Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member
Erm.. the parts don't fit. The parts weren't even designed to fit. Like a magnet, opposites attract. It's so clear you have to be willfully ignorant not to see that.


why are u calling her ignorant? ur the one that cant realize we are nothing more than another specie on this planet. homosexuality is prevalent in many species. penguins are 50% gay, for example. what besides a myth gives u the right to think humans are above natural instincts?? if ur not gay thats perfectly fine, that doesnt give u the right to think ur better or that u live better. and dont think ur not going to get commented on for calling another member ignorant in this community.


New member
Erm.. the parts don't fit. The parts weren't even designed to fit. Like a magnet, opposites attract. It's so clear you have to be willfully ignorant not to see that.


Is that all people are to you? Little mechanoids designed to fulfill a reproductive destiny due to their interlocking genitals with no free will as to how they express their love and physical desires? How sad.


Is that all people are to you? Little mechanoids designed to fulfill a reproductive destiny due to their interlocking genitals with no free will as to how they express their love and physical desires? How sad.
The "missionary postition" may have been more aptly named than I realized.


New member
Erm.. the parts don't fit. The parts weren't even designed to fit. Like a magnet, opposites attract. It's so clear you have to be willfully ignorant not to see that.

:think: Assuming the parts were actually designed at all...

Gotta love when people try and use "ignorance" as a slight against somebody, within an ignorant post. You're actually using design as an argument for why homosexuality is immoral? So if we're designed, and if that designer is concerned with human behaviour at all, and if that designer has the properties that the bible describes, then homosexuality is wrong because every single human being is meant to procreate and if they use their body for anything other than vessels for expanding the human race then it is offensive to the designer. Great argument!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Thank you for explaining how to do the quote thing, lite.
I guess the intended comic relief about flamboyant gays didn't go over well, but an old fag hag like me doesn't mind being called bigoted against gays.

I'm sorry I thought you were a female, that doesn't mean I think you're effeminate. I guess it was the screen name.

I hope you find your theocracy, I'm just glad it will never be the country I happen to live in.
"Lighthouse" sounds feminine to you?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
why are u calling her ignorant? ur the one that cant realize we are nothing more than another specie on this planet. homosexuality is prevalent in many species. penguins are 50% gay, for example. what besides a myth gives u the right to think humans are above natural instincts?? if ur not gay thats perfectly fine, that doesnt give u the right to think ur better or that u live better. and dont think ur not going to get commented on for calling another member ignorant in this community.

No, I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you. lmohm started this thread, and he started it because he was a homo. Now he's not, because he knows it's wrong. And why. He can look back on his life, and see the detriment of it all. He knows better than most of us, and certainly better than you.


New member

No, I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you. lmohm started this thread, and he started it because he was a homo. Now he's not, because he knows it's wrong. And why. He can look back on his life, and see the detriment of it all. He knows better than most of us, and certainly better than you.

Because he agrees with you, you mean? There plenty of homosexuals who believe otherwise, you know.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Because he agrees with you, you mean? There plenty of homosexuals who believe otherwise, you know.
The ones who are still queers, yes. Of course they don't see anythign wrong with it, because they want to continue in it. Just like child molesters. They won't reject it, until they know the truth: it's disgusting, perverted, unnatural, immoral, etc.


New member
The ones who are still queers, yes. Of course they don't see anythign wrong with it, because they want to continue in it. Just like child molesters. They won't reject it, until they know the truth: it's disgusting, perverted, unnatural, immoral, etc.

There you again- comparing homosexuality between consenting adults and child molestation? Why does such an invalid comparison hold such fascination for you?
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
There you again- comparing homosexuality between consenting adults and child molestation? Why does such an invalid comparison hold such fascination for you?
I wasn't comparing consent to non-consent. I was comparing one perversion to another. They are both perverted, and until they recognize it, they don't think there is anything wrong with it, and therefore don't want to change.

Still nobody has given a sufficient answer for the question: "What's immoral about homosexuality?"
Well, God did tell us to be fruitful and multiply. How exactly are homos supposed to do that?


New member
I wasn't comparing consent to non-consent. I was comparing one perversion to another. They are both perverted, and until they recognize it, they don't think there is anything wrong with it, and therefore don't want to change.
Because there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and because a leopard can't change his spots change is unnecessary.
Well, God did tell us to be fruitful and multiply. How exactly are homos supposed to do that?
How are infertile people supposed to do it? Celibate ones? The exceedingly ugly?


New member
Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

If so, why so? If not, why not?

If those who commit homosexual crimes would be executed fewer people would venture into that lifestyle.

It will not only deter lots of people from a dangerous lifestyle, it will protect or children (especially male children) from being molested and sexualized into that orientation.


New member
Still nobody has given a sufficient answer for the question: "What's immoral about homosexuality?"

Homosexual acts are harmful to those who participate and to those who care what happens to the homosexual.

It's a fact that an out of proportion % of male homosexuals are predators.

Most importantly ...God forbids it.


New member
If those who commit homosexual crimes would be executed fewer people would venture into that lifestyle.

It will not only deter lots of people from a dangerous lifestyle, it will protect or children (especially male children) from being molested and sexualized into that orientation.

Homosexuals aren't "molested into" that orientation. Why should a homosexual be executed for a sexual crime, but a hetro rapist go free? Rape is a crime regardless. I'm not defending rapists, I'm defending homosexuals. Besides, capital punishment is not a deterrent. And when you say "that lifestyle", do you mean the lifestyle of sexual crimes, or homosexuality in general?

Homosexual acts are harmful to those who participate and to those who care what happens to the homosexual.

It's a fact that an out of proportion % of male homosexuals are predators.

Harmful how? And please show sources for your above statistics. Even if it is true, there are reasons for that you aren't considering. Many homosexuals are brought up in an environment that is hostile to their homosexuality. They are often rejected and abused. By people like some of those on this forum!


New member
If those who commit homosexual crimes would be executed fewer people would venture into that lifestyle.

For a group of people so righteously angry over the Antichrist Police State infringing on your liberties, are you sure you're okay with a sexual Gestapo?

People in this country should be free to disagree with, disapprove and revile anything or anyone they want for any reason they please without being charged with a 'hate crime', but making consentual sexual acts between adults in private venues with no practical and only subjective beliefs to back them up isn't going to hold legal water in a nonfascist or nontheocratic country.

The 'gays not being able to procreate' (the old fashioned way) is an argument I find especially lame, since last time I checked no citizen is under binding obligation to be a breeder. Nor is there any evidence that some people never having kids is a threat to society, especially considering the many gays filing for adoption of orphaned kids who's fecund parents did plenty of procreating but no nurturing.

I think everyone here realizes that according to the Bible, homosexuality is a sin and Genesis says 'be fruitful and multiply', but those are tenets that boil down to personal belief and not something that should be legislated as hanging offenses for not abiding by, unless you want to live in a Taliban type situation. Fortunately most people don't.