Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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On Fire

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Granite said:
What some people can't understand is that as a choice, consensual homosexuality does not harm or victimize anyone. There is no abuse of age (pederastry). There is no abuse of power or force (rape). There is no betrayal of family (incest). It is two adults acting like adults, period. Comparing homosexual behavior to rape or pedophilia is inaccurate and absurd.
It's a sexual addiction and has many affects on society some of which we are only just beginning to recognize.


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shilohproject said:
Where? Your comment was in the post immediately proceeding mine. Rape is not a matter of choice for its victim, neither murder, molestation nor beastiality, you lame personal-insulter-who-can't-understand-the-issue-much-less-stay-on-it!:cool:

You and granite, need to remove your heads out of each others butts, try paying attention to what is being said, and stop the rhetorical comments that have NOTHING to do with what anyone else is saying about this subject.


New member
Granite said:
What some people can't understand is that as a choice, consensual homosexuality does not harm or victimize anyone. There is no abuse of age (pederastry). There is no abuse of power or force (rape). There is no betrayal of family (incest). It is two adults acting like adults, period. Comparing homosexual behavior to rape or pedophilia is inaccurate and absurd.

(If I can jump in and play devil's advocate here) Granite, I think the argument would be that because homosexuality is considered 'deviant', it is easily linked with S&M, pedophilia...and other deviant practices. It could be said that a person willing and wanting to practice something general considered deviant...I won't go into detail, but butt-play seems pretty deviant, would be more likely to participate in other deviant acts...


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On Fire said:
It's a sexual addiction and has many affects on society some of which we are only just beginning to recognize.

Given its prevalence throughout human history I wonder why we're just now understanding the effects of the Evil Homos.:rolleyes:

And a promiscuous straight man or woman--would you think or agree that they suffer from a sexual addiction as well?


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erinmarie said:
(If I can jump in and play devil's advocate here) Granite, I think the argument would be that because homosexuality is considered 'deviant', it is easily linked with S&M, pedophilia...and other deviant practices. It could be said that a person willing and wanting to practice something general considered deviant...I won't go into detail, but butt-play seems pretty deviant, would be more likely to participate in other deviant acts...

Considering behavior deviant does not always make it so; the history of medicine and science tells us this much.

Frankly, the fact that so many straights automatically link gay men and women to S&M and pedophilia says more about the straights than anything else. Moreover, the "play" your refer to isn't limited to gay men and women.


New member
Granite said:
Considering behavior deviant does not always make it so; the history of medicine and science tells us this much.

Frankly, the fact that so many straights automatically link gay men and women to S&M and pedophilia says more about the straights than anything else. Moreover, the "play" your refer to isn't limited to gay men and women.

ok. But the "play" I wasn't referring just to homosexual "play" by the way. I was pointing out that anyone who has a desire to engage in that type of "play" would be more likely to participate in deviant behaviors.

Ok, let's say there's this dude, and he asks his wife to do 'that' type of 'play' often. Then there's another dude that has no interest in that 'type' of 'play'. Which dude do you think would be more likely to, hmmm let's gay, be a pedophile, practice sado-masochistic behaviors? Answer honestly, Granite.


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erinmarie said:
ok. But the "play" I wasn't referring just to homosexual "play" by the way. I was pointing out that anyone who has a desire to engage in that type of "play" would be more likely to participate in deviant behaviors.

Ok, let's say there's this dude, and he asks his wife to do 'that' type of 'play' often. Then there's another dude that has no interest in that 'type' of 'play'. Which dude do you think would be more likely to, hmmm let's gay, be a pedophile, practice sado-masochistic behaviors? Answer honestly, Granite.

Okay, at the risk of going out on a limb, indulging in such behavior doesn't up the odds of anything deviant or criminal going on. Perhaps I'm mistaken but I don't think a correlation could be made between B. Play and deviancy amongst heterosexuals. And if a husband and wife have a healthy relationship and do this why in the flaming heck do you suddenly make the jump to pedophilia?

By the way, where is it written that S&M between married folk is wrong, or a crime, or a sin, or unbiblical?


New member
Granite said:
Okay, at the risk of going out on a limb, indulging in such behavior doesn't up the odds of anything deviant or criminal going on. Perhaps I'm mistaken but I don't think a correlation could be made between B. Play and deviancy amongst heterosexuals. And if a husband and wife have a healthy relationship and do this why in the flaming heck do you suddenly make the jump to pedophilia?

By the way, where is it written that S&M between married folk is wrong, or a crime, or a sin, or unbiblical?
Hello! Anything but married missionary is a lapse into the urges of the flesh.


New member
Granite said:
Okay, at the risk of going out on a limb, indulging in such behavior doesn't up the odds of anything deviant or criminal going on. Perhaps I'm mistaken but I don't think a correlation could be made between B. Play and deviancy amongst heterosexuals. And if a husband and wife have a healthy relationship and do this why in the flaming heck do you suddenly make the jump to pedophilia?

By the way, where is it written that S&M between married folk is wrong, or a crime, or a sin, or unbiblical?

Whoa there 'cowboy'!

