Scientists baffled by a perfect example of Biblical kinds


New member
gcthomas said:
Not wanting to be picky (heh, heh), but John Morris is not a*geologist. Rather he is an*engineer, like his father Henry, from whom he inherited the Presidency of the Institute for Creation Research. (He was assistant professor of geological engineering University of Oklahoma, and has never worked for an oil company, despite his claims)

If Morris isn't honest about his expertise and background, why do you find his assertions so convincing?
Not wanting to be picky eh? (HA HA)

Ok, so to be precise, John M. Was prof of geology at ICR and has his PhD in geological engineering. (Unlike Henry M. who had his degree in hydraulic engineering).

We can disagree about John M's honesty....just as we can disagree about Darwins honesty. But if we attack the person instead of the argument put forth, its ad hominem fallacy.

And, the reason I find John M's argument / statement compelling is because it is consistent with God's Word and with the evidence.*


New member
JoseFly said:
As you regularly recognize, creationism is a belief and not science.

What I have often said is that both evolutionism and creationism are beliefs about the past...not science.*

Jose Fly

New member
What I have often said is that both evolutionism and creationism are beliefs about the past...not science.*

So if creationism is a belief and not a science, why are "scientists working on hypotheses" about creationism?

And do you understand the consequences of forming entire mountain ranges in less than a year?


Active member
So, we might as well rip those those pages from God's Word? Was God being silly with all the 'begats' and recording the years they lived? Of course God records the genealogies from first Adam to Last Adam for reasons.

Show us an example or a verse from the Bible saying or hinting that genealogy can be used for year calculation.

The genealogies of Jesus Christ are used as human accounts of witnessing that Jesus Christ is a descendant of David, Abraham and Adam, no less and no more. Any other uses of the genealogies are subject to human misunderstanding or improper manipulation.


Active member
So if creationism is a belief and not a science, why are "scientists working on hypotheses" about creationism?

And do you understand the consequences of forming entire mountain ranges in less than a year?

It is simple, it's because what science can do is not unlimited. The scientists are doing their best (or worst) to try to approach a truth under such a limitation. Humans are doing what they can.

Jose Fly

New member
It is simple, it's because what science can do is not unlimited. The scientists are doing their best (or worst) to try to approach a truth under such a limitation. Humans are doing what they can.

That doesn't make sense. Remember, 6days has insisted that creationism is a belief, not science. But then he also cites creationists trying to form hypotheses about creationism.

Those are contradictory.

Greg Jennings

New member
Oh my dear Greg..... you do try hard to defend your beliefs, but it would serve you better to do so honestly.

T-rex is a descendant of the Tyrannosaur (according to evolutionism) and here is what I said. "This article talks about a feathered tyrannosaur and its iconic descendants." The article reffered to them as wierd birds.

The whole belief system is psuedoscience to think a reptile could evolve the many different feather types that each bird has...and then 'morph' its anatomy and physiology then take to the air.*

The evidence best fits the explantion of a omnipotent designer.*

* *"In the beginning God created..."

Sorry, but just because you don't like it doesn't make it untrue.

We know that there were true dinosaurs capable of flight (or at worst, long-distance gliding on air currents). We know that some species were covered with feathers. We know that some had hollow bones, a feature unique to birds but not found in other flying animals like bats (6, I want you to stop here and think hard about why that could be :think: ). We even know that some species had toothy beaks and that therapods are the only animals to ever exist that share hip structure with birds.

Good luck explaining all that away, flat-earther

Greg Jennings

New member
Yo 6days, you never got around to these before. How about now?
Can you find one single non-YEC source that says fossils are only the result of "catastrophic burial." Let's see what they have to say about all those soft-bodied organisms preserved in layer upon layer in the Burgess shale. Do they think those were the result of catastrophic events?

6, I will answer any question you want if you just for once answer this one that I've been asking you and you've dodged every time for months:
Have you ever taken a college science course related to any of the stuff talked about in this thread?
Whether you dodge again or you answer, we'll all know the truth based what you do


New member
Not wanting to be picky eh? (HA HA)

Ok, so to be precise, John M. Was prof of geology at ICR and has his PhD in geological engineering. (Unlike Henry M. who had his degree in hydraulic engineering).

