Shooter Kills CNN Cameraman and Girl Live on TV


New member
as the comments say:

black on white killing: no protest, no outrage, nothing to see here.

Just another excuse for Federal Gun Control....

This was not just 'crazy', it was a planned event designed
to push the Liberals into more frantic hysteria on Guns.

He actually waited patiently for the cameraman to pan back to his victim#1
before even opening fire. Plenty of timing and planning and eerie calm.

He wanted the live effect.

According to statistics, most violent crimes in America are Non-Whites killing Whites. Normally that statistic is kept hidden from the public. Often when news is reported they do not mention the person is not White, because that would not be politically correct. Such is life in America. Americans who can afford to do so are moving to the country to get away from the violence.

The Barbarian

The fact that he seized upon race as opposed to his own faults for getting fired

Is just his paranoid justification. If it wasn't that, he'd have found something else, and killed the same people the same way, for the same reason and a different justification.

has nothing to do with his motivation for choosing to kill 2 white co-employees on tape has nothing to do with racial hate?

They just happened to be available. And part of the organization that he felt wronged him. Racists will always conclude that everything is about race. But you don't know that.

What were these two white employees guilty of other than being white that is?

Perhaps the fact that they were part of an organization that he thought was persecuting him, was more important than their race. That would be consistent with what we know about him.

Of course, for some, it's always about race. How sad.


New member
Hall of Fame
This is another case of undiagnosed mental illness being ignored until something terrible happens.

It has nothing to do with race, except that the shooter, in his irrationality seized on race as the reason for his firing.

That's it. Racists will try to play it up, of course. But the facts remain.

How can you say race had NOTHING to do with it, considering what he said about what he did?? :idunno:

The Barbarian

How can you say race had NOTHING to do with it, considering what he said about what he did??

It was nothing more than his rationalization for his anger. There's no evidence whatever that he killed those people for anything more than belonging to a company that he felt had wronged him.

No evidence whatever that he killed them for being white.

The Barbarian

According to statistics, most violent crimes in America are Non-Whites killing Whites.

Racists would like us to believe that. However...

Blacks are less than 13% of the American population. Whites are about 80%. So if a killer was completely unbiased, he'd kill about six times as many whites as blacks.

FBI shows that in 2013, about 3005 whites were murdered. About 400 were murdered by blacks. The same year, about 2491 blacks were killed, about 189 killed by whites.

So you've been completely snockered on that story. Whites usually kill whites; blacks usually kill blacks. But notice that if all killers were completely unbiased, blacks would kill whites about six times as often as whites would kill blacks. (because whites are a lot more common) But that's not the case. So if there's bias, it's clearly whites being biased against blacks more often then blacks against whites.

Normally that statistic is kept hidden from the public. Such is life in America. Americans who can afford to do so are moving to the country to get away from the violence.

All you had to do was visit the FBI website to get the truth. You're a sucker only as long as you don't think for yourself. BTW, violence continues to decline in America.


Learn to think for yourself.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Funny how the left this morning demanded that illegal aliens have second amendment rights but "mentally disabled" citizens have no right to it. How to keep the guns out of their hands was the concern. Sometimes it is hard to wrap your head around the nonsense that rolls from CNN.

Never mind that Osama Bin Laden had 3000 people murdered in minutes without firing a shot.


Modern logic dictates that this act makes all homosexuals guilty of murder.

lol, yes - modern logic and media coverage. (same thing i guess) -:greedy:

It would be nice if the media talked about his lifestyle (homosexual pornography and filthy sex toys were found in his apartment by the police after the incident)

and even delved into his childhood to see what brought on this hostility (rape, dysfunctional home, etc.), but then we can't have the entire LGBTQueer movement look bad just because of one bad apple, right musterion?


New member
Is just his paranoid justification. If it wasn't that, he'd have found something else, and killed the same people the same way, for the same reason and a different justification.
how come you conclude that it was just paranoid justification instead of racial hate and anger?
Here is his motivation according to him:
Williams wrote that the Charleston church shooting in June should have provoked a race war: “Why did I do it? I put a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15…What sent me over the top was the church shooting…You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …(deleted)!!!” According to ABC News, he claimed he had “suffered racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work,” that he had “been attacked by black men and white females,” and that he had been “attacked for being a gay, black man.”
The dude wants a race war. I don't see him making any overt threats about the black co-employees who supposedly discriminated against him. As a matter of fact, that very fact that the station hired him, and other black employees seems to damage his case of discrimination based on race severely. The EEOC apparently agreed and dismissed his case. That tends to corroborate that this dude just has a short trigger.