I didn't say anything like that. AND you didn't answer my question.

You can do anything you want in bed. It's not anyone's business, you're right. All I'm saying is that B.Play is deviating from normal intercourse, and thus deviant behavior...

AND back to my question, honey!


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erinmarie said:
Whoa there 'cowboy'!

I didn't say anything like that. AND you didn't answer my question.

You can do anything you want in bed. It's not anyone's business, you're right. All I'm saying is that B.Play is deviating from normal intercourse, and thus deviant behavior...

AND back to my question, honey!

"Normal" is an exceedingly broad term, of course. What's normal for one couple might be aberrant to another.

As to your other question...

Dennis Rader was by all accounts a straitlaced white bread Lutheran, and we know what he did in his spare time. To answer your question as honestly as I can: you never know what someone is thinking.


New member
Granite said:
"Normal" is an exceedingly broad term, of course. What's normal for one couple might be aberrant to another.

As to your other question...

Dennis Rader was by all accounts a straitlaced white bread Lutheran, and we know what he did in his spare time. To answer your question as honestly as I can: you never know what someone is thinking.

You and Dennis Rader! Bla, bla, bla....
We have no idea what Rader did to his wife in bed, do we?


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erinmarie said:
You and Dennis Rader! Bla, bla, bla....
We have no idea what Rader did to his wife in bed, do we?

It's an example. Bundy was engaged and girlfriends, too, and nothing in his sxual relationships was an indicator he would become (or was) a predator.


New member
Granite said:
It's an example. Bundy was engaged and girlfriends, too, and nothing in his sxual relationships was an indicator he would become (or was) a predator.

But how do we know? Maybe they did engage in indicating behaviors and the girlfriends/wives never stood up and came out with it. Abuse and sexual abuse is often a secret within a relationship. And then after their spouses became Known Serial Killers, it's not like they would be anymore likely to admit it.


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erinmarie said:
But how do we know? Maybe they did engage in indicating behaviors and the girlfriends/wives never stood up and came out with it. Abuse and sexual abuse is often a secret within a relationship. And then after their spouses became Known Serial Killers, it's not like they would be anymore likely to admit it.

True, but everything in the literature I've encountered indicates both of them didn't tip their hand to their true nature, at least not in the bedroom. Bottomline: you can never know what someone's thinking or what really goes on in their mind.


Truth Smacker
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Army of One said:
Jadespring said:
So all moral issues should result in the punishment of death? Bull.
Where in the world did you get that? Of course not everything that is immoral is deserving of execution. I was merely pointing out that homosexuality is a moral issue.

And no it does not destroy the arguement at all. This absoluate interpretation of the NT itself is not in itself absolute. Try checking out the numerous studies on the subject. There is no agreement. There has never been 100% agreement on what those NT passages truely refered too.
So, I can't be correct in my position until everyone else agrees with me?
Murder, brainer there. At one time your list also included prohibitions against women, different behaviors and various other groups of people and behaviors, all of which have changed over the years as we better understand human behaviors and how this world works.
Well, my list never included those things. And my point was, no one argues against murder and rape being a crime on the basis that it is included among symbolic crimes in the Bible, so why would you use that tactic against the criminalization of homosexuality?
Do I think that murder, rape and kidnapping will ever drop off that list? Nope. Why? Because they're pretty much the only things that everyone agrees upon. If something cannot be 100% determined then no one deserves to die for it. Go ahead a hate them if you must. Relish is the righteousnous of superor morality. Whatever. Just quit this bull about the death penalty. If God has a problem with it. He'll deal with it.
So are you against the punishment of all crime, since "if God has a problem with it, He'll deal with it."? Obviously not. Yet you apply that logic to the act of homosexuality.

Scripture says adulterers should die. I suppose you must subscribe to this view.
You're right. I'm in complete support of re-criminalizing adultery.
Know any adulters? Friends? Family? Perhaps its time we all really get down to business here. Lets start making some lists.
Yes, I do know a few. Yet, I wouldn't compromise what I'm convinced is just, out of an emotional attachment to those I know. In fact, it is that emotional attachment that motivates me to advocate an appropriate sentence for such a crime. Because, if such a penalty existed, I'm confident that my friends and family members that have committed adultery, wouldn't have out of fear for the consequences.

:first: POTD!


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Sozo said:
You mean like Adultery?

I suggest you take some time to examine your bible before you continue to make a fool of yourself.

Nice try...

I suggest you take some time to examine the rest of the posts before you continue to make a fool of yourself.
I explained what I meant by that statement in a subsequent post when the same question was brought up.
Adultery is more then just about the particular 'sex' act itself or would you consider intercourse of some sort the deciding factor on whether or not someone cheated on a spouse and commited adultery against the relationship sanctioned by God. Perhaps it's best to start discussing and define what exactaly "adultery" is especially since it looks like we're about to start killing people for it.


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Jadespring said:
Perhaps it's best to start discussing and define what exactaly "adultery" is especially since it looks like we're about to start killing people for it.
Your saying this to someone who cannot use the "promiscuous" correctly? Boggle-boggle-boggle