- come on guys we can beat Florida!

the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy
Slavery, technically, can be supported by the bible, and people did that, and bragged about that. Today, we think slavery is immoral.
I believe most of them were given wages and God instated laws to protect them from wicked masters. Unless of course you are talking about the Egyptians using the Israelites as slaves.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

So, slavery should be legal?
I'm kind of coming in on the tail end of this but maybe Beanie, or Sibbie, you guys should start a new thread. And then I'll be happy to debate it with you guys... :D :thumb:


just remember, to be discriminating is also defined as "to have and use taste, judgement, insight, critical perception, and discernment." I'm happy to fall into this category. GO TOL!


New member
What exactly will this accomplish?

Were I surfing, and found TOL really high on the list, I would think, "hmm, there's a site of twisted people. It's a wonder they don't wear pointed hats and burn crosses, instead of wearing them around their neck."

That's what confuses me. I can't imagine Jesus walking around Nazareth saying purposefully offensive things, and then saying, "Disciples, I am SOOOOO offensive! I totally piss all people off! It's a wonder anyone talks to me! Aren't I great??"

While Christ was offensive, he was offensive in a heretical way, not in a I'm-a-little-kid-that-smarts-off-to-get-attention kind of way.

Do you really want to compete against Fred Phelps for who's more hateful?


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Doesn't hold a candle to Phelps site, Poly.
That the best you got???
Reach down into your heart.
I'm sure there is some great hate in there that can surpass that of Phelps.

And that's what you should be doing, right?
Showing how much you hate, and wish people dead?


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New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

What exactly will this accomplish?

Were I surfing, and found TOL really high on the list, I would think, "hmm, there's a site of twisted people. It's a wonder they don't wear pointed hats and burn crosses, instead of wearing them around their neck."

Really? Were I surfing and found TOL really high on the list, I probably wouldn't think much of it in light of other entries that include Boy Scouts of America and the movie "Braveheart." That site is obviously ridiculous and no thinking person would take it seriously. Let the fools have their folly.