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Scientists Discover a Secret Ocean Floor

carolus magnus

Emperor of the Known Universe
Years ago I used to get in epic debates with atheists, and others who deny Noah's flood. Many of those debates right here on this forum. One of their favorite challenges was "where did all the water go?", and I'd point out that obviously much of it sunk below the earth's surface. Then they'd retort there is no evidence for that much water under the earth's crust.

Lo and behold, that water has been discovered. Once again Creation Science correctly predicts something old-age geologists denied. As usual, because creation is true.

"Seen previously only in hints, a University of Alabama-led study shows the ancient ocean floor could cover the entirety of the core-mantle boundary."

Scientists Discovered a Secret Ocean Floor Between Earth’s Mantle and Outer Core


Literal lunatic
Reminder that this Creation Science forum does not permit posters who like to come into this section to mock or post blasphemy. Honest debate is allowed, mockery is not.
The water started out beneath the crust. It could not have gone back there after escaping.
So you think it turned into comets flying around in space that's very existence would be a contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics?
Years ago I used to get in epic debates with atheists, and others who deny Noah's flood. Many of those debates right here on this forum. One of their favorite challenges was "where did all the water go?", and I'd point out that obviously much of it sunk below the earth's surface. Then they'd retort there is no evidence for that much water under the earth's crust.

Lo and behold, that water has been discovered. Once again Creation Science correctly predicts something old-age geologists denied. As usual, because creation is true.

"Seen previously only in hints, a University of Alabama-led study shows the ancient ocean floor could cover the entirety of the core-mantle boundary."

Scientists Discovered a Secret Ocean Floor Between Earth’s Mantle and Outer Core
Plus there is evidence that the Earth was once a water world. No land visible!

Three times the amount of water in the mantle that's what's on the surface - wow.

Gary K

New member
Years ago I used to get in epic debates with atheists, and others who deny Noah's flood. Many of those debates right here on this forum. One of their favorite challenges was "where did all the water go?", and I'd point out that obviously much of it sunk below the earth's surface. Then they'd retort there is no evidence for that much water under the earth's crust.

Lo and behold, that water has been discovered. Once again Creation Science correctly predicts something old-age geologists denied. As usual, because creation is true.

"Seen previously only in hints, a University of Alabama-led study shows the ancient ocean floor could cover the entirety of the core-mantle boundary."

Scientists Discovered a Secret Ocean Floor Between Earth’s Mantle and Outer Core
The Bible tells us that "the fountains of the deep were broken up" so the water was always there. It has gone back down below the surface as there have to be pillars of stone holding up the earth's crust as the mantle is not floating. If it is there could be no earthquakes in subduction zones.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yeah. The water inside the Earth now is negligible compared with the water that was there prior to the flood.

Where did the water go? Into great big holes in the planet, primarily the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian ocean basins.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Yeah. The water inside the Earth now is negligible compared with the water that was there prior to the flood.

Where did the water go? Into great big holes in the planet, primarily the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian ocean basins.
What do you think about the heat problem Stripe? Do you buy the HPT that all the excess heat basically blasted out into space? I've been thinking rather that the ocean basins were molten, and constantly vaporized water pouring into them from the continents, driving steam and heat right up into the upper atmosphere where it could dissipate into space, and meanwhile the steam condensed and fell back down as rain. This process could continue until the heat dissipated. I'm thinking about 40 days. But unless God kept the water on the continents (like He made the water to stand up like two walls when Moses parted the sea) this would need a miracle, it wouldn't be a strictly natural event like the HPT.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
What do you think about the heat problem Stripe? Do you buy the HPT that all the excess heat basically blasted out into space? I've been thinking rather that the ocean basins were molten, and constantly vaporized water pouring into them from the continents, driving steam and heat right up into the upper atmosphere where it could dissipate into space, and meanwhile the steam condensed and fell back down as rain. This process could continue until the heat dissipated. I'm thinking about 40 days. But unless God kept the water on the continents (like He made the water to stand up like two walls when Moses parted the sea) this would need a miracle, it wouldn't be a strictly natural event like the HPT.

What heat problem?

The fountains of the great deep were well below freezing.
The continents slid on an almost perfect lubricant.
The water that fell back to earth just came back down from space, where any heat that remained was dissipated.

Have you never held your hands up next to a bunsen burner flame, like so?


Again, what heat problem?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Beware there's a single profanity in this video if I remember correctly. But this heat problem. HPT is mentioned toward the end.
