Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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The Dark Knight
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Evee said:
What really bothered me about this thread, Lighthouse fought so vigrously and was nothing but a follower and a HIPOCRITE!
If someone is homosexual Christians are understanding and will pray and help.
When someone passes the buck like lighthouse and wants homosexuals put to death he was calling for his on demise.
This really bothers my spirit.
Go back and read what I posted, and tell me when I said I was a queer. Bet ya can't do it.


The Dark Knight
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Jabez said:
Lets look at this as if the thread reads..

"Should Sinners Be Given the Death Penalty"
If this was about executing them for the sin, then maybe we could look at it this way, and see the ridiculousness of that idea. However, this is about executing them for a crime. So, if it said, "Should Murderers Be Given the Death Penalty," that would be a proper comparison.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Jabez said:
Good Post.

On a side note i dont want to be the one to cut someones opportinty short to repent and come to the lord.
That's why you give them a chance to repent, before they're executed.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
Damn, you're stupid.
Stupid is as stupid DOES!!!! You put out mixed signals Brandon. Why don't you just come out and tell us just what you are struggling with so we will all be clear with what is going on with you? Here is one comment that makes it sound like you are struggling with homosexuality, and even your last post.
Most of the people here know I've faltered in my struggle against the flesh, in this area. (Bold Mine.)
What is this topic called???
We all struggle in the flesh to some degree, although some are more disgusting then others. Have you had problems with pornography, lusting after women...which is normal for most young single men...or lusting after men and fighting it? I really want to know, and not just out of curiosity.


The Dark Knight
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Big Mouth Nana said:
Stupid is as stupid DOES!!!! You put out mixed signals Brandon. Why don't you just come out and tell us just what you are struggling with so we will all be clear with what is going on with you? Here is one comment that makes it sound like you are struggling with homosexuality, and even your last post.
What is this topic called???
We all struggle in the flesh to some degree, although some are more disgusting then others. Have you had problems with pornography, lusting after women...which is normal for most young single men...or lusting after men and fighting it? I really want to know, and not just out of curiosity.
The post you quoted specifically said I like females. The struggle was with lust, and pornography. If you had read the entire post, and paid attention to it you would know that.

No Worries

New member
Lighthouse said:
The post you quoted specifically said I like females. The struggle was with lust, and pornography. If you had read the entire post, and paid attention to it you would know that.

Great so without practicing heterosexual sex you are still a heterosexual. Without practicing homosexual sex a person is still homosexual - how then is homosexuality a sin if a person can't help what they think. Even if they don't act on it they are still sinning - there's no choice involved, people that are born to sin and can't do otherwise no matter hwo much they might want to.

Is doing something you like doing, which does not harm anybody and is between consenting adults a sin?

The desire itself is not sinful. What is it about the act which makes it sinful if it does not hurt anyone but can actually make 2 people happy as my gay friend couples will attest to.
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Well-known member
Jesus said that adultery could be committed in the heart, which is where The Lord looks upon us. I don't know about you, but I want to be doing what He commanded, especially in the places that He inspects. When He finds me doing His Will, by faith, He is pleased. Those who aren't pleasing to Him are fit for His punishment. I don't want to be a goat, I want to be a sheep.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
The post you quoted specifically said I like females. The struggle was with lust, and pornography. If you had read the entire post, and paid attention to it you would know that.
Well let's see how "on the ball" you are when you are almost 56 years old. No tolerance for us old Nana's eh? My comprehension is fine. It's the eyes that are going. If you had of came out in the very beginning and stated what your problem was, we wouldn't have had this conversation. Recall that me and Evee haven't been here for very long? We aren't clairvoyant. Also, you told me that you had problems one time, but didn't say what they were. This is a homo topic ya know? Extremely happy that your problem isn't what I thought that it was :thumb:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Theyd didn't ban my friend Lighthouse did tthey?? :think:
Must have been an old shout in the Shout box from him. Your friend, :darwinsm:? You and I are the only friends that we have on here, lol. I have never seen so many people dislike each other on one site. Even the "so called" Christians don't like each other. Come quickly Lord Jesus!!!