .