Shots fired at Texas Mohammed art exhibit


Well-known member
They were their own country before signing up with the U.S. so the best you could do is give them back to themselves.
If it were it's now country, we'd only have to fight them every ten years because of course they wouldn't be able to get along with anyone else on the planet, and they can't have all those guns without using them. But if we gave them to Mexico, they could fight with the Mexican government, instead of us.

Too bad we can't physically move them to the middle east. That would keep the whole bunch of them busy for decades.

The Barbarian

The average Texan is nothing like the politicians they elect to office. The average Texan has low expectations for government, and unfortunately, he tends to vote for people who will fulfill his expectations.

And you have to remember that in the early days, politics was one of the few reliable sources of entertainment we had.

Most Texans don't actually want Ted Cruz as president, but they take a kind of perverse pride in the way he makes establishment republicans hyperventilate.



My first thought was Jehovah's Witnesses, but I'll go with Lutherans.

ISIS reportedly claiming credit. Maybe untrue but if true...hoo boy.

Surely you're not imply that those from the religion of peace are behind this attack?


The Barbarian

Meantime the German police just rounded up a group that was targeting German citizens. They had weapons and explosives.

Oh, and they were targeting German Muslims.

Guess that doesn't count for some people.


Meantime the German police just rounded up a group that was targeting German citizens. They had weapons and explosives.

Oh, and they were targeting German Muslims.

Guess that doesn't count for some people.

Posting information like this (without a link of course) just makes your muzzie loving liberal day doesn't it barbarian?


New member
I've been watching this on the news.
I live less than 50 miles of Garland, TEXAS.

Tambora, Is it true your Governor deployed the Texas Guard to keep watch over some Federal military bases?
If so, is this incident an incredible coincidence? Now the Fed can say" Were here to help" !!!!


Tambora, Is it true your Governor deployed the Texas Guard to keep watch over some Federal military bases?
If so, is this incident an incredible coincidence? Now the Fed can say" Were here to help" !!!!

Was Pamela Gellar's exhibit held on a military base? If not (it wasn't), then how is your post relevant?


New member
I wonder if Angel takes scripture that much out of context too :idunno:

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. - Obama speech by President Obama delivered to the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2012

"It is time to leave the call of violence and the politics of division behind. On so many issues, we face a choice between the promise of the future, or the prisons of the past. And we cannot afford to get it wrong. We must seize this moment. And America stands ready to work with all who are willing to embrace a better future.

The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt — it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted, "Muslims, Christians, we are one." The future must not belong to those who bully women — it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons.

The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a country's resources — it must be won by the students and entrepreneurs, the workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people. Those are the women and men that America stands with; theirs is the vision we will support.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.

Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims and Shiite pilgrims. It's time to heed the words of Gandhi: "Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit." Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, that's the vision we will support."

Full speech


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You think crazy people are hard to spot?
Well yeah, we don't seem to catch most until they've gone off.

Maybe, maybe not. But we can know they won't for one reason, which is a pointless bit of insult.
It's not pointless if some get removed.
Seriously; is the world a better place now that these two aren't in it?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well yeah, we don't seem to catch most until they've gone off.

It's not pointless if some get removed.
Seriously; is the world a better place now that these two aren't in it?
I think that when you march the KKK through Harlem you just might be creating more problems than would otherwise have arisen naturally. And I'd rather have a world where as few people are killed as is reasonably possible without anyone having to surrender their own rights to manage it.

The Barbarian

(Barbarian notes that religious terrorists planning to kill Muslims were arrested in Germany)

(Connie goes ballistic)
Posting information like this (without a link of course) just makes your muzzie loving liberal day doesn't it barbarian?

God says they are my neighbors and to love them. Too bad about your god.

Oh, yeah, the link:

German police have arrested four people suspected of plotting to attack Muslims and asylum seekers.

Prosecutors said that three men and one woman were accused of founding a far-right group and procuring explosives.

They added that a previously unknown group, the "Old Schools Society", had been planning to attack mosques and hostels for asylum seekers.

The suspects were arrested in raids across five German states involving some 250 investigators.

"In the search, pyrotechnics with large explosive power and further pieces of evidence were confiscated," said the prosecutor's office in a statement.

Thanks for asking.

The Barbarian

Disgusting as it may be, people will often edit other people's words to make it seem that they mean what they do not. Angel might well be a victim here, rather than the culprit. Apparently, that story and the dishonestly edited statement was widely circulated.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think that when you march the KKK through Harlem you just might be creating more problems than would otherwise have arisen naturally.
No doubt, but the KKK hangs black people from trees whereas this is a CARTOON EXHIBIT (sorry for the volume) so that analogy doesn't hold.

And I'd rather have a world where as few people are killed as is reasonably possible without anyone having to surrender their own rights to manage it.
And these two didn't want to surrender their rights to................not have their profit criticized. But in the U.S. you don't have the right to not be offended. You have the right to be offended and to offend but not to blow up offensive art exhibits and that's just how it is.

So, if there are people in our society that will murder for a cartoon then I say we need sting operations to bring them out and snuff them.
Just like we have drug stings and stolen cars stings and prostitution stings and so forth.

Perhaps an Atheist billboard around Christmas by a major freeway in the Bible Belt with some cameras to catch anyone vandalizing it..................