They just happened to be available. And part of the organization that he felt wronged him. Racists will always conclude that everything is about race. But you don't know that.
Seems that is what he is doing, yet you dismiss that he is racist....

Perhaps the fact that they were part of an organization that he thought was persecuting him, was more important than their race. That would be consistent with what we know about him.
Based on his own words this seems to be a hate crime, and he chose to kill whites for racial reasons.
Of course, for some, it's always about race. How sad.
And some only think whites can commit hate crimes.


New member
Racists would like us to believe that. However...

Blacks are less than 13% of the American population. Whites are about 80%. So if a killer was completely unbiased, he'd kill about six times as many whites as blacks.

FBI shows that in 2013, about 3005 whites were murdered. About 400 were murdered by blacks. The same year, about 2491 blacks were killed, about 189 killed by whites.

So you've been completely snockered on that story. Whites usually kill whites; blacks usually kill blacks. But notice that if all killers were completely unbiased, blacks would kill whites about six times as often as whites would kill blacks. (because whites are a lot more common) But that's not the case. So if there's bias, it's clearly whites being biased against blacks more often then blacks against whites.

All you had to do was visit the FBI website to get the truth. You're a sucker only as long as you don't think for yourself. BTW, violence continues to decline in America.


Learn to think for yourself.

Yes, but what is the percentage ratio?


New member
Latino's and Muslims are counted as white. Hmmm, I did not know that. Why then do the Muslim and Latino radicals say the White race must be destroyed?


Race and genetics

Definitions of race are rooted in taxonomic classifications first developed in 18th- and 19th-century Europe. Race has overlapped with a debate about species known as the species problem.

Since the 1960s scientists have understood race as a social construct imposed on phenotypes in culturally determined ways, rather than a biological concept. A 2000 study by Celera Genomics found that human DNA does not differ significantly across populations. Citizens of any village in the world, in Scotland or Tanzania, have 90 percent of the genetic variability humanity has to offer. Only 0.01% of genes account for a person's appearance.

According to Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, "From a scientific point of view, the concept of race has failed to obtain any consensus; none is likely, given the gradual variation in existence. It may be objected that the racial stereotypes have a consistency that allows even the layman to classify individuals. However, the major stereotypes, all based on skin color, hair color and form, and facial traits, reflect superficial differences that are not confirmed by deeper analysis with more reliable genetic traits and whose origin dates from recent evolution mostly under the effect of climate and perhaps sexual selection.
- human DNA does not differ significantly across populations

- scientists have understood race as a social construct imposed on phenotypes in culturally determined ways, rather than a biological concept

- only 0.01% of genes account for a person's appearance

- major stereotypes, all based on skin color, hair color and form, and facial traits, reflect superficial differences

While "race" has long served as an arbitrary means of classifying humanity, it has no basis in science.

Only 0.01% of a person's genes account for their physical appearance!


Well-known member
For the record,
although I think this may have been politically motivated,
and seems to reflect an intent beyond mere violence or uncontrolled anger
(e.g., disgruntled employee, love affair turned sour etc.)
this doesn't look like a simple 'racial' killing at all.

To point out something also in the recent news,
a totally unplanned act of heroism by a black young man with
some street smarts is posted below.

This boy used his head in a dangerous situation to rescue a woman
from a kidnapper and possible murderer:

Malyk Bonnet, teenage hero, saves woman from kidnapping

Poised 17-year-old befriends kidnapper, buys time, calls police
By Steve Rukavina, CBC News Posted: Aug 14, 2015 6:05 PM ET Last Updated: Aug 15, 2015 8:35 AM ET


Malyk Bonnet, 17, poses with Laval police officers after helping rescue a kidnapping victim. (Laval Police)

Laval, Que., police are calling 17-year-old Malyk Bonnet a hero after he went to extraordinary lengths to aid the escape of a woman who had been abducted by her ex-boyfriend earlier this month.
In an interview with CBC Friday, Bonnet said that, at the time, he didn't think of himself as a hero.
"Now I realize what I did and wow ... it's really awesome. I mean, I saved a life!" Bonnet said with a laugh.
On Aug. 1, Bonnet was waiting for a bus to his home in the north end of Montreal after finishing his shift as a cook at a restaurant.
He noticed a couple on the street involved in an altercation.


Laval police intend to nominate Bonnet for a provincial award for bravery. (Steve Rukavina CBC)

"The guy was screaming at her, the girl. He wasn't really gentle with her, and I started watching, because I thought he would hit her, so I approached them a little bit," Bonnet said.
He said the couple asked him for money to take the bus to Laval, and he agreed to get some change at a convenience store and give them some money. Bonnet had a moment alone with the woman, who seemed terrified, he said.
'The girl was saying, 'Please help me. He don't want to let me go. I want to go home but he don't want to let me go,'" - Malyk Bonnet​
Bonnet decided he had to help, and he was already formulating a plan. Even though he lived in Montreal, he told the couple he lived in Laval and would accompany them on the bus.
"My plan was to keep them in a public place, where there's a lot of people. I decided to make myself friendly with the man, so he would trust me. So I played my game," Bonnet said.