When you present a quote as being from an authority along with academic qualifications to indicate an expert, then it is wntirely to question those qualifications, especially when the evidence is weak to non-existent. It is only an ad hominem fallacy if the hominem was not presented as the main argument.

And in case you didn't realise, geological engineering is not the same thing as geology the science. But I expect you knew that, didn't you?

Jose Fly

New member
If creationism is a belief and not a science, why are "scientists working on hypotheses" about creationism?

And do you understand the consequences of forming entire mountain ranges in less than a year?


Which is one of the reasons you will never be of any value to a discussion.
Ah Stripey, Stripey, Stripey. You quoted me inaccurately. But you know that. As a Christian you should be aware that dishonesty is a sin. Does your god appreciate it when you are dishonest? Some religion you have.


New member
If creationism is a belief and not a science, why are "scientists working on hypotheses" about creationism?
It's not hard to figure out Jose.
Evolutionism is a belief and not science, so why are "scientists working on hypotheses" about evolutionism?


New member
GregJennings said:
We know that there were true dinosaurs capable of flight
Is this your attempt at dodging the fact you were wrong about Tyrannosaur?

And..... are you now trying to move the goal posts AGAIN? Possibly some dinosaurs did fly. Nobody claimed otherwise. God may have created some flying reptiles or dinos.

GregJennings said:
We know that some species were covered with feathers.
I'm not so sure.... you might be right. (I know somw of the claims have been bubious, and / or, proven wrong. But I am sure that no dino ever evolved an assortment of feathers. Its genetically impossible.

GregJennings said:
We know that some had hollow bones, a feature unique to birds but not found in other flying animals like bats
Are you saying that each type seems designed?
By the way..... you seem to get basic info from atheist web sites but have no idea of truth. Do a little research and you will find the "hollow" bones were just certain bones and in certain would appear to be a design feature.

GregJennings said:
We even know that some species had toothy beaks and that therapods are the only animals to ever exist that share hip structure with birds.
Greg... your arguments are silly and naieve. Is homology always used as evidence of common ancestry...or only when it suits the belief system?

It would make sense however for an intelligent creator to use sucessful design features over and over but modifying it to suit individual needs. Ford, Volvo, Mercedes have similar designs...its evidence of intelligence.

And... slightly off topic but your comment about flat earther..... the president of the Flat Earth Society, Daniel Shelton is an evolutionist. Should I note their seems some 'homology' between you and flat earthers? :)


New member
Show us an example or a verse from the Bible saying or hinting that genealogy can be used for year calculation.
Gen.5:3 When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth.6 When Seth had lived 105 years, he became the father of Enosh. ETC.
You can keep going Adam to Abraham and come up with about 2000 years.
The genealogies of Jesus Christ are used as human accounts of witnessing that Jesus Christ is a descendant of David, Abraham and Adam, no less and no more. Any other uses of the genealogies are subject to human misunderstanding or improper manipulation.
Yes.... We see the sin and death problem rooted in first Adam.....and then sin and death defeated by Last Adam. 1 Cor. 15:45. And, as you say we all see how God keeps His promises.



You, however, are desperate to talk about anything but the topic.

We know why.
Oh Stripey, I guess the real question is why do you feel so comfortable being dishonest. Or is dishonesty such part of your personality that you fail to recognize it? I have difficulty making it fit with standard Christian theology and values but apparently it causes you no particular difficulty. Lying for your god appears to be a plus.
Interesting. Sad, but interesting nonetheless.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I guess the real question is why do you feel so comfortable being dishonest. Or is dishonesty such part of your personality that you fail to recognize it? I have difficulty making it fit with standard Christian theology and values but apparently it causes you no particular difficulty. Lying for your god appears to be a plus. Interesting. Sad, but interesting nonetheless.


The record is clear. OP presents an argument that has been expanded on. You have done nothing to defend your precious Darwinism and have instead relied on nonsense like this to move the conversation as far as possible from the examination of the semantics of your religion.

Kind is a clear and well-defined concept, while species is vague and malleable — as evolutionists need it to be. Your word is useless in a scientific discussion.