Suspect 'very dangerous'

What Bonnet didn't know at the time was that police were already looking for the couple.
"We were looking for a 29-year-old woman who was kidnapped by her former boyfriend earlier that day, and we believed that man was very dangerous," said Laval police Lt. Daniel Guérin.
Guérin said the man had already been found guilty of assault and death threats against his ex-girlfriend last year, and he was under a court order to stay away from her.
Bonnet kept his cool, continuing to talk to the man as they took the bus and then the metro to Laval, waiting for an opportune moment when he could call police.
Once in Laval, he offered to take the couple to a Tim Hortons, and he even gave the man $50 to buy food, he said.
'I mean yo, money ain't nothing. Food ain't nothing. For a life? A life is really more important than my money.' – Malyk Bonnet​
Bonnet's cellphone battery had died, so he pretended to go to the washroom and borrowed a phone from someone in the restaurant and called police, who arrived within minutes.
Bonnet said even after police arrived, the kidnapper didn't realize it was Bonnet who had called 911.
"He was really surprised, he didn't know that it was me," said Bonnet. "So I played my game right."
He said the abducted woman didn't say anything, but he remembers the look on her face when police arrived.
"She was almost crying. She was so happy, so happy not to be with him."
Police arrested the man on the spot. He appeared in court Monday on charges of kidnapping, forcible confinement and assault.


Laval teen on being called a hero

Probably saved woman's life

Bonnet, who is burly for a 17-year-old, said he never feared for his safety.
"The guy was really tiny, so if he had something to do I would kick his ***," Bonnet said.
Guérin of the Laval police said that in 24 years of policing he's never seen anything quite like what Bonnet did.
"He managed the situation very well and took good decisions that probably saved the life of this woman," Guérin said.
'He managed the situation very well and took good decisions that probably saved the life of this woman.' –Lt. Daniel Guérin, Laval police​
Police officers were so impressed with Bonnet that they took up a collection to reimburse the money he had spent for bus fare and food that night. They came up with $255.
"I spent like $120, and I didn't think I would see this money again in my life," Bonnet said.
Police presented Bonnet with the money and gave him a tour of Laval police headquarters Thursday.
For Bonnet, who admitted he's had run-ins with the law before, it was a chance to see a different side of police officers.
Guérin said Laval police intend to nominate Bonnet for a provincial award for bravery.

What a great story about such a brave person. Thanks for posting.
The news always focuses on the bad because it sells. It slants our views so badly. I have to "news fast" at times just to clear the clutter.

Desert Reign

- human DNA does not differ significantly across populations

Significantly is a subjective term.

- scientists have understood race as a social construct imposed on phenotypes in culturally determined ways, rather than a biological concept
Scientists are not the only people who have opinions about race. E.g.:

The current favorite alternative to a genetic explanation is that black kids grow up in a less intellectually supportive culture. This is a testament to how far the race discussion has shifted to the right. Twenty years ago, conservatives were blaming culture, while liberals blamed racism and poverty. Now liberals are blaming culture because the emerging alternative, genetics, is even more repellent.
- only 0.01% of genes account for a person's appearance
Who said that race was about appearance only? You of course didn't bother to quote the part that stated that 6.3% of genes differ across races. That's a factor of 600 times. Talk about exaggeration!

- major stereotypes, all based on skin color, hair color and form, and facial traits, reflect superficial differences
Superficial is a subjective term. And who said that race was about only skin colour, form and facial traits?

While "race" has long served as an arbitrary means of classifying humanity, it has no basis in science.

Only 0.01% of a person's genes account for their physical appearance!
This, like everything you have said above, is opinion only. Wikipedia's own comment:

This section may lend undue weight to certain ideas, incidents, or controversies. Please help to create a more balanced presentation. Discuss and resolve this issue before removing this message. (April 2011)
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New member
- human DNA does not differ significantly across populations

- scientists have understood race as a social construct imposed on phenotypes in culturally determined ways, rather than a biological concept

- only 0.01% of genes account for a person's appearance

- major stereotypes, all based on skin color, hair color and form, and facial traits, reflect superficial differences

While "race" has long served as an arbitrary means of classifying humanity, it has no basis in science.

Only 0.01% of a person's genes account for their physical appearance!

If you are trying to say there is only one race, the human race, then I agree.